
Azimuth: The Elden Throne (Old Version)

Late 21st century, the acclaimed game Company Elden Throne released yet another immersive action MMORPG after a decade of silence. While the world was getting ready for this new Supermassive MMO, Dale Houston trained his body every day in preparation for its eventual worldwide release. Not because Dale wanted to get healthy or muscular, but because he saw a glimpse of the secrets hidden by the Megacorporation. All because of what he found out one year ago... This time, he wasn't here to play the game. He would find all of the secrets, things he couldn't even imagine... It wasn't about the game anymore. ... . . . *Author's thoughts: So! What this is actually about? As you read in the Title, there was an old version of this work going by the same name. Because of some problems, I had to leave it alone for a few months, and after I came back I realized neither I nor my readers remembered much, so I decided to go from the start again. I'll be re-editing every single chapter I made to make a more conclusive story while also tying up loose plot points and bringing them forward as I re-reading through everything. As in the synopsis, this is an MMORPG story with a big emphasis on the real world and how the game affects reality in more than a socio-economic way, so this isn't the story about a guy playing a game and getting rich with a bit of drama. This is a story about how the game impacts the real world and vice versa. A story about a secret so big it could change society and the world... No, it will. The Mc isn't a chosen one and instead was someone who found something out of his own effort and the story progresses from that point, you can take it as he being favored by the plot, but at the very least this is a better plot initiative then the boy who survived Avada Kedavra through the power of Love... Just kidding, Harry is sick. There will be a few more explanations to help you with understanding his personality and goals better. No romance planned for at least the first 200 chapters, however, we'll have some candidates as we go by including, you could say, a Main Female lead. But there are plans for interactions with other players and side characters as we go by. The story will be divided into 2 parts, we are currently on the first part and the focus is on the game. Don't misunderstand, getting out of the game to do something in real life doesn't mean we are going through a phase, you'll know once it happens. Things may change along the way but that's how things are. The main aspect of this series is about Dale exploring this new world, Azimuth while building up his forces that will eventually become a Kingdom. At least the first part of it. *Extra: (Not currently active due to me restarting the Novel) From now on I'll be doing power stones goals. 100PS - 1 Extra Chapter 350PS - 2 Extra Chapters 550PS - 3 Extra Chapters 900PS - 5 Extra Chapters Afterthoughts: If you read this far, I have 2 more novels that I am updating with this one, check them out as well! They are quite decent. One is a Danmachi Fanfic, they say its quite decent -> In Danmachi with Plasmids The other one is almost a stand-alone story, but due to some elements, I used my morals to say it a Fanfic, despite some readers saying I should've done otherwise -> Zero Fate against the World Links: If you wish to talk with me directly, I have a Discord, so go there and see for yourself. https://discord.gg/zpAgtPBAMK If the link does not work, I can always update it. I'm also planning on the far future making a P@treon for this work for those that truly like it and wish to support me. Bye! * The cover image is not mine and if you are the author of it, make sure to contact me and I will remove it.

Follower_of_Abadom · Games
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154 Chs

Out of the tomb





[Quest completed! Rotten Tomb]

[The Miasma has been drained and the village is safe… For now.

Your body has developed a certain resistance to Miasma, Skill Miasma Immunity 0-Star has been generated.

You have acquired the Item, Nameless Golden Head

You have acquired the Item, Caladgolg the Rainbow Sword

Your wounds will be restored.

You have received 7 Levels worth of Experience.


[You have Leveled up!]

[You have Leveled up!]

[You h…]

[+14 to all Stats]

"Phew…" Said Dale as he sat on the ground

But this wasn't the end for poor Dale…

"This is just the start kid, don't get your hopes up since this is far from the end." Said the Golden head

"... Give me a fucking break…"

The head looked at him and let out a sigh, saying:

"Look… Kid, I would like to relax just like you but time is running against us here."

"This place has a very intricate architecture, and it has in total, 10 floors…"

"And as you would expect, there is something on the very last floor... On each floor to be precise..."

