
Azora's Paradise

Azora being the only daughter of Mr Miller , one of the biggest billonaires in the city . Her life takes a big turn when everything gets taken away from her . Few years later , she sets to bring every man to the sole of her feet . Shawn comes into her life as her employee , will he bring her to her waterloo, and get the goddess stuck in the web of love , or will his ugly past linked to her surface once again?

C_Yi · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Training begins

*Two days later*

Maurice had already brought Azora's luggages from the hospital to her and left for the Miller mansion .

It was going to be a beginning of a fresh start for Azora, this was the first time she had a real mentor , she had to work hard to impress her , or better still become her.

"Mom! Who's she ? And why is staying in our here mom?", Diego asked .

Diego was the one and only child and son of Madam Larissa , she eventually had to spoil him with her wealth and also teach him values with them , she was indeed a cruel woman to males but that didn't make her hate her son .

Seventeen year old Diego was the dream of every female ,and Diego misused the opportunity to get benefits from the girls who drooled over his handsome, gentle and manly look.

When Azora first saw him , she brushed past him like he was invisible , but not his eyes did the opposite , he was caught by Azora's alluring beauty and physique .

"Oh you mean Aphrodite.... Sorry I mean Azora "

"I mean who's the female that just joined us yesterday mom", Diego answered calmly .

"She's Azora , my new business trainee "

"But mom isn't she too young for business , she should be in college or something "

"I have no answers for you Mr D. , all I know is that she'll be staying for about three months and thats it , so make her feel at home ", Larissa said as she went to answer a call.

Diego heads immediately to her room to talk to her

*Knocks on the door*

Azora opens the door from the inside and greets Diego.

"Good day , did Madam Larissa send for me ?" , Azora asked in a polite manner .

"Well not really hun, my mom told me we had a new visitor and I had to make her feel at home ", Diego let out a smirk .

"Ohh... I see , you are her son, thanks very much for checking up on me , I really appreciate it ", Azora said smiling .

"So how is your stay going? Do you have body ache issues from the new bed , bug bites or anything at all , I can help out ", Diego said as he used his hands to trail through the exposed part of her body .

" I...I'm alright , no worries at all , thank you once again ,you can leave now ", Azora as she shut the door hard on Diego .

Diego angrily headed for the kitchen and instructed all the staffs to empty it .

"She shouldn't have done that considering how much I admire and want her , I certainly don't take no for an answer , she'll be mine and mine today ", Diego lamented as he dished out some food in the serving plates.

He sprinkles a substance on the food and quickly calls on a different servant to send it to Azora.

*Thirty minutes later*

Diego returns to Azora's room door as he sees the servant return with an empty plate.

*Diego knocks on the door again*

Azora opens the door without hesitation again.

"You again ! Why are you here ?", Azora yells viciously at Diego .

"I'm really sorry for my actions Azora , I know you might have felt offended as I was touching you inappropriately , I never intended to , please forgive me ", Diego begged with tears in his eyes .

"Look im really stressed out right now , so come sit inside and explain why you did it ",Azora said as she dragged him and staggered into the room.

The substance seemed to have already started having an effect on Azora , Diego knew it was his time to strike , but he wanted her to ask for him , the drug would eventually do its trick.

Diego sat on her bed and stared at her .

"Now explain with your eyes closed , your staring makes me dizzy dumb head ", Azora said as she tried to control the movement of her legs .

Diego did close his eyes eventually ,the drug had already taken control of her , Azora couldn't control herself or her words either .

"Look Azora from the first day I saw you i really liked you , you're beautiful , and sexy and hot , you're all I want in a female , I'm madly inlove with you , so let me prove it to you my love", Diego said in a calm alluring as he took steps towards her .

"And if I refuse ?" ,Azora asked giggling.

"Won't you want to see how manly I am Miss Azora ", Diego teased .

Azora unbuttoned her top and threw it to the floor leaving only her short skirt on .

"Give me a break , all your baby bragging is making my body heat up ."

Diego was stunned at what he saw , she looked like a little cute lady with clothes on and a hot stripper with none .

His eyes were concentrated her frontal , he felt like eating it up , but its size made him too delirious to move.

"Ohh ...grow up man wont you come have a taste and stop staring , infact I'll leave , im sure one of the servants would be brave enough to have me "

Her words immediately broke Diego's day dream as he ran to the door in order not to let her out .

