
he's back?

dear readers of Babylon academia,

as you may or may not know, i started this story because I saw another one with the exact same premise, but written by a drunk non-english speaking five year old. i thought that was a waste of a good idea, so i unceremoniously stole it and wrote 14 chapters before having to stop due to a broken computer. that problem has since been fixed, and it is probably time for me to continue this masterpiece. however, after due consideration, i have decided i don't really want to. now, before you go drown your sorrows in loli hentai, let me explain myself.

in a few months, I will be turning 18, which means I'll be doing adult shit, such as paying taxes, paying rent, paying health insurance, living alone, and legally banging milfs. this also includes trying to ba a good person, someone that i, my parents and my forefathers can be proud of.

the list goes on, but the point is, i don't want to be a fuckin degenerate. i don't want to be someone that sexualizes 15/16 year old girls, even if they're fictional. i don't want to be the fuckin loser that creates self insert fanfiction, instead of accomplishing something himself. and most importantly, i don't want to be worse that the isekai anime/manga creators I shit on daily, even though they at least create (kind of) original stories, however shitty they are.

this doesn't mean I'll stop jerking off to hentai, just the loli variant. this also doesn't mean I'll stop reading webnovels, watching anime or reading manga, just the shitty kind. basically, as an adult, I'll be setting my actions to a higher standard, and this includes the stories i write out of boredom.

so yes, Babylon academia is no more. if you simply can't live without this short-lived masterpiece, you can continue it if you want. you can even copy paste the first 14 chapters, i don't really care (hit me up if you want to idk if u can copy paste on webnovel due to copyright stuff lol)

but if you are a fan of my writing, fret not. Im currently writing an all new original story, and it's gonna be awesome. it's got everything you want but better (at least, that's the plan). it's gonna be fun, it's called "Rising Sands" and I'll be publishing it on webnovel (of course) under the name "DaoOfPusy". I'm pretty sure it's only got one chapter but who knows how many you'll find (because time, it flows ever unceasingly) you can look forward to that. if it does really well, maybe I'll have it published as an actual book/light novel that i can make money off of it.

finally, anyone reading this, know that each of you makes me sexually aroused.

that's all, take care! sorry for blue balling you! love y'all <3

the best anime arc ever is starting, and it shall be glorious

InfinityPlusOnecreators' thoughts