
Azora's Paradise

Azora being the only daughter of Mr Miller , one of the biggest billonaires in the city . Her life takes a big turn when everything gets taken away from her . Few years later , she sets to bring every man to the sole of her feet . Shawn comes into her life as her employee , will he bring her to her waterloo, and get the goddess stuck in the web of love , or will his ugly past linked to her surface once again?

C_Yi · Urban
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18 Chs

Meet Madam Larissa

*In the mental hospital *

"All you have to do is pray she keeps responding to treatment ma'am", Doctor Chloe said as she stared at Maurice.

The two were standing right outside the room Azora was being treated in.

The window attached to the room door was quite transparent enough for Maurice to see Azora through it .

"When will my darling girl be free from all these torments , I can't bear to watch her in this much pain anymore", Maurice thought.

She referred to the constant hour to hour shock treatments, seeing currente electricity being passed through a teenger's brain , just to stabilize her mental condition.

Maurice recalled Azora telling her a few weeks ago , how a male staff tried taking advantage of her when they both were alone , but his plans were foiled as the footage of the whole scene was live on the screen of the security personnel.

What stunned Maurice the most was that Azora wasn't scared , frightened or even shaking while explaining an almost similar situation that brought about her present condition.

She was healing faster than expected.

*Two months later *

Hours into days , days into weeks and then into two extra months.

Every therapy, medicine , shock treatment session and counseling paid off amazingly .

The smiless Azora was often found giggling harder , she was completely calm with no trail of past pain.

*In the dining hall*

"I really can't believe in less than a week , I'll finally be able to leave this place ",Azora said as she placed a piece of apple in her mouth.

"And so am I dear , I'm really sure Amelia is dying to see her cousin dear ",Maurice said wearing a smile.

"Did my aunt by any chance ...."

"No she didn't visit , neither did she even call to check on you ",Maurice interrupted changing the tone of her voice to a pissed off one.

"Hmm...does she really hate me that much ?"

"You shouldn't care much about that aunt of yours dear , somethings should not be stressed upon , especially your aunt's case , just forget her "

"But how can I ? Whenever I think of her, I remember the promise I made to the family lawyer , I asked for six months and three months are almost exhausted , I have no personal dime on me , this is my greatest worry", Azora said as she paused eating.

"Hmph I understand dear but...."

"Do you please know anyone at all that can be of help to me, Mrs Maurice I dont mind a loan from the bank , I promise to pay back, but i just want to prove them wrong , and show my aunt that I'm not as helpless as i look"

Maurice breathes in and out.

"I do know someone , but then ....."

"Then its settled you'll introduce me to the person as soon as possible , no but's at all", Azora said as she gripped Maurice's palms .

"Please let me finish dear , i agree I know someone but I dont feel she'll be a good influence on you", Maurice said frowning.

"Mrs Maurice influence won't matter when my aunt ridicules me to s street pauper when she gets the chance, is it then you'll help me talk to the person"

"Look Mrs Larissa isn't someone to be trusted, she might be close to me but then i still dont trust her ways at all"

"So Mrs Larissa is her name, Mrs Maurice something deep inside me tells me that she'll be of great help to me .",Azora said reinforcing her smile.

"Buying late Miller's whole wealth and properties isn't easy but Larisa can handle it , if you insist then we can ask for permission from the hospital and go visit her today , she lives close by to this hospital", Maurice assured .

Azora jumped up from the chair she sat on and stretched out fully.

"Then i guess we should be on our way right now " , Azora said with a cheerful look.

*An hour later*

*In Madam Larissa's mansion*

The two entered the gates of the mansion after the security check was concluded.

A woman who looked too beautiful to be in her late fourties opened the main entrance door to welcome the visitors .

Not like she had no maids to help but primarily because the relationship she had with Maurice was too cordial for such formalities.

This was the first time that Azora saw a house more bigger , fancier and way more beautiful and majestic than hers , it was worth jaw drops .

And Larisa herself completely complimented her home with her ravaging beauty .

Azora kept staring at her , she didn't know how to stop or from where she had to stop looking, was it from her bossy sumscious hot looks or to her choice of fashion , Larissa had eyes that drew people in , and Azora couldn't resist either.

"Oh..my ..Maurice sweetheart , I didn't expect you to arrive so early ", Goddess Larissa broke the silence .

"Is that supposed to be a welcome remark Larissa, you haven't changed a bit ,have you?", Maurice said almost laughing .

"Well i definitely haven't , and I never will"

Larissa quickly changed her gaze to Azora.

"So you brought along Aphrodite's incarnate to my home , welcome to my humble abode love",Larissa said with a bright smile.

"Thank you ma'am "

"Am... Larissa meet Azora , she's like a daughter to me , and Azora meet Mrs Larissa , my college friend"

Larissa streched out her palm for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you my love "

"And you too Mrs Larissa", Azora said reciprocating the handshake.

*In the living room*

"Ma'am I know you must be wondering the reason why Maurice must have brought me to your home today"

"I am the daughter of Late Mr Miller and so directly I am the sole inheritor of his business and wealth but I want to purchase it instead", Azora said.

"Wait...What ! You want to buy your property , isn't that insanity , its yours , so have it dear ", Larissa fired back.

"But ma'am of what use is his wealth when im being emotionally abused by my aunt for killing my dad , and also being physically abused and threatened to forfeit my properties by aunt , I want late Miller's wealth as mine but bought with my money and nothing else "

"You have some nerve girl , to buy you father's properties , well i do understand your reasons for doing this but I don't understand how my presence can be of help to you my dear"

"All she needs right now is the fund my dear , and this is where I have to come in , Larissa I've never asked for a favor since our college days ,i have only one request today, please help assist Azora with the fund she needs to purchase her father's properties", Maurice begged.

" Hmph... The whole Miller property as a whole should cost about one fifty to one sixty million dollars , I could give her that for free but then only with the condition that she has to not only live with me , but also work as my business trainee and assistant, I'll teach her how to run a business and much more , I'll also take care of her schooling ."

"But she can't ......"

"I'll stay Mrs Larissa , I'll work for you as well "

Maurice couldn't believe Azora's words, she was supposed to return home in less than two days and instead of preparing , she already accepted an invitation to another strange place.

"Then I'll also stay with her !",Maurice stated.

"No Maurice , only Azora is permitted to stay for the job , don't misquote me Maurice, if this was a normal visit then u would have been more than welcome to stay for a long time with Azora , but this is strictly business , and I handle my business with caution and respect ", Larissa explained as she called for snacks from her servants .