"Oh so the bad boy finally woke up ",Azora said as she headed for the door .

Azora pulls off her skirt and climbs Diego with one of her leg and presses a kiss on his lips

Diego holds her leg tight and makes the kiss deeper, the breaks it as his eyes meets her bulging out boobs again.

He uses his nose to kiss her boobs and leaves saliva on it with his tongue .

Azora frees herself from him and whines her behind closely to his third leg till she feels a vibration.

Diego jacks Azora and throws her to the bed .

"Now watch me take charge of my lunch baby ", Diego said as he began to off her panties

Azora let's out a flirtious giggle and raises up her upper body to kiss him again.

Diego uses his nose and lips to kiss her below.

"Can i dig in hun"

Azora nodded smiling as she widened her leg open more .

Diego inserted one finger in and Azora let out a sexy moan.

"Put in the next finger , then after that , put your motherfucking third leg"

Diego giggled intensely at her words , the drugs drove her nuts or he merely brought out the baddie in her .

He was about to follow her order when his eyes caught the boobs again , he had an obsession with boobs , everything else could wait .

Diego had to meddle with the boobs now. His eyes went round it a few times and the next thing he saw was his hands firmly placed on them.

"I'm coming to that my lady , I want to have a little drink before that"

He stuck his mouth to one of the nipples and sucked on it like his life depended on it .

"Arrrgh ....." , Azora couldn't help but moan loudly to her defense.

Her hands which were caressing his back soon set its claws and dug into his back.

Diego was about to retreat from the act due to her claws but her moaning kept him going .

"Arrggh....d...don't stop, suck faster "

Diego now understand the claw was only to draw him closer and soon found himself leaning more inwardly to her.

Azora felt something coming close in between her legs and pushed him off her boobs.

Diego became perplexed at her action, he didn't want to believe the drug wore off so quickly , not when they already got to the best part .

He closed his eyes tightly and begged the heavens for the drugs to finally knock her out.

Diego felt his undies sliding down his waist , his eyes popped open the moment he felt a firm but soft hold on his third leg.

"Omg did she just....."

Diego's thoughts were cut short by Azora's messy tongue play with his cock. She caressed it so gently .

He knew what she was about to do next , but wondered how it would fit in her innocent little mouth.

"Um", Azora sounded out as her widened mouth placed a hold around his cock .

She proceeded in letting the whole body enter fully .

This was no less than a miracle to Diego , not only did she succeed in getting it deep in , she also handled it like a pro and gave it the sucking of its life.

If at all he lied to her .

He didn't lie about one thing

He hadnt seen or come across a girl like her .

Diego was still lost in thought about her behavior .

"Is this the effect of the drug or was she really horny , or did the drug in turn bring out this hidden side of her , or..."

Diego's thought was cut short by Azora's intensive sucking.

He felt something almost driving towards the cap of his cock.

"Omg...I'm about to cum Azora."

Azora didn't listen to his words , she continued sucking even faster.

"I'm Cummings Azora , I'm..."


He had littered all over her face with cum.

"Do you like it. ", Azora said smiling as the white substance ran down the sides of her mouth.

"I loved it .", Diego shouted like a kid who just got a lollipop.

*A crash of glass is heard at the direction of the door*

Larissa couldn't believe what she saw , the same girl who was determined to buy her father's properties , able to have the audacity to engage in such a treacherous act with her son .

Azora stood up from her kneeling position and stared weirdly at Larissa , her legs were still able to stand up straight .

Azora let out a hearty laugh .

"Oh Madam Larissa you're here already , I really wanted to meet you earlier but Diego came to keep me company , I'm having a lot of fun , please come join us , he tastes really nice ." , Azora said letting out a laugh at every pause .

Diego quickly put up his pants and turned his face away from Azora .He knew the worse had just began.

Larissa was all red, the fact that the teenage girl still left her perking out boobs and totally naked body stirred up her anger more.

She knew what was going on there , she already understood what her son had done , she quickly left the room and locked the door from the outside.

"Ouch....my head hurts , Diego your mom is quite rude you know, but you're simply sweet , I ....."

"Shhhh , Azora enough ! We're in so much trouble now , what the heck am I going to do , I swear mom will kill me today , Azora put on some clothes now!"

