
Babygirl (18+)

"You're cute when you're jealous." He mumbled against my lips causing my eyes to shoot open and pull back from him. "I'm not cute, Joel. And I'm not jealous." I denied with a scowl and re-crossed my arms stubbornly. He chuckled and started to kiss the side of my face instead. He rubbed my arm up and down with the hand that wasn't around my waist, and pulled me closer to him so that I was basically cradled to his chest while he started to kiss me all over. "Joel." I whined. "Quit it." "But Kai, you're just so adorable. You're my precious little princess, aren't you?" He cooed between kisses, causing my cheeks to flush. "I'm mad at you." I reminded him trying to sound firm but could feel myself slipping, causing my voice to come out as more of a mewl. "Why are you mad at Daddy, babygirl?" He asked softly, and moved to peck my lips again. I gulped. "You know why, now let me up." I tried to get out of his arms but he just held me tighter and continued. "Tell me." He coaxed softly. I whimpered as his lips traveled to my neck and he started to nibble on the sensitive skin. I held back a moan and could feel my body starting to heat up as arousal washed over me. "Princess." He purred against my neck wanting an answer, and then went back to nibbling the skin. Fuck, what were we talking about again?

yeahokaymf · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter three: My little princess

I was walking out of school when I heard my name shouted from somewhere behind me. I looked back and saw Callan running up to me, waving his arms over his head comically looking similar to a frantic cartoon character. I stopped and got into the grass to let him catch up to me, chucking lightly. He was the same height as I was, a 5'7 blue eyed boy with cute wavy blonde hair. He was honestly adorable, though I'd never dare tell him that to his face.

I've know him since freshman year, we were in the same orientation group and forced to be partners during one of the lame activities. I immediately fell in love with Callan as soon as we started talking about our common interests, our top being our shared interest in art. He was majoring in art, while I was minoring and once we found that out about each other, we've been friends ever since. We drew together sometimes, usually when Joel went to work. Joel met Cal a few times and they got along pretty well, so he didn't mind when I hung out with him.

I watched as Callan accidentally bumped into multiple people, shooting them all a quick "M'Sorry!" before continuing his way over to me. 

Once he finally reached me, he tackled me into a bear hug, causing me to stumble back a bit before smiling and squeezing him back tightly. We haven't seen each other in a little while because of the recent break so we were happy to be seeing each other again.

"Nice to see you too, Cally." I smiled and rocked left to right with him slowly. He held on for a second longer before suddenly sagging into me, his breathing slightly irregular from the short run he just finished.

I just laughed at his theatrics.

"You walk too fast." He complained to me pulling away, his lips forming a small pout.

"I'm sorry." I apologized mimicking his pout, and messing up his soft hair knowing it'd irritate him. He swatted my hand anyway and frowned causing me to smile and shake my head at him. 

"What can I do for you, Cal?" I asked, giving him a smile. 

"Oh! Yes!" He said, seemingly just remembering what he was going to say. "Would you like to come over on-" 


Callan stops talking and we both turn our heads to find the source of the shout to see his tall brother jogging over to us. 

Cameron was basically Callan except for older and much larger. They were only a couple of years apart but a lot of people mistook Cameron for Callans dad, which he basically was.

Callan sank slightly next to me and let out a barley audible whine as we both watched Cameron approach. 

"Cammy, I'm-" Callan started, no doubt attempting to apologize for whatever he had done, but cut himself off after looking at his older brothers expression.  

"We'll talk about it later, Cal." Cameron said, his voice coming off as nonchalant.

He gestured for Callan to come closer to him, to which Callan obliged and walked over. Cameron hugged him to his side gently and started to rub his arm up and down. Callan snuggled closer to him slightly, and I cooed at the adorable sight before me causing Callan's cheeks to darken.

Cameron then turned to me and smiled. 

"Hi, Kai." He greeted brightly, sounding genuinely happy to be seeing me. He was always so nice. 

"Hi, Cam!" I matched his politeness and asked, "How are you?" As if I hadn't just seen him a few hours prior.

We had 9:00am Abnormal Psych together, so I saw him every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a couple of hours. We talked quite frequently since I often hung out with his younger brother. 

"I'm doing good, and how are-" 

Callan cleared his throat suddenly, causing me and Cameron to turn our attention to him. 

"I wanted to ask her a question, Cammy." He said in a cute voice turning his big eyes to his brother. 

Cameron chuckled and gave him a quick squeeze. "Go ahead with your question." He told him, kissing the top of his head, producing a small giggle to escape Cal's lips. He then turned to me suddenly, causing me to jump a little. 

"Do you want to come over on Saturday?" He asked energetically.

"We could color again? I got a whole bunch of coloring books that are supposed to calm your nerves or something! We could test them out!" He told me practically bouncing up and down next to his brother with a look of anticipation while waiting for my reply. 

I laughed at his enthusiasm, Cam joining me, and put him out of his misery answered him, "We absolutely need to test those out, your house or mine, Shorty?" 

