


“Well, your mother might not be in this mortal realm, but she is not exactly dead either.” She says whilst getting up and approaching with her palms clenched.

“What do you mean?” I say as I jump to my feet. I saw my mother get killed before my very eyes, what sort of sick joke is this?

“Exactly what I said” then she blows a handful of a mysterious brown powder in my face. I instantly drop to the floor and pass out. What is it with people and throwing random powders in my face?

I wake up, and I am back at the river bank with my weapons right beside me. I decided to look around just in case this is another memory I am just reliving, but to my relief, it does not seem like it is. I stamp my feet and do a random set of movements, very different from what I did the last time I remember being at this particular riverbank, and I am able to perform them without any restriction.

I sit and try to gather my thoughts, trying to make sense of everything that woman has told me.