
Babe, You'll Be Mine

Turning thirty is like a big sale at the meat market. You have to go on a discount before someone starts considering you. And that's not the only problem Evonne Willard has to deal with, because right now her biological clock is ticking and she realizes that one morning she might wake up with white hair and a walking cane as her only companion. So to soothe her problem, Evonne has resolved to have a baby. Enter Ulysses Bloembergen, the man that possesses all the traits Evonne has ever wanted in a mate: tall, hot, smart, and an overall gentleman--all the perfect genes for her baby. All she has to do now is ask him nicely to donate a little sperm so she can conceive. But damn Logan Bloembergen-- Ulysses's smart-mouth, no-good cousin with the title of number one Casanova in Malaysia--has to come stirring up trouble. And now, under the influence of hormonal imbalances, Evonne finds her craving for a baby might not be enough, for she is beginning to crave the love of one of these men. Excerpt: When the door opened, a naked torso faced Evonne. Not just any old torso, but a hot, muscled, six-pack naked torso. She blinked and blinked, and then she blinked some more. She couldn't understand why a grown man would be wearing a towel, just a single white, fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, to answer the door. He was leaning against the doorframe, one hand supporting his tall, lean, muscular body that, Evonne noted, any female would want in her bed, including her. Not that she'd bedded any male, of course, since she was still a bloody virgin, for Lord's sake.

fatoum · Urban
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84 Chs

Part 71: You’ve been drinking

For now, though she needed to get out of this predicament. But the more she struggled within his arms, the tighter he held her.

"Is my little Lorddess pretending to struggle to heighten our mood?" Logan asked when he felt his mysterious Lorddess struggle within his arms, his voice slurring a bit, altering the resonance of his speech.

Why is Ulysses being like this? Evonne thought. No, she didn't want to sleep with Ulysses just for the sake of getting his sperm. She was planning for him to donate via artificial insemination, not through live sex.

She simply couldn't imagine herself sleeping with anyone if not for love. Logan's pupils were a black whirlpool beneath the moonlight, heated with nothing but the desire for her.

Lord, she looked so beautiful. He couldn't help himself, but pinned her to the wall, imprisoning her within his arms and kissing her hungrily. Evonne could feel those lips crushing onto hers, tasting her, pulling her into a trance then sucking out her entire soul. Her knees felt weak and her heart felt like it was about to explode.

This kiss, it felt so familiar. Suddenly, an image of that Lothario kissing her on that fateful night of her date with Lia popped into her head. Those lips, the way he moved around her, felt so similar it scared her.

Wanting to erase that image from her mind, she clung to Logan's neck tighter, draping her body closer and sealing her lips once more to him, allowing him to indulge in his carnal pleasures.

Where was this intense desire coming from? Logan never acted like a crazed animal before. He was always the one in control of their game, the one who was always leading, but for this particular Lorddess, his mysterious Lorddess, he was at a loss. And it wasn't just his behavior that was affected.

It was also his body's responses to her. She was so beautiful and enchanting that he found it hard to take each breath. Finally, he pulled away, watching her under the thin light of the moon.

Her long, purple-pinkish hair played with the night breeze, some even flirting with his face, as if to caress his cheeks, wanting to know how he would react to its teasing.

It was very hard to distinguish her features in the darkness, but with the low beam of moonlight providing just a thin sheath of light, he was able to see her delicate swan neck and succulent pouty lips he had just ravished.

He so wanted to see his mysterious Lorddess again. The image of the silver in the bar somehow didn't do justice to this beauty of a Goddess in his arms right now. Suddenly, standing before him in his mind's eye he could see Evonne, the Apple, staring at him with her large midnight eyes molten with desire, mirroring his.

No! No! No! His heart thumped faster as if in a desperate race to cross the finish line. It couldn't be. His mysterious Goddess was most definitely, definitely not the Apple. She was the silver woman from the nightclub. It was her. She had planned and coerced him to come here so they could play their game together.

It was just his mind conjuring up images of that Apple because she had been the constant subject that had plagued his mind since the last time they met. Logan gave himself a mental shake to dispel the image of Apple.

He wanted to fill all his memories with this mysterious Goddess. He didn't want to think about someone else. Then he felt this sudden overpowering need to caress her cheek, to prove to himself that she was the real thing, that his mysterious Lorddess was going to be all his for tonight.

"This isn't how I want it." Evonne struggled to maintain her speech after that intoxicating kiss, but it was very difficult, as Logan's hug was crushing her. And then it hit her. His scent. "You've been drinking."

"Yes, I have," Logan spoke with so much passion while one of his hands moved to caress that soft, supple cheek that shone so beautifully in the moonlight. "I thought you didn't want me, so I drank a bit too much," he confessed.

Then like a moth to a flame, so attracted to that swan-like neck of hers, he parted a few strands of her hair that cascaded to her neck and sealed his lips onto that pulsating beat, making his Lorddess suck in her breath. She was so alluring, so captivating that he was going insane.

"Do you want me too?" Evonne heard Logan ask, his lips so close they nipped at the tip of her ear, one of her most sensitive spots. She could feel the pounding of her heart. Thump, thump, thump.

She had to control herself. So Ulysses wanted her. Why didn't he say so in the beginning? Was this her opportunity to ask him about his sperm? It was now or never.

"But I do want you... well, your sp—" Evonne was about to confess when Logan cut her sentence short by capturing her plump lips and indulging in his hunger for her once again, drinking in her sweet nectar to sate his sweet craving.

She was intoxicating, all that sweetness, like a flower dripping with syrup, and he was the bee. "That's all I need to hear," Logan whispered huskily near her ear. And then he carried his mysterious Lorddess like a bride to the bed. He promised himself he would make it a night neither could ever forget.