
Chapter 1: The Conscience Clinic_2

This is a cardinal rule that every assassin from the Heavenly Judge organization must ingrained in their hearts when they join the group.

In another world, it may seem absurd for an assassin organization to represent justice; but in this world, it is an undeniable reality.

Of course, not all assassin organizations are like this.

However, Heavenly Judge is indeed such a force for good. Furthermore, this force has existed for an immeasurable amount of time, and it is one of the dominant powers of this massive continent.

No one knows where the headquarters of the Heavenly Judge is located or who its top leaders are.

Yet, many things about the Heavenly Judge are known to the world, such as the fact that there are no strict requirements to join the organization, as long as you adhere to its code of conduct. Even if you're a beggar incapable of fending for yourself, you can still join.

As long as you can complete missions, solve your targets, you can earn what you need to survive, whether it's money, food, cultivation techniques, or cultivation resources.

The first iron law of the Heavenly Judge is: "Life and death are predestined, we bear no responsibility."

This phrase is uncomplicated and very easy to understand.

Death is just that - death. Once you die, you're no longer affiliated with the organization, and there won't be any consolation or other assistance.

Even so, the existence of an organization like Heavenly Judge presents a new choice for many people who have no means of survival.

A choice to survive.

What other choices do you have when you can't survive?

Isn't having another way out a good thing?

In such a survival-of-the-fittest world teeming with Demon Beasts, every step is a matter of life and death, fraught with risks.

Unless you are in places protected by powerful nations that enforce strict laws, the life or death of the weak can only rely on the elusive fate.

Or, the mercy of the strong.

Surviving by mercy, luck, and alms.

In such circumstances, the weak who venture into the mountains to collect herbs would only dare to gather common ones. Even if they discover a spiritual herb, they dare not touch it.

Because taking action may bring a fortune, but it's also likely to bring about a catastrophic disaster.

Those who hold rank without virtue invite disaster; those not suited for wealth will encounter bad luck.

These aren't superstitious beliefs, but harsh realities, human nature.

And also the current situation of this continent, An Ping.

How ironic.

"An Ping!"

This turbulent and chaotic world has such a peaceful name. The majority of the populace living here are far from peaceful and even their daily survival is uncertain, let alone an easy life.

Every adult surviving in the wilderness has experienced countless trials and tribulations, life and death situations.

Feng Yin turned out to be one of the lucky ones - even though everything he went through could be described as disastrous, he... he survived after all.

Surviving itself is the epitome of luck!

Moreover, without any disabilities... it's like having the favor of God!

From the first day this pitiful transmigrator arrived, he'd been an ordinary drifter on this continent.

Petty theft, fraud, robbing, begging, going green-eyed with hunger after three to five days without food...

This was a routine thing.

Until one day, he heard of the existence of the Heavenly Judge organization.

He was nine that year and it was his second year since he transmigrated.

He realized that this might be his chance to change his own destiny.

More than a year of begging and a life of destitution had long made him abandon all unrealistic fantasies.

One day, he cut his wrist with a sharp rock, collecting half a bowl of fresh blood, and dropped it into a jade bowl in front of the altar of the Heavenly Judge Temple.

This is a necessary procedure for anyone wishing to join the Heavenly Judge organization -

"Swear by my heart's blood, witnessed by Heaven's Path, guided by destiny, hereafter equal to Heaven."

Note, it's equal to Heaven, not the Heavenly Judge.

The Heavenly Judge gives you an equal chance among all beings.

Of course, whether you can evenly divide the world afterwards... that's up to you.

He then received a white badge made of an unknown material.

"Heavenly Judgment"

Also known as the 'Heavenly Judge's Decree' among those in the martial arts world, it is an exclusive token of the Heavenly Judge.

Don't underestimate this command token. It contains connections and vast amounts of information from all over the world.

All mission assignments from the Heavenly Judge need to be accepted from this token.

Rewards are also received from the token.

Later, he was surprised to find that Wang Laosi, the local bully in the begging district, was on the hit list. Even though he was at the very bottom of the list, all the information was entirely consistent.

Even his face was there.

His first target was almost determined at the very beginning!

The Heavenly Judgment evaluation: 'Wang Laosi, beggar chief; ambitious and ruthless, has frequently stolen children and broken their legs to force them to beg, trades young girls, forces innocent women into prostitution; has caused thirty-one families to fall apart. His crimes should be punished, his sins are unforgivable.

Order the Heavenly Judge's executioner to kill him, to report his actions to the heavens above and to satisfy the common people below.

Mission Level: Card.'

The Card level mission is the lowest level in the mission levels of the Heavenly Judge.

But Feng Yin estimated that he... might not be able to handle Wang Laosi, or at least not in a straight-on fight. He would have to rely on his wits.

It was the same day when Wang Laosi fought another person for territory and lost badly. He was seriously injured and barely managed to escape to a secluded corner, where he was struggling to survive.