
Azur Lanes: The Guided Missile Battleship Ship

Howard_Nichols · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Shadows of Conflict

-Chapter 2: Shadows of Conflict-

-Date: One month after JS Yamato's Arrival-

-Time: 8:30 am-

A month had passed since JS Yamato (BBG-01) made its enigmatic appearance in Azur Lanes. Life on the base had settled into a rhythm, with Yamato at the helm, guiding the ship girls from Eagle Union and the Royal Navy. She had embraced her legacy, adopting the name Yamato, a connection to both her last name and the legendary IJN Yamato.

However, tranquility shattered on this day, reminiscent of the show. The Sakura Empire, assisted by Siren ships, launched an attack on Azur Lane's base. Ayanami, in a scouting mission like in the show, discovered the unknown battleship—JS Yamato—bearing the flags of Eagle Union. Unaware of the ship's true power and the return of Amagi, Ayanami reported her findings.

The night before the attack, Yamato, as she preferred to be called, had slept beside Amagi and Belfast. As dawn broke, Belfast, a head maid with a sense of duty, woke up at 8:30 am. Gently kissing both Yamato and Amagi to avoid waking them, she left the room.

Yamato, however, found herself in an empty room upon waking, and her connection with Amagi inexplicably altered. Amagi's voice echoed in her mind, explaining that her wisdom cube had put her In Yamato wisdom cube for some reasion.

As the attack commenced, Yamato rushed to the window in the bedroom, witnessing the chaos outside. She noted Amagi's idle rigging had vanished from sight, further confirming their hidden strategy.

"It has to do with the attack. my wisdom cube knew it was going to happen, and if what we're seeing is true, then I am hidden in you so that the sirens do not know I am back. It is protecting me from them again," Amagi's voice resonated within Yamato's mind.

In the midst of the attack, the sudden appearance of Admiral Yamato shocked both her and Amagi. The captain's uniform materialized, replacing her usual attire, a manifestation of the transformative power within her.

Admiral Yamato's officer clothing, adorned with admiral ranks, materialized as if summoned by the will of the wisdom cube. In her consciousness, Amagi remained protected, guided by the enigmatic powers of the cubes.

As the Siren and Sakura Empire attack unfolded, Yamato, now clothed in her admiral attire, swiftly joined the fight. With determination etched across her face, she ran towards the chaos, the urgency of the situation evident. On reaching the dock, she leaped onto one of the main guns of her idle rigging, a strategic move to garner the attention of everyone present.

With a commanding voice, she raised her hand and head to the sky, her body undergoing a transformation. Two fox-like ears and nine tails, the unmistakable features of a Kitsune Fox, emerged while she retained her officer clothing with admiral ranks. In a resolute tone, she declared, "Clear the skies immediately, for this is Azur Lane's airspace, and no unauthorized aircraft are permitted."

In response to her words all 96 Mark 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) on her idle rigging opened, revealing 384 RIM-162B Evolved SeaSparrow Missiles (ESSM). Swiftly, the missiles launched into the skies, their trajectory aimed at the incoming Siren and Sakura Empire planes.

As the missiles soared, they obliterated the attackers, clearing the skies and minimizing further damage to the base and the shipgirls anchored in the bay. On the docks, Cleveland and the shipgirls protecting the base observed the spectacle. Unfamiliar with the advanced weaponry, they assumed the missiles to be of Iron Blood origin, a misconception Enterprise swiftly corrected.

Walking up to Cleveland, Enterprise clarified, "Before any of you ask, those missiles are not of Iron Blood origin. They're from the United States, part of the Eagle Union. 84 years have passed differently in Yamato's world, meaning that weapons have developed to the point that missiles like that have been made. There are 96 cells in total, with 4 RIM-162B Evolved SeaSparrow Missiles in each cell, totaling 384 missiles that we are seeing."

As the truth sunk in, Enterprise cast a knowing glance towards the distant Admiral Yamato, who stood atop her idle rigging, the Kitsune Fox features fading away. Meanwhile, in a separate dimension, Akagi and Kaga, unaware of the unfolding events at the base, continued their assault, their wisdom cubes intricately connected to JS Yamato.

As the skies cleared and the threat subsided, Belfast, sensing the origin of the Siren and Sakura Empire planes, rushed to Yamato. Embracing her tightly, she relayed the information she gathered. Enterprise, who had also hugged Yamato, sensed the presence of Amagi within the wisdom cube, a connection that transcended the physical.