"We're the same height-" 

His brother cut his off protest by ruffling his hair causing Cal to try and bat his hand away. 

"You can come over to our place again if you'd like, and since we have homework due on Monday we could work on it after Cal gets sleepy?" He suggested with a smile, his hand continuing to mess up Callan's adorable hair, resulting in a small whine from the boy. 

"Yes! That would be grea-"

I jump at the sudden vibration I felt in the back pocket of my jeans.  I pulled my phone out and saw "Daddy 🙈" flash across my screen, indicating that Joel was calling me. I blinked at my phone and then looked over to smile at the two brothers in front of me.

I politely excused myself and turned away to answer my phone. I spotted a familiar Ford Edge a few yards away, waiting in the "no parking zone" in front of campus. I sighed and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hey, Babe. I was just on my way-" I started.

"Who is that?" I heard from my phone. 

I frowned and looked at the car. I couldn't see him from where I was standing, but I already knew what expression he was wearing. 

"Who's who, Joel?" I retorted. "You're gonna have to be more-" I cut myself off when I heard, and could somewhat see the car door opening.

"Wait! Okay! Okay!" I said urgently, a little louder than I had meant.  He got out of the car anyway and looked at me from above the roof of the SUV with an expression that I could see as clear as day. I hurried and replied before he decided to walk over to me. 

"He's in my psych class!" I hurriedly whispered into the phone and looked over to see if the brothers were paying attention. They were talking lowly, but Cameron made eye contact with me briefly before looking back down to his brother confirming that yes, he was paying attention. 


"Come here." I heard Joel suddenly demand from the other end of the phone. 

I gritted my teeth and bit my tongue. I hated when he talked to me like that, it made me just want to start something. But I knew that if I didn't listen to him, he would walk over here, which I definitely did not want. 

I put the phone down and turned back to the cute brothers and smiled sadly at them. 

"Hey, I've got to go, unfortunately something's come up, but we're for sure on for Saturday." I told them and started to walk backward to wave goodbye, and gave them a wide grin. "Bye, Guys!" 

"Bye, Kai!" Callan called back to me and waved his hand rapidly, while Cameron chuckled under his breath and said loud enough for me to hear, that he'd see me Saturday. 

I turned my body completely forward and ended the call on my phone. I looked up to see his heated glare for a brief moment, before it disappeared back inside our SUV.  I groaned loudly while making my way across the front lawn. This was going to be fun. He had never heard of Cameron, so I could just imagine how this was going to go. 

I finally made it to the car and opened the back door to dump my heavy book-bag into the backseat and closed the door. I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself to "stay cool" before opening the passenger door and climbed inside. I closed the door and as soon as I had my seatbelt on, he sped the fuck up outta there.

My eyes turned into the size of basketballs as I look over at him in horror. 

"Joel! Are you out of your-" 

"What's happening on Saturday, Kai?" He asked in a voice that made me shiver. He sped onto the main road after partially stopping at the stop sign, and continued his way to our house. 

"What are-" 

"I better not have to ask you again." He snapped, his eyes glaring out the windshield. 

I exhaled loudly and frowned. "Cameron is Callan's older brother, and we have the same Psych class together so we just wanted to do homework together after me and Cally colored. Why are you being so crazy right now??" I nearly shouted. 

"Do not shout at me, little girl." He warned in his Daddy voice, the little title causing me to clench my thighs together tightly. "You're not going." He stated, and I frowned. 

"Joel are you serious right n-"

"Kai." He snapped causing me to flinch. We were at a stop sign and he turned his piercing gaze to me for a moment before turning it back to the road and continuing forward. We were nearly home. 

I looked at him with hurt in my eyes and could feel tears begin to build as he refused to make eye contact with me. 

I frowned and held back my hurt emotions firmly, and glared at him angrily. 

"I already told them I was going, so I'm going." I snapped at him with my nose wrinkled. "I'm a grown woman, I can do what I-" 

"Oh, so we're back to this, are we?" He replied briskly, tone dark. "I thought you had learned your lesson late time princess." He tsked and shook his head in mock disapproval. He parked the car in our driveway and looked over at me with a patronizing pout on his face. 

"What are you talking about?" I huffed, my frown deepening as I glared back at him with my arms crossed stubbornly, done with his crap today. 

"Who's grown women are you babygirl?" He answered by asking, steadily holding my gaze. 

"Stop it, Joel." I said sternly, forcing myself to maintain eye contact. "I'm not playing this game with you." 

He glared at me for a moment and then turned and got out of the car. He shut the door, harder than necessary and I frowned as I watched him walk around the front of the car. Quickly I opened the door and started to get out before he reached me, but I felt him grab my upper arm. He pulled me along after he shut the passenger door, and I hoped he realized that he was coming back to get my backpack later.  He let go of my arm once we reached the front door and he opened it after turning the key inside the lock.

He let me enter first and he followed and shut the door. We both took off our shoes and set them on the mat beside each other. 

I crossed my arms and turned to him, ready for the argument that was inevitably going to occur.  I wasn't going to be the one to back down from this and I opened my mouth to say as much, but the words died in my mouth when I saw the look he was giving me. 