"However, those 5 floors from 6 to10 were sealed off in order to contain these things, and for many decades... A few centuries, they did their job perfectly."

"In the past, the Church of Ju-Arkesios did its job and made sure to properly contain them, and to maintain the structural integrity of the place, however… There aren't any priests around unless I am getting blind." It said sarcastically

"The Miasma was sucked into those sealed floors and that creature will surely use it to free itself… Soon enough."

"As for where the Miasma came from... It was made through a complex ritual, converting part of my strength into what you saw... And as you can see, I am a head, there aren't really that many moves I can employ to defend myself..."

Dale tried to process everything and then he asked:

"What is down there?"

"I personally don't know, but I can tell you everything that happened here is due to it."

"100 or so years ago, I was placed in this very room in order to suppress something, I expected someone from the main Church to come but by the looks of it something happened and they couldn't come, causing this shit to escalate to this state."

Dale asked again:

"So let me see if I got everything right… Something happened a very long time ago and the priests left this land, leaving you behind to contain whatever was happening here."


"The plan was to come back soon and deal with this but they didn't due to reasons unknown to us… Why not deal with it on the spot?"

"The reason it was sealed already meant that it was impossible to be dealt with it with normal means... At least this is what I know..." Said the golden head

The golden head stayed silent, and then replied:

"Look, I am a… Urg… No one knows I can talk apart from the Popes, so, no one would in their right mind speak with a head on a pedestal."

"Everything I know comes from their own mouth when they decide to confess something to my Boss."

Dale was confused.

"Who's your Boss?"

"... Really man? Are you really asking me this?" It said with a monotone

"Is it God?"


"Bro, this is my first time talking with a golden head, cut me some slack…"

The golden head rolled its eyes.

"So yeah, long story short, I don't know what happened outside and not much about the details of what happened over here, but I do know it's dangerous."

"What was the thing I was fighting and what exactly was happening?"

"That huh… That was a Shadow… A shadow of a once-great man… Merely a copy grasping at the straws of his legacy."

"You know who it is... The person that this tomb was dedicated to. He was the person that took down what was locked on the 10th floor, but he didn't have what it took to end it, so he went out to prepare, however, he died."

"He also slew several of the other creatures on the lower floors for good... But he also filled them up with other bothersome creatures..."


"Don't be sad, that is the fate of all mortals anyway, and I am sure he is somewhat pleased with this outcome, whenever may he be."

"Because of his death, the creature was never killed, and there wasn't someone capable enough to take it down in these parts… And a few more reasons."

"That Shadow contained trace memories of this man, they were once contained within the sword you are holding, but after decades of erosion, most of them have disappeared… However, his personality was still somewhat there, after all, you are here alive."

"What do you mean?"

"If that shadow was truly a full-fledged monster, it would've attacked you the moment you slashed at it instead of talking… Yet, it still stayed there even when you moved that sword like a damn snail..."

"I see…"

Someone with a conviction so strong it would even influence a monster? He seems like quite the guy.

But the head was not over yet…

"As for my people, I guess something serious happened, I can't see them abandoning me unless the pope was killed... Urg, this is truly bad... We'll see about that once we leave this place and treat your injuries…"


Golden light was released from the head's eyes, healing the battered and exhausted body of Dale.

"This is a pretty convenient ability…"

"Don't get used to it, using my dwindling power like this is a waste of such a massive scale that I bet even my Boss is crying as he watches us…"

Dale rolled his eyes, getting up from the ground, he looked around the place but found nothing, the creature's body had been sucked into the hole and in the end, nothing was left apart from a macabre place.

He grabbed Caladgolg and tried to put it in the inventory…

[Caladgold cannot be stored in the inventory due to its intrinsic properties]


'Dammit… Oh well, there aren't any players around, and even if there were, I doubt they would be able to steal it… Still…'

Dale's thoughts were interrupted by the Golden head once more:

"We'll have to clean this place… But not now, I need to recover my power asap!"

