
Baby's Amazing Twist Of Fate.

Kara is a woman who has the underlying interest of being a mother. She kept this secret for so long,not even her father who is a General knew about it since he wasn't the type to care about females or more like their family hardly have anything to do with females. Her mother on the other end,died when giving birth to her since giving birth was even a probability,her mother had what is called ENDOMETRIOSIS which leads to painful mental cycle when when her mother was alive and it only stopped when her mother became pregnant with her. This same dilemma was passed on to her by her mother and now the thought of ever getting pregnant and carrying her own child was something she consider that it will never happen,so getting married was out of the league for her because the one precious thing to make her husband happy was like a life line or 50/50 chance. But one day changed her story Some months back,Kara made a trip to Caribbean were she met with a young business man named Vince Vario. She had the intentions of staying for a month for work related issues. They both became friends and before the day of his departure,they had a one night stand were no contraceptives and birth control was involved because Kara believed that she stand no chance of being pregnant. But after weeks of her return from Caribbean they never had each others contact since what they had was just fun. Not knowing that her life will completely change their encounter,she found out that she wasn't feeling too well,she took her medicine thinking is just the same illness starting up. But then it persisted so she visited her doctor and he told her that she was two weeks pregnant,she didn't believe so she opt for a pregnancy test which came out positive. And now she is prepared to keep it weather or not the baby grew up with a father,and besides she doesn't want to ever meet him again and even though the do, she has no plan of telling him because of fear of him rejecting the baby and not caring about it... WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW THAT VINCE VARIO IS BACK, WILL SHE TELL HIM ABOUT THE BABY...

Joy_B1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Sperm Donor

 Vince became angry not because Kara did not tell him but because he didn't want to become a dad just yet ,maybe after many years.

 " Are you sure that the baby is yours?",

 Ben asked looking at Vince who has some veins showing up on his forehead.

 " seven ago,Kara and I met at Caribbean, I was on a business trip then. I met Kara at the bar and we became friends,then at the became intimate. We're spoke about this back then,but I have no doubt that the baby is mine, am I right Kara?",

 Vince explanation really showed that he might be good detective, his reasoning is good, but his smartness is in a whole new level. Way too smart for anyone to deceive.

 " Vince is the father of the baby ",

 " you're sure about the month",

Ben asked narrowing his eyes and Kara became tired of answering his questions.

 " if you don't believe me, I will take a maternity live soon and I was planning on telling you about it on our discussion"

 Kara said and made a mental note of informing Hailey,Theresa and Tina before something like this repeat it self.

 Ben left without another word,it took about two minutes before Vince could look at Kara talk more of looking at her.

 " Its about time we leave isn't?, now that you are eating for two ",

 Kara knew that Vince was angry about the whole thing, she would have to think of a way to explain;

 " Vince,.."

 " we will continue this talk somewhere else, I do not wish to speak to you that way ",

 Vince said anger lame in his voice;

 " am not going out,at least not with you looking like that ",

 Kara said but Vince face remained the same,still unsmiling and rigid, Vince asked;

 " what's wrong with my face or how I looked?",

 Kara sighed and decided to think of another way.

" Just close the door and say whatever you want to say, nobody is going to hear what you are saying, they've been enough surprises today ",

 Kara said hoping that he will oblige and he did;

 " like I said earlier,I wanted to tell you about it on her discussion, but then telling you does not mean I want anything from you, I just thought that you should know",

 Kara said and Vince scrutinized his eyes;

 Things are becoming bad, did Kara use Vince as a sperm donor without him knowing, did she desperate about having a baby or did she do it because of her dilemma.

 "You said that you were using pills,that's there's nothing to worry about,.. Where you stopping me from using protection?",

 Vince said and Kara had a sorry face on;

 " Am sorry, I was only desperate to have a child ",

 " So you are trying to say that you used me to get pregnant, I was a sperm donor",

 Vince said in a sober voice,Kara on the other hand fiddle with her fingers.

 " I have reason for doing that, they might be unimportant to you but they really do matter a lot to me",

 " I know I was wrong but if you would let me explain the....

 " you don't have to ,.. you knew I wasn't ready to be a father ",

 Vince said looking so frustrated;

 " you are making a mistake,.. I didn't see it as the fact that you will be the father but as..

 " A sperm donor ",

 Vince helped her complete her sentence and Kara had to take a step back because the tone in which he used scared her.

" am sorry,but then I love this child more than anything ",

 " I need to go cool my head because if I continue to stay here, what might happen we both will regret it",

 Vince said then turned around to leave. The moment the door closed,Kara immediately slumped on her chair that was behind her.

 She knew that Vince wasn't a woman beater but then his words might do the beating instead,so maybe its a good thing he did..


 When Vince was finally able to clear his head,his mind went back to their earlier conversation.

 Kara loved the baby but the method in which she use to get it was really uncalled for and drastic.

 " what could her reasons be ",

 Vince thought staring in to space. She already had problems with the pregnancy. Could his response or reaction be a threat to the baby?

 The baby was his responsibility and his to protect even though he has chosen not to be a father.

 Some minutes later, Vince decided to Kara's office but unfortunately she left quite early that day and he wondered if it was his fault or she had other things to do.


 Although she left earlier than as usual, she was able to eat lunch with Hailey,There's and Tina, she had also used that opportunity to tell them about her pregnancy and what happened that day. 

 Of course, the three friend were both shocked, surprised and also happy for her, at least it will help stop or reduce the symptoms and also give her what every mother hoped to have, A Baby!

 " you mean you were able to hid this from me, maybe that Vince guy transmitted some of his trait to you during you guys make out ",

 Hailey had said exaggerating during their lunch and the fellow women laughed.

 At least they understand her,but the problem now is for Vince to hear her out while she explained.,.,.,.,

 Light were shining in Kara's house and the smell of burning wood filled and drifted across the neighborhood.

 Although it was in a peaceful setting but there's nothing peaceful about her state of mind.

 Few minutes later,the door bell rang and the door pushed open.

 " Kara!!",

 Vince called and Kara turned around with her eyes so red apparently from excess crying.

 At that point, Vince didn't know if he was happy or excited about the state he found her in, but he knew he felt peace of mind the moment he Saw that she grieved over their argument.

 " I want to know your reasons,. Make me understand ",…