

Andrea Blake is the daughter of a maid whose life has always been filled with pretence and lies. Well, that's not entirely her fault because she had to live a lie just to cope with the rich students at school. Her mother is a poor maid who is obsessed about giving her daughter the best education in a rich school. To cope with the rich kids there, she decided to lie about her mother's real status, so she won't suffer bully and discrimination by the rich kids at school, but everything changed when the truth was revealed. Andrea was subjected to being bullied and she kept quiet about it. It was a blessing in disguise when her mother decided to leave town, to start a new life in the city with Andrea. Everything would have gone great if her mother hadn't enrolled her in another rich and popular school called JUPITER HIGH. Having no choice and knowing how persuasive her mom was, Andrea began to attend Jupiter high. It wasn't hard for her to make friends because she had lied once again, lied about her status to prevent her self from being bullied. Her lie was going smoothly until someone caught her, a fellow student like herself. Max Winston is the son of a rich conglomerate and he is well known for being cold hearted and unfriendly but everything changed when he caught Andrea and found out her secret. Having been caught, Andrea did her best to please Max  to help her keep her secret. Now the question is will Max help Andrea keep her secret and save her from being bullied once again? What will happen when max's cold heart begins to soften towards poor Andrea? What will happen when Andrea meets someone else who knows her secret?. Find out everything in this love triangle relationship.   

Jane_chioma · Urban
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10 Chs



"Tell me, have we met before" He asked again and I gulped down my saliva.

Does he know some thing I thought as I wanted to cook up a lie

"Never mind! Now that I look at you closely, I doubt that have seen you before" He said and walked off .

I could finally breathe properly when he left, That was a close one I thought as I head back to class.

"There you are! I wondered where you were when I saw your bag in class" Beatrice said as she came to give me a hug.

"I just went to the bathroom for a while" I said to her

"I posted our pictures on my social media page yesterday and guess what?" She asked


"I got a lot of followers and it's all because of you" She said

"Because of me?"

"Yes, Look they really think you are pretty and They want to meet you and so have organised a party in your honour" She said

"What?" I asked

"A party, A party for the beginning of our friend ship and also to introduce you to other wealthy student like our selves" She said

"You didn't have to do that" I said

"But I want to do it and besides it's been so long since have organised a party and I miss doing it, Say you will come, please" She begged

"But I ..... ."

"Is there going to be a party?" Geoffrey asked

"No there is....."

"Of course Geoffrey and you are the first that am inviting" Beatrice said interrupting me

"Yippee!!!!! There is going to be a party guys" Geoffrey called out and every one yelled out

"It's going to happen at my house and so everyone is invited " beatrice said

"And it's going to be in honour Of Andrea" Beatrice said and at that moment Max walked in

"Max will you be coming to the party we are having in honour of Andrea" Geoffrey asked him

"No" he answered as he walk past us and went to his seat.

Just knowing that he won't be there made me feel relaxed a bit

"Just say you will come uh?" Beatrice said as she held my hand.

I stared at Max and saw that he wasn't staring at me.

"Fine, I will come" I said and Beatrice hugged me.

Through the whole class, I kept thinking about the party that will be held at Beatrice place.

What clothe would I wear, How would I behave, This will be the first time I attend a wealthy party, I thought as I lost track of what the teacher was saying

"Why don't Andrea tell us what the capital city of Canada is?" The teacher asked suddenly and i stared at her

"You seem lost my dear? You weren't paying attention right?" She asked

"Yes" I replied softly

"Just answer my question then, What will be the capital city of Canada?"

"I... I .... Don't know" I replied

"You can leave my class, Go and think of what you were thinking out side " She said and resignedly, I went out of the class.

Things aren't going the way it should, I thought.

Should I just say that am sick, I said as I stood by the wall hitting my head on it gently.

What am I going to do at the party, I thought sadly.


"Just wear this! It will be good on you" My mom Said as she picked a beautiful gown for me

"I don't know, Wouldn't it look out of place, I mean it's a party for the rich...oh I don't know, it's best if I don't go" I said

"What nonsense! You will go to that party, It's in honour of you," She said

"Let me skip it please" I begged

"You always stay indoor with me, You hardly go out and have fun, So just go to this one and have a lot of fun, I have a feeling that it will go well" She said

I stood up and began to get dressed, I just hope that it turns out right and that mom feeling that it will go well will surely make it go well, I thought .

Finding Beatrice house was some how difficult because i had to get there using a taxi.

As soon as the taxi driver stopped a street away,I got out of it only to bump into some one

It was a guy all dressed up and was looking quite dashing.

"Oh am really sorry" I said

" Are you blind?" He asked suddenly


"You heard me perfectly! Why can't you just watch before you got out of the taxi, Look at what you did to my shoes, it costs a fortune" He said

"Am sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" I said getting angry myself

"What ever,it's not like you can pay for it, After all you are some one boarding a taxi" He said and gave me a evil smirk before walking off.

I stared after the arrogant guy and wished that I could punched him but by doing that will only waste more of my time.

Quickly I walked the rest of the way to Beatrice house.

Just from the noise, You can tell that there were a lot of people there.

Looking at myself for the last time, I walked into the party and soon I was being introduced to other students from other school.

I was quite shy at first but when I began to get used to the crowd and to the party itself

Beatrice told me she had to introduce me to some one very special to her and I went with her only to stop in my track when I saw who it was. It had to be really embarrassing.

It was none other than the rude guy earlier and to make matter worse, He saw me getting out of a taxi.


