
Azora's Paradise

Azora being the only daughter of Mr Miller , one of the biggest billonaires in the city . Her life takes a big turn when everything gets taken away from her . Few years later , she sets to bring every man to the sole of her feet . Shawn comes into her life as her employee , will he bring her to her waterloo, and get the goddess stuck in the web of love , or will his ugly past linked to her surface once again?

C_Yi · Urban
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18 Chs

Do you want to die Kel!

Chapter 15

*A week later*

*Outside the hospital *

"You can close the boot now",the ward boy instructed .

"You can go on , I'll be in front with my car ",Martha said as she headed straight for her car .

Owen had been discharged as per Martha's wish , she could take care of both him and her kids without losing her guard at all.

Owen's condition was deemed stable by the doctors ,and they advised he needed a home like environment for quicker recovery , since he hadn't woken up to give information about his family.

Before Martha took off she whispered something to a hospital staff before driving off.

It was now a full week since Azora was referred to another hospital , Martha had put in all efforts to find Maurice , but to no avail, she was gone ,and along with her Azora , and not a number or an address could be used to trace them .

"But why exactly do I really want to see them , I'm sure the girl is alright wherever she is , and now I have three kids to take care of , I hope the kids accept him as much as I do ", Martha breathed heavily as she ignited the engine and led the ambulance to her home.

*Two hours later *

*In front of Martha's home*

Martha parks her car in the park and guides the ambulance to the park as well.

Two ward boys head with the stretcher into the house , with a nurse and Martha behind them .

Martha directed them to a room close to Melia's .The ward boys gently placed Owen on the bed , and the nurse attached a new drip to Owen's arm.

"Ma'am I've been assigned to stay here with him till he fully recovers and...."

"Oh...that would be lovely , I think we have a spare guest room ,you can stay there for as long as you wish", Martha quickly interrupted as she covered Owen up with a duvet .

"Thank you so much ma'am , I really appreciate it "

"Its the least I could do , the room is at the extreme corner from the right .",Martha said bringing out a broad smile on her lips .

"Okay..sure ma'am "

Melia lingered close to the door and stared at the whole drama .

"Melia!", Martha said as she turned and saw her daughter holding firmly the room door .

"Mom! C...can I come in please?"

Martha walked slowly to the door and bent to cup her daughter's cheeks .

"Mom, why is he here? Will he be our new brother .

"Something of that sort my love , so you and Kel have to take good care of him if mommy isn't home alright?"

"Okay mom , I promise , I and Kel with take care of him ."

Martha proceeded to hug her daughter , she had tried to contact the injured boy's parents but later found out that they were involved in a fatal accident days after he was hospitalized .

She found out about two hours ago from the hospital staff that they both passed away , but no one came to claim their bodies.

"Ma'am I'm only releasing him today because I've seen great improvement in his condition , but nevertheless he needs all intensive care and love a family can offer, one more thing, his injuries suggest that he fell from a far height , due to that he might not be able to recall some events that happened in his life , and under no circumstance should he be stressed on that aspect , he'll heal eventually , it might take years but he'll eventually regain his memory. Its just temporary amnesia ."

"Mom ! Kel has something to tell you"

Melia's little voice seemed to have brought Martha back to reality .

Martha quickly freed her daughter and headed straight for the living room where she saw Kel sitting when she came in.

*In the living room*


"So the stranger boy will live with us now , huh?"

Martha sat beside her eight year old son.

"Look i understand how you might be feeling right now , and having insecurities is totally normal but I promise his presence will not affect what we three share as a family , as a matter of fact, I would love you to accept him as your older brother."

"I'm really not bothered about his presence mom, he could stay with us , besides I've always wanted an older brother", Kel said as he frowned and faced his laps .

"Then why do look sad champ?"

"Dad called"

Martha froze , she kept staring at her son as fury set in her eyes.

"Why the heck did he call, a...and what did you say to him ."

Kel kept staring at his mom , he was scared to death anytime his mom found out his dad made contact with either he or his sister , he knew his mom would vent it all on them both.

"I wonder what today's punishment will be this time, picking the roof , or brushing the pool", Kel thought quietly.

"Answer me child!" Martha said as she firmly pressed her palms on Kel's shoulders .

"H....He said h..he would come to pick us up in s...some months time ", Kel said shaking as tears dropped from his eyelids.

"If you knew he was calling then why did you take the call , so you really want to go off with him right? Then leave , I might as well stay alone without kids , than having one who doesn't care about his mom's feelings"

"After all I've done for you silly child , taking care of you and loving you so much that you forgot you had a dad , do you also want him to kill you as he killed my Ethan , do you really want to die Kel , then I'll help you out , you could just ask our neighbors with tall buildings for a tour and jump off the top balcony you know "

Kel's eyes began leaking water , of course her words hurt way more than her punishments and yet he couldn't leave.

"Do you want to die Kel? Answer me !" , Martha yelled at him in anger .

"Thats what you always say , everytime he calls , you never care about my feelings , go ahead and punish me , I'll be waiting in my room"

Kel said as he walk out on Martha .

"Come back here this instant young man!"

" Mom please forgive Kel , he's only upset , he doesn't mean anything he says mommy , please don't punish him ", Melia pleaded and she goes to hug her mom tightly .

"You're right , I messed up big time , I wonder why always get upset when..."

"Melia please go be with your brother , he must be really hurt by my words .", Martha said as she roughled through her daughter's hair .

"Okay mommy"

With Melia out of sight , Martha began shedding tears.

"But why does he want to return , after everything he's put I and my kids to , after killing my Ethan , I will never ever let him come close to me not to talk of my children."

"I must prepare to leave with my kids in the next three months", Martha resolves as she quickly dries up her tears.