
Baby: Secret of Love

Jenny Rome's life has never been calm with the attitude of Alexander Rome - her Dad, which according to her has crossed the line of reasonableness. She didn't know what it all meant, even Alex often sneaked into Jenny's room and did things he shouldn't, forbade her to get close to any man, couldn't go alone, and always forced Jenny to follow him, all his words. Then, what will happen next? Will Jenny be able to escape all the treatment from Alexander Rome, who incidentally is her Dad?

Sarah_Eve30 · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Jenny chose to sleep. She had read a lot of books and of course the activity made her sleepy.

It's already 10pm and that's right because it's time to sleep.

When she had closed her eyes, it was seen there that the door to her room was wide open. Of course Jenny slowly opened her eyes again, but she didn't turn towards the door.

Jenny also felt that her bed was shaking a little. It means someone has been sleeping behind her at the moment.

She had indeed locked it but it felt useless because Alex also had other spare keys for all of these houses.

Jenny felt the man's hands begin to hug her from behind. The girl was silent for a moment. However, she felt at ease when the man had hugged her like this.

Jenny came back again to feel different things. The man brushed back the hair that was covering her neck. Instantly she felt Alex's kiss that had grabbed her neck at this time. In fact, he was also seen sucking it in there.

Jenny then fell silent and tried to stay calm. This all is always used to happen every night. She hadn't even been surprised before.

Jenny also chose to sleep and after that she felt that her bottom was starting to be touched by Alex's fingers. She didn't care about that. Better for her to sleep and get ready for tomorrow, even if tomorrow is a holiday.


Time has shown 6 o'clock in the morning. Shee tried to open her eyes. You can see the window is wide open.

She smiled and after that got up to sit down and collect all her soul first before going to clean her body in the morning, or exercise later.

As usual, if Alex had sneaked into her room to fall asleep, in the morning she would not be wearing her clothes again. Look, this morning her body was only covered in a thick blanket.

"Ah, this must be Dad's doing again who always massages my body parts," Jenny muttered, smiling. She didn't even feel heartburn anymore in that part of her stomach since yesterday.

When Jenny had put on all of her clothes, you could see the door wide open again, there apparently was the figure of Alex who was still not wearing his top this morning. Of course, he didn't even get ready for work because today was a holiday.

"Morning," Alex greeted then and after that he entered the girl's room.

"Morningx Alex," said Jenny later. As usual too, Alex was seen kissing Jenny's forehead and cheek after greeting her in the morning. This is a very common thing for Jenny.

"Why are you back in your pajamas?" asked Alex at once.

"I want to go take a shower, or maybe I'll work out first" Jenny muttered then and after that saw Alex who smiled broadly.

"We have sports tomorrow. Now, I have a meeting at the office, maybe lunch this time will be late for us. That's fine, isn't it?" Alex asked then while gently stroking Jenny's black hair.

The girl looked at him. He saw two beautiful hazel beads staring at him too "No problem, I can wait."

"I'll be back as soon as possible and don't eat out. Remember, don't go anywhere while I'm not home, understand?" Alex said and saw Jenny who nodded obediently.



After reading two novels this morning, Jenny felt very bored. She can't even make many friends at school. Of course, every school, several bodyguards have guarded her in front of the classroom door. Of course that made the whole school in an uproar and also flattered Jenny that she was a rich kid. But, all that is not her desire, at all.

It was Alex who made all of that into a scene. She had deliberately kept very tight guard against Jenny since she was little. Jenny admitted that her Dad was indeed extraordinary in taking care of her. In fact, several teachers also had time to say compliments about Alex. I don't know, but according to him the compliment is included in the feeling of attraction for him.

"I don't want to have a Mom like my teacher. They're just looking for easy targets, they say," muttered Jenny with a chuckle. She was imagining if Alex really wanted to get married and after that they would always live happily. But, of course Jenny still feels curious about who is the lucky woman to become Alex's wife and also her Mom later?

"I'm sure if the woman from last night was one of the candidates, or not at all?" Jenny muttered at once and after that she heard that her cell phone was ringing.

Jenny took it and there was an unknown number. Jenny frowned because so far no one had ever contacted her, let alone using an unknown number like now.

She glanced at the gold wall clock and it was still not lunchtime yet, there were still two hours left, maybe she could take this call without fear. Her Dad came and sneaked into her room to check her cell phone again.

However, Jenny also took the time to close the door of her room and immediately received the call quickly.

"Hello, Jenny?"

Jenny rolled her eyes. Yes, he knew whose voice it was. She is Kevin, a basketball team leader at her school who has been trying to contact her lately.

"Hi Kevin."

"Sorry, but why do you always block my cell number? You know, I even bought a new number just for that. But, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to know how you are now. Have you recovered?"

Jenny was silent for a moment. Recover? Did he mean heartburn every morning? Or was it because of the reason her Dad gave yesterday to the school because Jenny couldn't come to school yesterday? Maybe yes.

"Um, of course. I'm back well."

"Glad to hear that. By the way, your dad is fierce too. He even blocks my number all the time. I'm sure it's all his doing."

Jenny didn't answer even though it was all very true. But, it doesn't feel good either to talk about all that to Kevin. He didn't really know the man. Remember, he also should not trust anyone other than his own family.

"Jenny, are you still there?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry, the signal was cut off earlier. What's wrong, Kevin?"

"Thank you. Actually I really wanted to talk to you more. Can I pick you up for dinner today?"

Jenny was silent for a moment. Of course not. Even before he asked about it with Alex.

"I.. I don't know, I don't know. For that, I have to ask permission and discuss everything with my Dad first."

"Hm, no problem, let me ask your Dad's permission, how about that?"

Jenny was silent for a moment. She felt that the idea was not a good idea, but on the one hand it was not a bad idea either.

"Could you pass on your Dad's cell number? I'll ask permission with him to take his daughter to dinner today. I think your Dad will agree then."

Jenny smiled, maybe she could give it a try, "Okay, I'll send my dad's number after this."

"Sure, I'm waiting for it. After that, prepare yourself because we have a beautiful evening ahead for today."

Ah, just hearing it made Jenny impatient. She likes the atmosphere of the night, especially in a park. The atmosphere is very calming, she feels the night is a good time to start thinking creatively.

After the call was cut off, Jenny immediately sent Alex's cell phone number to Kevin via their text messages.

Jenny smiled and hoped that everything would go well. Kevin is a brave man so far. Only that man is still trying to contact him.

"Hopefully Father will give us permission," Jenny muttered then and smiled.
