
Chapter 297: Treasure Box Reward


The soul had dispersed, spreading like a wisp of smoke.

Mianmian landed on the ground from the midst of the smoke, her little face bearing the pride that should be there.

The thunder she summoned was no ordinary thunder, easily killing a few Ghost Kings was just a piece of cake for her. However, this talisman was an exceptional performance during her learning process, and she could not draw a second one. Having used it here, there would be no next one.

Xuying had been waiting to hear Mianmian cry out for help, but what it saw was all the evil spirits turning to ashes.

It felt a pang of heartache!

If it had known earlier, if it had known that this child still had such a killer move, it would have absorbed those evil spirits first. At the very least, it could have fed on the malice to satisfy its hunger and elevate itself.

Now, in its attempt to teach Mianmian a lesson, not only did it fail to do so, but it also ended up losing more than it gained.