
Babe, You'll Be Mine

Turning thirty is like a big sale at the meat market. You have to go on a discount before someone starts considering you. And that's not the only problem Evonne Willard has to deal with, because right now her biological clock is ticking and she realizes that one morning she might wake up with white hair and a walking cane as her only companion. So to soothe her problem, Evonne has resolved to have a baby. Enter Ulysses Bloembergen, the man that possesses all the traits Evonne has ever wanted in a mate: tall, hot, smart, and an overall gentleman--all the perfect genes for her baby. All she has to do now is ask him nicely to donate a little sperm so she can conceive. But damn Logan Bloembergen-- Ulysses's smart-mouth, no-good cousin with the title of number one Casanova in Malaysia--has to come stirring up trouble. And now, under the influence of hormonal imbalances, Evonne finds her craving for a baby might not be enough, for she is beginning to crave the love of one of these men. Excerpt: When the door opened, a naked torso faced Evonne. Not just any old torso, but a hot, muscled, six-pack naked torso. She blinked and blinked, and then she blinked some more. She couldn't understand why a grown man would be wearing a towel, just a single white, fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, to answer the door. He was leaning against the doorframe, one hand supporting his tall, lean, muscular body that, Evonne noted, any female would want in her bed, including her. Not that she'd bedded any male, of course, since she was still a bloody virgin, for Lord's sake.

fatoum · Urban
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84 Chs

Part 69: Someday she knew she would have her baby


Where is he? Evonne wondered about James, standing alone on the balcony of the Night Love Hotel room, with only the moonlight to light the darkened room.

James had told her specifically to wait in his friend's bedroom with the lights off for a few minutes while he and his Korean friends went to get some midnight snacks, promising her they would then all go to the Varina together to view the beauty of Queenstown at night from the high mountain above.

But why must she turn off the lights? He said she should take this time to view the immaculate beauty of the city during the dark. And it was true. Here on the sixth floor, the view of Queenstown was so enchanting it took her breath away. Queenstown was a little town in Central Otago of the South Island of New Zealand.

The town lay embraced by many majestic mountains, shrouded with forests from all sides, most of it pine trees. Then nestling right in the middle of their arms was their very own exotic jewel, Lake Wakatipu, a fresh, crystal clear lake where one could see the freshwater fish swimming around if one were to look close enough. These forests hid their most prized jewel, their lake as if waiting and teasing for the world to find it.

And the world did find their precious jewel, as hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world flocked to this little town each year, just to feast their eyes on their exotic lake and the serene beauty that seemed to enchant the eyes, be it in summer when the flowers all bloomed to their full beauty like a maiden ready for her lover to come and pluck her, winter when the whole town transformed into a winter wonderland,

including the peaks of the mountains with a casting of white icing sugar, spring when the buds of plants called out to the bees to collect their nectar, or autumn with the golden-yellow leaves carpeting the entire floor, making the whole town look like the land of gold glitter in the autumn sun.

Their prime season, though, would be winter when the snowflakes were still fresh atop the peaks of the many mountains that entertained the tourists with their many extreme sports like skiing on these, buggy jumping, and skydiving. The strong wind sent a little chill up her spine, but she didn't want to go back inside the room yet.

This town was too enchanting to let go. She wanted to marvel over it a bit longer. Perching herself on the edge of the railing, she saw the many tourists milling around Torque, the high-class nightclub next door.

They reminded her of tiny ants waiting in line to deposit the food they found during their search. In the faint distance, she could hear the disco music floating up to her level and the sounds of people laughing.

They seemed to have so much fun, unlike her with her uncooked soup of dilemmas, what with being thirty and wanting a baby, but more specifically, wanting Ulysses's sperm. Someday she knew she would have her baby… and that sperm. Yes, she made it her mission when she got back to Auckland to get that sperm.

Maybe ask for him to sell it to her. She had enough funds. If that didn't work out, she could always go back to the fertility clinic and ask for a consultation again. So there. She didn't have to be down. Like James said: Always be positive.

This was Queenstown after all, the land of freedom, inspiration, and revitalization. She was alive, she was breathing, and that's all that mattered. Anything else could be dealt with tomorrow. Tonight, no more baby thoughts. Tonight they would be going to the Varina. Yes, the Varina. She couldn't wait to see the full town from above.