

Her POV,

" Baby Xhavier and Baby Xhaline will be eating,

say ahh" i said to them to eat they're dinner

"Hihihihihi", Xhaline's laugh

" What is baby Xhaxha laughing about?.. say ahh baby" at the same time as her food

After they ate, of course i didn't wash their body first, they still full hahaahhaha


" Babies let's go shower" i said

I taken them both.

OMG! They are so heavy.

My hands can't do it anymore.

" Auntie, is the shower ready?" i asked to Auntie Edita

" Yes, i'll help you there you it looks heavy" Auntie said while laughing

" True Auntie, they gained so much weight hahah" laughing as i said.

End of Prolouge...