
Chapter 60: Li Yang is Captured

"You're right about everything, how can we break the curse?" Yang Daji wiped away tears and asked Mianmian.

Thinking of fortune-telling and saving people before, and the water accumulated in the little porcelain bottle, Mianmian said seriously, "Start doing good from now on. Don't make ill-gotten gains, just earn money with a good conscience. You should also apologize to the old lady and help fulfill her wish."

"If you do good deeds, you'll dissolve the malevolent forces on your body. Then you will have a baby, and your dad's health will gradually improve."

Yang Daji was stunned, "Is it really that simple? Don't we need to repair any Divine Statue for the gods?"

He had been a non-believer before, but he heard from business people that you need to spend money for repairing the Dharma Body of Buddhas in Buddhist temples, and for deities in Daoist temples, and so on. There was a lot to it.