
Azure Star Trail

Adrift in the depths of the sea of stars, they do not know when it will end! The search for a new home might be like a dream, but they didn't give up because of it, instead they swam against the current and became indomitable pioneers. Even if the civilization is overthrown, a new one will rise out of the ruins.

cou_Cou · Sci-fi
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45 Chs


 There was also this moment when Su Bai had 10,000 MMPs inside.This ground was so scary! He wanted to go back underground so badly! The old man really didn't lie to him!

 Of course, it was just a thought, he couldn't go back at all, the entrance to the area he originally stayed in was in the rich area, and it was the area of B area close to A area.

 Just at this time, a group of heavily armed soldiers walked in with many physicians wearing protective suits.

 A captain in the lead shouted, "All of you listen, for the sake of everyone's safety, all of you will be subjected to a full body examination, I hope you will cooperate, this is an extraordinary time, if you don't cooperate, we have the right to execute you on the spot."

 After that captain finished speaking again, he turned to all the team members and said.

 "Protect the physician."


 With that, the physician began to pick up the instruments and examine them one by one.

 The people standing within the squares stood up one after another to cooperate with the examination.

 It seemed quite normal.

 However, it didn't take long, but at once, when one of the physicians inspected a refugee, the instrument in his hand immediately emitted a piercing alarm.

 The refugee revealed a panicked expression, his body continuously retreating backward.

 The soldiers following the physician immediately went up to frame that refugee.

 "Help! Let me go!" The refugee shouted in panic.

 Unfortunately, it was of no use, and was still dragged out unceremoniously.

 There was a commotion in the originally quiet quarantine area! Uneasy expressions surfaced on many people's faces.

 Some even tried to escape, but unfortunately just ran out a few steps.

 A few soldiers immediately rushed up and directly knocked them down in three or two strokes! By the way, they rewarded them with a few kicks.

 "Be quiet! If you are not honest! I'll be rude!" The captain in the lead roared in annoyance.

 At once the agitated quarantine area gradually quieted down.

 Just then a squatting refugee seemed to be stimulated and suddenly went berserk and pounced on the refugee next to him and bit him!


 The out-of-control refugee was instantly killed!

 "Drag it away!" The captain indifferently waved his hand.

 Seeing this, Su Bai's entire body was stunned, and then looking at the soup in the bowl, the originally fragrant hot soup seemed to have become tasteless, of course he knew what these people were doing!

 After every fae invasion, basically there would be an outbreak similar to the spread of the plague, because many survivors would be infected by the viruses on the fae or be subjected to strong radiation to produce mutations.

 So it was important to respond in advance.

 Su Bai watched the examining physician getting closer and closer to himself, and also became more and more uneasy, he kept recalling his previous memories to confirm whether he had been touched by those corrosive liquids or not.

 Before Su Bai could think about it.

 There were just three soldiers with a physician whose appearance could not be seen in a protective suit walking up to Su Bai.

 "This guy is the one who escaped back later, key inspection object."

 Hearing this, Su Bai felt even worse.

 The physician picked up a black rectangular instrument and started sweeping downwards at Su Bai's head, and took out a document and started filling it out.

 Immediately afterward, he pulled out another square box.

 "Stretch out your hand." The physician issued a very crisp voice, and should be a very young girl.

 Su Bai stretched out his hand with some trepidation.

 "Hurry up! Don't dilly-dally!" The soldiers next to him were a bit impatient.

 The young female doctor picked up the square box and pressed it on Su Bai's palm.

 Su Bai felt that his palm was pierced for a moment and subconsciously retracted his hand, which was pierced with a small opening in the center of his palm.

 After that the physician picked up the square box and kept operating it on the front screen.

 Su Bai and the soldiers all looked at the young female physician.

 He really wanted to spit out, "Big sister, you're not a newbie, are you? Playing me like this? It will kill people.

 Su Bai's heart was like riding a roller coaster.

 The female physician coughed a bit somewhat embarrassed and said, "It's like this, this person is not infected, I'm just curious about the basic resistance he measured, it's much higher than ordinary people, I'm thinking about what's going on, is it an error."

 "This?" Those soldiers pressing Su Bai looked at each other awkwardly.

 Su Bai shivered and didn't dare to say anything, although he was wrongly accused of purely lying down, but opening his mouth at this time would not be good.

 Eventually the two soldiers let go of their hands and took a step back to say to the female physician.

 "Trouble next time to say directly to understand, it is easy to produce misunderstanding."

 "Oh, okay! Sorry about that." The female physician nodded back in shame.

 "Let's continue then." The soldier politely said back.


 Seeing them finally leave, Su Bai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally dodging another bullet.

 Inside the brightly lit office in the administrative building of the Dragon City Center.

 Han Wei listened to the summarized results with an expressionless face.

 A competent short-haired middle-aged woman held a document and reported with clear regulations.

 "The clearing of invading fae in D6 area has ended, of course, we can't rule out some fae hiding inside the underground pipes, but the removal rate can basically reach more than 99.99%."

 "The damaged area of D6 has reached one-third of the area, with a total of 23,212 deaths and 53,621 injuries, resulting in a flow of refugees reaching 430,000, all of which are currently housed in the temporary isolation zones of D5 and D7."


 At this time a sound of footsteps came from the corridor.

 Han Wei raised his hand to interrupt the secretary's report.

 The short-haired middle-aged woman naturally retreated to the side with the documents.

 The doorway of the office was pushed open, and Zhang Lingyue walked in, straightening her salute.

 "Lord Hanwei."

 "En! Do you want to see the general summary table of this incident?" Han Wei asked indifferently.

 "No need, I've already seen it, the losses are heavy."

 "Then what do you have to say." Han Wei's sharp eyes met Zhang Lingyue's four eyes.

 "The soldiers below who carried out the orders were not at fault, the only ones at fault were the commanders, I've already sent all the officers in command this time to the trial court, I think the trial court will give a fair and reasonable result."

 Hearing Zhang Ling Yue's words, Han Wei was also a bit surprised, all of them were sent to the trial court, to know that behind every officer there are more or less some figures.

 But this result Han Wei was satisfied.

 "For this operation, how many officers did you lose in total?"

 "Co-defense personnel, 2,102, ordinary soldiers, 752, Dragon Teeth Unit, 63, and Sector G-Sharp Blade Squad, 4." Speaking here, Zhang Lingyue's eyebrows moved slightly.

 Han Wei slowly stood up and said.

 "Dragon City's funds have always been tight, after this incident, you should know very well that the pollution from repairing D6 alone is an astronomical figure, the pensions for the fallen this time will be borne by your military department itself, and not a single penny will be missing, this matter will end here."

 Hearing Han Wei's words, Zhang Ling Yue, who had been very calm, suddenly felt that her breathing wasn't quite smooth, and she couldn't help but reach out her hand to undo the collar opening of her coat, the topmost button, and said back in a low voice.

 "I see!"

 Han Wei waved his hand slightly.

 Zhang Lingyue made a salute and turned to walk out.

 When Zhang Lingyue left, the secretary at the side inquired doubtfully, "Lord Hanwei, is this good? If the Ministry of War were to completely take on the pensions this time, it would be a considerable expense."

 "One always needs pain to grow a memory, of course this is not directed at Zhang Lingyue." Han Wei returned indifferently.