
Chapter 500: Don't Catch Mianmian's Good Friend

The notice also provided an explanation, saying that the kidnapper holding Gu Youyou hostage was actually a girl from the theatre. It was only because she could mimic a deep voice that it sounded so gruff.

Beyond that, there was an additional point. The children would receive psychological counseling afterwards to ensure they weren't scared by this "drill". It was also compared to "fire drills" and "anti-abduction drills" at the kindergarten, to highlight the necessity of such exercises for the audience.

The viewers had no more comments!

At first, when the criminal suddenly held Gu Youyou, with a weapon in hand, they were genuinely frightened. Who knew that the next second, a notification popped up in the Live Broadcast Room, emphasizing that this was a stage play from the survey vote, designed to test whether Little Auntie's medicine was effective!

[Director Hu is really good at messing around, even his crew got fooled by this trick.]