"Belfast, what do you know?" Yamato inquired, her eyes focused on the unfolding situation.

"Bearing 215 degrees, approximately 20 kilometers away, we detected a massive energy signature. That's where the Siren and Sakura Empire planes originated from," Belfast reported, her tone conveying both urgency and concern.

Feeling the weight of the information, Yamato made a swift decision. "Prepare a team. Enterprise, Cleveland, Unicorn, Javelin, and Laffey, you're with me. We're heading to the source of this attack."

Belfast, with a nod, watched as Yamato took charge. The team assembled quickly, each shipgirl understanding the gravity of the situation. Enterprise, Cleveland, Unicorn, Javelin, and Laffey stood beside Yamato, ready for the impending confrontation.

With a determined look, Yamato addressed her team. "We're going after Kaga and Akagi. Whatever they're planning, we won't let it harm Azur Lane. Let's move."

The fleet set sail, their ships cutting through the water with purpose, Ayanami, having escaped the base before the attack, sailed with a fleet of 20 mass-produced Siren ships. Unaware of the events at the base, they pressed forward, guided by their own objectives.

As the waters churned beneath them and the skies above held the promise of conflict, Yamato's team sailed towards the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The chapter continued with the anticipation of the impending battle and the mysteries that awaited them on the horizon.

The fleet sailed into the unknown, drawn towards the origin of the Siren and Sakura Empire planes. On the deck of the Enterprise, Yamato stood next to the ship that had watched her grow. Her idle rigging, the JS Yamato, remained hidden within her wisdom cube, a powerful force ready to be unleashed.

As the team approached the adversaries—Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami, Yamato stood tall on the Enterprise, her presence emanating authority. The Sakura Empire fleet, aware of the large ship but ignorant of her name or shipgirl identity, prepared for the encounter.

The moment arrived as the two forces faced each other. Yamato, standing on the Enterprise, took the lead. "As the commander of Azur Lanes. Identify yourselves," she declared with a stern gaze, awaiting the response from the 1st Carrier Division.

Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami stepped forward, introducing themselves in turn. Kaga, composed and disciplined, expressed her dedication to the Saku.ra Empire. Akagi, passionate and charismatic, shared her love for the wind and cherry blossoms. Ayanami, silent yet determined, introduced herself as a destroyer with a purpose.

Yamato, now understanding her adversaries, began her introduction. "I am Admiral Alima Yamato, commander of Azur Lanes. We protect this world from threats, and I won't let your actions harm it."

As the tension mounted, the battle began. Yamato, with a swift jump to the right of Enterprise, descended from the flight dack, landing on the water's surface. Behind her, the JS Yamato emerged, transforming into her formidable rigging.

Yamato, surrounded by the power of her ship, faced the Sakura Empire trio once more who were shocked at the size of the ship. "I am Admiral Alima Yamato, the commander of Azur Lanes and Shipgirl of the JS Yamato, BBG-01. Now let this be a lesson, our bonds are unbreakable, and we will stand against any threat."

The skirmish unfolded, with missiles and projectiles filling the air. Yamato, in her powerful rigging, led the charge, determined to protect Azur Lanes from the forces that sought to disrupt its peace.

The battle raged on, the clash of shipgirls echoing through the mystical sea. Despite Yamato's determination, the tide began to turn as Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami unleashed their formidable powers. In a pivotal moment, Kaga's rigging transformed into a large, awe-inspiring five-tailed wolf.

The sea seemed to respond to Kaga's power, and the atmosphere intensified. The wolf, a symbol of strength and cunning, embodied the might of the Sakura Empire. Kaga, now infused with the spirit of the wolf, exuded an aura of dominance.

Yamato, standing resolute on the water's surface, observed the transformation with a measured gaze. The stakes were higher than ever, and the battle had taken an unexpected turn.

Kaga, with newfound power, addressed Yamato. "Our resolve runs deep, and the bonds within the Sakura Empire are unyielding. Witness the might of the five-tailed wolf, an embodiment of our strength."

As the colossal wolf circled Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami, the battle reached a critical juncture. The azure sea bore witness to the clash between the unyielding forces. Yamato, undeterred, prepared to face the unleashed power of the Sakura Empire.

In a breathtaking moment, Yamato's form underwent a remarkable transformation. Two fox-like ears and nine tails materialized, becoming a permanent part of her being. Her rigging, too, took on the appearance of a larger 9-tailed Kitsune Fox, radiating an ethereal glow. The power that surged through her was undeniable, a force that transcended the boundaries of conventional shipgirl abilities.

Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami witnessing this transformation, were struck with awe. The azure sea shimmered with mystical energies as Yamato stood adorned with the features of a mythical Kitsune Fox. In this state, her power was unmatched, a testament to the legacy she carried.

Akagi, unable to conceal her surprise, exclaimed, "How is this possible? Sakura Empire ships are the only ones with the ability to transform into animal forms!"

With a calm and commanding presence, Yamato responded, "I am JS Yamato (BBG-1), a Yamato-Class Guided Missile Battleship, the modern iteration of the IJN Yamato Yamato-Class Battleship, a battleship and leader of the same class. I am the older sister, and my capabilities exceed the norm."

The revelation echoed through the mystical sea, leaving a profound impact on the Sakura Empire trio. The 9-Tailed Kitsune Fox, an embodiment of Yamato's newfound power, leaped forward with unparalleled grace and struck at the 5-Tailed Wolf.

In the midst of the ethereal clash between Yamato's 9-Tailed Kitsune Fox and Kaga's 5-Tailed Wolf, a separate battle unfolded on the outskirts. Ayanami, distinct from the 39 shipgirls connected by wisdom cubes, engaged in a fierce struggle against Javelin and Laffey.

The night sky witnessed the swift maneuvers and dynamic exchanges between Ayanami, Javelin, and Laffey. Their movements echoed the well-known patterns from another realm, a reflection of the battles they had shared in a different reality.

Ayanami, with her crimson eyes, focused and determination etched on her face, weaved through the attacks of Javelin and Laffey. The familiarity of the combatants hinted at a shared history, one that transcended the boundaries of the mystical sea they now found themselves in.

The mystic battle reached its crescendo, the clash of powers echoing through the realm. As the skirmish between Yamato's 9-Tailed Kitsune Fox and Kaga's 5-Tailed Wolf intensified, the inevitable conclusion drew near.

In a stunning turn of events, Kaga found herself wounded, the consequences of Yamato's relentless determination and the prowess of the 9-Tailed Kitsune Fox. The azure sea bore witness to the ebb and flow of the ethereal confrontation, each shipgirl embodying the strength of their respective factions.

Yamato, with her mythical form, stood resolute as the victor. The 9-Tailed Kitsune Fox, its tails elegantly swaying, symbolized the triumph of Azur Lanes over the forces of the Sakura Empire. The wounded Kaga, acknowledging defeat, retreated alongside Akagi.

However, the conclusion of the battle marked the beginning of a more profound conflict. Akagi, with a sense of foreboding, declared a war cry that resonated through the mystic sea. "This battle is not the end, but the beginning of a war! The Crimson Axis, with the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood, stand united against Azur Lanes, comprising the Eagle Union and Royal Navy!"

With those words, the sky above them transformed into a cascade of Sakura petals, a visual testament to the unity forged among the Crimson Axis. 

The Sakura petals gently descended, marking the end of the mystical battle in the realm of Azur Lanes. As the air settled, Yamato stood on the water's surface, her 9-tailed Kitsune Fox form now a permanent and majestic addition to her being. The azure sea reflected the glow of her newfound power.

Amagi, Enterprise, Javelin, and Laffey approached their expressions a mix of relief and admiration. Amagi, appearing five minutes after Kaga, Akagi, and Ayanami had left, embraced Yamato with a love that transcended the boundaries of familial ties. Enterprise joined the embrace, forming a bond that spoke of years spent watching over Yamato.

As the trio held Yamato in their arms, Amagi whispered words of assurance. "You've embraced your true form, my love. Your body is now a complete ship girl, the embodiment of our legacy." The warmth of the moment lingered for three minutes, a precious pause in the midst of uncertainty.

Unbeknownst to them, back at the base in the Commander's office, four wisdom cubes pulsated with energy. Each cube held the potential to summon Musashi and Shinano, the little sisters of JS Yamato (BBG-1). The dormant cubes awaited the call that would bring forth these formidable ship girls.

With the embrace concluding, Yamato, Amagi, Enterprise, Javelin, and Laffey boarded the JS Yamato, setting course for the base. The sea breeze whispered tales of battles yet to unfold, and the mystic realm held secrets that only time would reveal.

The chapter concluded with the ship girls sailing toward the base, unaware of the dormant wisdom cubes and the impending arrival of Musashi and Shinano. The journey continued, and the destiny of Azur Lanes in this mystical world remained uncertain, shrouded in the echoes of Sakura petals and the lingering magic of battles past.