[Your quest has been updated]

[Lost Icon


Find the lost Icon 1/1

The lost Icon lies somewhere deep with the old Labyrinth of Resko, recover it 1/1

Help the nameless Golden Head recover its power 0/1

Find a way to contact the Church of Ju-Arkesios 0/1

Or find a suitable replacement 0/1


[Your quest has been updated]

[Resko's past

Find out what happened to the old Village of Resko 1/?

* The Southern Wall corps used to have a strong influence in these lands, however, they disappeared and nothing remains on the surface to tell they once existed.

Find out what happened to them 0/1

* The Village of Resko is built on top of the ruins of a Labyrinth.

* The Labyrinth is actually the Catacombs for a group known as the Southern Wall corps.

* Something macabre is happening at the heart of the Labyrinth…

* The village of Resko is built on top of the Catacombs of the group known as the Southern Wall corps, its leader once slew a powerful creature but was unable to completely stop its resurrection, dying before doing so.

* It still lies within the deepest point of the catacombs…

Find out why 1/1

Find out what is happening 1/1

Stop 'it' from manifesting 1/?

??? 0/1

#You heard that this village once held an incredibly precious Icon for the Church of Ju-Arkesios, having once a Cardinal, 2 Bishops, and 12 Priests.

#Something happened to the Church, preventing it from sending help.

#During its downfall, the Church did not send help and instead just retreated.

#Someone asked you for help at the center of the labyrinth. In the end, it was a trap, the creature wanted you to break the holy Icon instead and not to purge the miasma.


Under the nonstop blabbering of the Golden Head, Dale slowly made his way back to the surface.

Instead of telling the head to shut up, he said with pity:

"It must've been boring… You know… Being there all alone."


The Golden head smiled and said:

"Well, if you call being placed in a dark room for over 100 years without any contact with my Boss while being touched and sucked by some sort of ugly ass Abyssal creature as boring then yes, it was very boring."

"... Wait, you just mentioned your Boss, why didn't he intervene?"

"As if that would be easy… Do you even know the magnitude of such an event… Don't answer me, I know you don't…"

"Besides, it's not like it wasn't there… The moment you released me from that ass of a cage, I started to feel his power coming back into me. So yeah, he is watching over me again."

"Is he watching me too? Hello?" Asked Dale as he looked around the place waving at the air

"How rude?! That is not how you approach a GOD?!" Said the head angrily

"What should I do then?" Asked Dale


Dale bowed.

"I humbly apologize..."

"I WAS KIDDING, MAN! Don't take me seriously!"

"Say that from the start… I'm going to ditch you to your boss." He said as he got up from the ground

"... There are many sorts of Gods, each has its own ways and preferences, my Boss isn't so strict, so show her courtesy and she will do the same, I can't tell the same about others…"

Dale shrugged.

"What would be basic courtesy for a God?"


The head looked at Dale with surprise and said:

"Good question."


"Oh yeah, since we're here, why don't we greet each other properly?" Asked the Golden head

"Sure… I'm Dale Houston…"

"What a coincidence! I am David! Third Holy relic of the Church of you already know…"

"Isn't that sacrilege?" Asked Dale

"Bro look at me, I am the meaning of sacred!"

"... Sigh…"

But the head still didn't shut up…

"You know Dale, now that we are closer and all… Do you mind taking me out of your waist?... It smells!"


For a moment, Dale thought about putting the head on his armpit, but he felt it would one day be used against him so he just grabbed the head with his hand.

"Be delicate, please!... AH! MY EAR! I AM SORRY! DALE… DALE? PLEASE, DALE!..."

Dale made his way out of the catacombs, dragging Caladgolg behind him and breathing in fresh air for what seemed to be the first time in years.





This was more of an interlude chapter with world build and character development.

I think the next few are going to be like that, why?

This is because I am trying to set up the plotline of Resko and its mysteries as we go.

Develop a few characters and the Mc and advance the story.

If you are in for a few spoilers just read further down:

Expect to see things like:

New characters and quests.

Mc development.

Other players and how they will interact with him.

And a bit more.