
Chapter 106 Commercial Law


A cold January wind blew down from the highlands in the west, passing over the warm Mexican Valley, dry yet bearing a slight chill.

Xiulote pulled his wide priestly cloak tighter around himself as he slowly made his way toward the Priestly Temple. In the Texcoco Lake District, the early mornings of January hovered around 10 degrees Celsius, but by the sunny midday, it was a comfortable and pleasant 20 degrees.

Along the way was the grand market of Tenochtitlan. The slight cold could not dampen the enthusiasm of the crowd. With New Year's festivities just days away on January 12th, nobility and commoners alike from all around had started flocking in. The main city's market was a sea of people, with at least thirty thousand engaging in trade. In the North City, the scale of commerce was even more astonishing—sixty thousand people.