"Baby , what happened , first Larissa and now you , why are you both tensed up , let's continue having fun , I super wet , dont you want to have a taste?" , Azora said as she jumped back on the bed and spread her legs open.

"No Azora, please put yourself together , my mom is furious and I feel she's about to do something terrible to us both."

Azora immediately stood up and engulfed Diego in a kiss .Diego was tensed but he couldn't refuse her naked body .

Diego didn't realize when he was fell on the bed with Azora , the next thing he knew his tongue began rolling in her clit .

"Argh.... S...suck it all up ", Azora kept moaning loudly as she tightened her legs hold on Diego's neck .

*Door clicks*

Diego roughly threw Azora's legs and jumped up from the bed.

It was Larissa and she was well equipped this time , with a bucket of ice water and a covered tray.

Diego was determined to run away but Larissa stuck to the door like glue and stared furiously at Azora .

He noticed his mom drop the tray on a table but still held the bucket of water , he didn't care about the temperature, it just couldn't near his skin he thought.

He left the middle of them and stood by the middle right.

Azora still persisted in making sexy gestures towards Larissa.


Larissa threw both the ice water on Azora's body .

"Arrrggghh....w...why?", Azora said crying out .

She began shaking like she were in the north pole.

Larissa cared the least about her scream, she opened the tray and took out the glass of water and some capsules and headed for the bed .

She paused as she got close to her son .

"Get out!"

Diego didn't it reply , he just dashed through the door without taking his shirt .

Larissa sat by Azora and offered her the water and tablet .

"Take it you'll feel better instantly", Larissa said as she tried to maintain a fake smile.

Azora stared at her as she rubbed her skin with her palms for warmth, having seen Larissa's smile , she took the glass of water and had the pills.

Azora immediately passed out on the bed.

"There's alot to be learnt Azora , and I will teach you till the end , I will make you feel so much pain that no one will ever be able to inflict pain on you, no one will ever be able to use you or tamper with your emotions, you will suffer and attain alot of strength , be ready to die in pain."

Larissa let out a cunning smile.

*Ten minutes later*

Azora coughed out , her eyes slowly opened and it dawned on her that something bad had happened.

"Ma'am I ......."

Larissa interrupted her with an ear deafening slap.

"Now you shut up naive fool , now lay on the bare floor quickly."

Azora's eyes watered but she was still determined to defend herself and understand what actually happened.

Larissa sent a slap across her face again .

"You want to buy your father's properties right, then lay on the bare floor! "

Tears streamed slowly from Azora's eyes , she could do anything at that point to buy off the property .

"I really hope its not what I'm thinking , did Mrs Larissa's son do this , what do i do, how did I get myself into this mess"

The moment Azora laid her naked body flat on the ground , Larissa concluded that she was back to her real self again.

"I really...."

Larissa used the whip in her other hand to slash Azora's body repeatedly.

"Arrrgh..arrrghhhhhh...arrrggghhh... please madam Larissa , please I beg of you, please stop"

Azora kept screaming but Larissa didn't stop ,she didn't stop till Azora's back started bleeding profusely.

Larissa was all done venting her anger on Azora , she took deep breaths and stared at the teenager again.

"You might think I am really really wicked or ruthless to have done this but who cares , you deserved every slash , I can believe you let Diego dirty you up , just look at you , a man had his way with you and you did absolutely nothing, I'm very sure having cute guys in your room was your hobby, nothing else can explain the gravity of what i saw"

"You're the most foolish female I know by belittling yourself all because of a wretched boy , he was set to destroy you and you opened your sexy little legs to the gates of your ruin, you claim you want to buy a man's property when you busy making your body one as well, now listen to me and listen good , I was asked to train you and that I will , but first you will have to pay for this atrocity girl."

Azora kept sobbing and screaming loudly.

"Do shut up girl, if you really want to move on in life , you'll have to learn to be a man and not food to man , I give you one day to transfer every single pain i have given you today , to Diego , or else.... "

"Am i clear?", Larissa shouted as she pressed her two palms on Azora's neck .

After seeing Azora struggle to say yes , she left the room.

Azora cried out her whole eyes , she knew Larissa was right , if she had to do something , it was pay back .

She couldn't help but cry with her naked body till the next day.