

Love and affection

Joel_Boniface · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight

In a twist of fate and an unusual atmosphere, Hunter found himself sitting across from Clarice, trying to act innocent as he probed whether she had yet confessed to Anton about the father of her child. As they conversed over lunch, Clarice couldn't look him in the eye, feeling conflicted about the impending confession.

Clarice was hesitant to reveal the truth to Anton, as she had always intended to raise the baby alone. Even Hunter had urged her to tell him, which added to her inner turmoil. She couldn't understand why she had agreed to lunch with Hunter when she should be discussing her future with Anton.

Feeling empowered, Clarice questioned Hunter's motives for inviting her out. She reminded him that she was pregnant with another man's child, hinting at his responsibility as the first person to know about her pregnancy. Amidst her fluctuating emotions, Clarice leaned close to Hunter, playfully suggesting that they shouldn't be too close, lest people suspect their connection.

Hunter's heart raced, realizing he saw Clarice as the most important person in his life right now. He felt a newfound sense of responsibility and care towards her. As they left the restaurant, Clarice appeared tired, lost in her thoughts. Hunter felt the need to support her and research healthy foods for her pregnancy.

In the car, Clarice revealed her intention to tell Anton about the baby at an upcoming pre-conference ball. Panicking at the thought of losing her, Hunter attempted to confess that he was the father, not his cousin, but he couldn't finish his sentence as Clarice dozed off.

Unable to resist his feelings any longer, Hunter gently kissed Clarice's cheek and whispered in her ear that he was the father of her baby. However, she was too exhausted to hear his words. Determined to reveal his secret when she was fully awake, Hunter anxiously awaited the right moment to confess his true feelings to her.