"Okay, look-" I started to reason but was promptly cut off. 

"You're not going." He darkly told me.

"Yes, I am!" I snapped. I was going to yell at him some more but snapped my mouth closed when he stormed up to me suddenly, startling me. I jumped back and turned to scurry away but his arm wrapped around my waist, prevent my escape, and he jerked me into his strong chest. A small squeak left my mouth as his lips found their way to my left earlobe and he started to lightly nibble on it. 

"You're not going." He whispered lowly, his lips grazing my ear every time they moved. One of his hands went up my shirt and started to caress my back with his fingertips. I bit my lip and desperately held back a moan. 

"Joel." I whined. His big hand meets my ass swiftly and I cried out from the harsh slap, the moan unintentionally escaping from my lips. 

"What do you call me, princess?" He whispered in my ear. I whimpered as he rubbed my ass slowly, and my little lady garden began to tingle. 

I felt another slap land on the middle of my legging clad behind and I yelped.

"Princess." He sang lowly.

"D-Daddy." I hurriedly answered. His fingers trailed south and once they reached their destination, he started to tenderly massage his fingers in circular motions, generating a loud moan from within. 

"Please." I begged. 

"What do you need kitten?" He seductively asked, adding a little more pressure to his fingers. 

"You!" I cried. "I need you, Daddy!" 

"Good girl." He praised, never losing rhythm with his fingers second and third finger. 

"Such a good girl, telling Daddy what you need." He continued and kissed my neck delicately. "My adorable little kitten." He kissed again and then licked. 

He suddenly grabbed me under arms with both of his hands and swiftly hoisted me up, my legs automatically spreading and wrapping around his muscular waist. He kissed and nibbled at the same spot on my neck as he walked to our bedroom, which was down the hall. He sat down on our bed with my legs still wrapped around him, and kissed he his way to my lips. 

He started off slow, painfully slow, by just pecking my lips for a few moments before he finally started to use his delicious tongue. We made out for awhile until he pulled back and looked at me. 

"You're not going." He said sternly, completely ruining the mood. 

Immediately, I try and stand up but he wraps one arm around me and rests the other one on my bottom. I whine and put my hands on his chest to try and push myself away from him, but be just frowned at me and gave me a harsh slap. 

"Ow! Joel, I'm not having this conversation in this position." I whined, struggling once again to break free. "At least let me sit on your lap normally." 

He gave me another slap and started lowly "No, you've known him for quite a while, yet I'm not hearing of him until today? And by accident?" He continued on, with heavy displeasure in his tone. "You no longer have the option of deciding when and where we have this conversation. That decision is now up to me Princess, and we will be discussing it right now." 

I whimpered, his gaze making me want to hide under my blankets but decided to instead, hid behind my hands. I felt hot tears begin to form in my eyes and I fought them off the best I could, refusing to cry, knowing that if I started I probably wouldn't be able to stop.  My period was approaching.  I heard him sigh and he stood me up and then pulled me back down and onto his lap properly. My hands were still over my face, a few tears having had escaped from my eyes 

"Kai." He said calmly. 

I sniffled and put my hands down onto my lap and laid my head on his shoulder. I pulled my legs up and basically curled up onto his broad chest. He wrapped his arm around me securely, and leant against the cushioned headboard. Once he was comfortable he started to rub my shin soothingly and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly spoke. 

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at the unexpected apology. "For what?" I asked confused. 

"I was jealous and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a big meanie and make my sweet little sad, could you ever forgive me princess?" He asked with a pout on his voice. I smiled looked up at him and kissed his puckered lips. 

"I forgive you Daddy." I answered, happy that this was over so quickly. I scoot off his lap but pause when he tightens his arm around me.

"However, there is one exception if you choose to associate yourself with him." He notified looking at me with a serious expression. 

I scowled.  "What's the stupid exception?" I demanded with a huff, completely annoyed with his antics. 

"Do you want to be spanked kitten?" He asked me darkly, apparently as displeased with me as I was with him. "This is the last time I warn you about your attitude today." He warned me with a glare, causing me to bite my lip. 

"Yes, Daddy." I responded obediently. 

"Now, are you ready to hear the exception?" He asked.  

"Yes, Daddy." I once agin replied, and mentally rolled my eyes. 

"I will always have to be there." He stated briskly. 

"DONE!" I shouted, doing a little victory dance while still sitting on Daddy's lap. 

I was planning on asking him to come with me anyways so Daddy and Cameron could become friends. They both reminded me of each other, and when I mentioned this to Callan he excitingly agreed with me. So naturally, Cally and I planned a whole "parent trap" bit and everything. 

So we just basically wasted a lot of time. 

"Okay." He slowly said, narrowing his eyes at me in suspicion.

I laughed and kissed his nose, choosing to explain it to him later. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.  

"I love you." I sighed into him and I felt his arms wrap around me in return. 

"I love you more." He whispered close to my ear. 

I shivered.