
Azimuth: The Elden Throne (Old Version)

Late 21st century, the acclaimed game Company Elden Throne released yet another immersive action MMORPG after a decade of silence. While the world was getting ready for this new Supermassive MMO, Dale Houston trained his body every day in preparation for its eventual worldwide release. Not because Dale wanted to get healthy or muscular, but because he saw a glimpse of the secrets hidden by the Megacorporation. All because of what he found out one year ago... This time, he wasn't here to play the game. He would find all of the secrets, things he couldn't even imagine... It wasn't about the game anymore. ... . . . *Author's thoughts: So! What this is actually about? As you read in the Title, there was an old version of this work going by the same name. Because of some problems, I had to leave it alone for a few months, and after I came back I realized neither I nor my readers remembered much, so I decided to go from the start again. I'll be re-editing every single chapter I made to make a more conclusive story while also tying up loose plot points and bringing them forward as I re-reading through everything. As in the synopsis, this is an MMORPG story with a big emphasis on the real world and how the game affects reality in more than a socio-economic way, so this isn't the story about a guy playing a game and getting rich with a bit of drama. This is a story about how the game impacts the real world and vice versa. A story about a secret so big it could change society and the world... No, it will. The Mc isn't a chosen one and instead was someone who found something out of his own effort and the story progresses from that point, you can take it as he being favored by the plot, but at the very least this is a better plot initiative then the boy who survived Avada Kedavra through the power of Love... Just kidding, Harry is sick. There will be a few more explanations to help you with understanding his personality and goals better. No romance planned for at least the first 200 chapters, however, we'll have some candidates as we go by including, you could say, a Main Female lead. But there are plans for interactions with other players and side characters as we go by. The story will be divided into 2 parts, we are currently on the first part and the focus is on the game. Don't misunderstand, getting out of the game to do something in real life doesn't mean we are going through a phase, you'll know once it happens. Things may change along the way but that's how things are. The main aspect of this series is about Dale exploring this new world, Azimuth while building up his forces that will eventually become a Kingdom. At least the first part of it. *Extra: (Not currently active due to me restarting the Novel) From now on I'll be doing power stones goals. 100PS - 1 Extra Chapter 350PS - 2 Extra Chapters 550PS - 3 Extra Chapters 900PS - 5 Extra Chapters Afterthoughts: If you read this far, I have 2 more novels that I am updating with this one, check them out as well! They are quite decent. One is a Danmachi Fanfic, they say its quite decent -> In Danmachi with Plasmids The other one is almost a stand-alone story, but due to some elements, I used my morals to say it a Fanfic, despite some readers saying I should've done otherwise -> Zero Fate against the World Links: If you wish to talk with me directly, I have a Discord, so go there and see for yourself. https://discord.gg/zpAgtPBAMK If the link does not work, I can always update it. I'm also planning on the far future making a P@treon for this work for those that truly like it and wish to support me. Bye! * The cover image is not mine and if you are the author of it, make sure to contact me and I will remove it.

Follower_of_Abadom · Games
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154 Chs

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Today's chapter, no more fuss, we are now back on schedule!





The young man continued to follow the old lady, talking with her and trying to get information about the place, including this other outsider.

But surprisingly, mid questioning, the old lady's name went from green to yellow, making the young man freeze in shock!

"Young traveler, this is enough." Tina said as she stopped in front of a crossroad

"If you take that road, you will arrive at the Mercenary Guild, and if you take that road over there, you can find the village's sole Inn, although the current owner isn't there."

"Our village is small and in dire need of a helping hand, so you won't lack work here... Stay as long as you'd like." She said as she chuckled

"I-I see, thank you for the directions! That casket seems rather heavy can I…"

"No, I'm fine... You wouldn't even be able to help me anyway." Tina said as she left, leaving the young man behind

"... Looks like I fucked up chat. Well, since that is the case, how about we check this Mercenary Guild out?"

'My Level may only be 5, but my total stat count is the same as a Level 30 player thanks to the muscle training I did over the years, and the fact I started with a random character, giving me high starting stats and an extra slot for a Skill.'

'Not to say the items I have and the consumables I took.'

'I even went ahead and bought one of those sought-after sets! Increasing my total stat count by 25 if I enter a ruin!'

'Even if I am not in ruin, it still gives me a considerable stat increase. The only reason I am not wearing it now is that it's a bit bothersome to walk around in.'

'It cost me several favors and a lot of money but hey, I got one, besides, all of this is just an investment.'

'If I had chosen to become a Hardcore player, I would've been even stronger… But its a shame its not viable to start the game as a HardCore character.'

'When dying is so common in these games, how is someone supposed to play the game with only one life? I almost died several times in the Tutorial area, if I were a HardCore player, I would've died several times over.'

"So far, so good chat, we got in and learned a bit of the village's situation through that NPC, so how about we get some quests and Level up?"

'No competitors means extra quests… And this means I'm first towards any of the special quests... Hehe.'

He followed the road and arrived at the old building of the Mercenary Guild, instantly noticing the difference.

"Look chat, this must be the branch, and did you guys notice it? Different from the other houses we saw so far, this one is built on the ground while the other ones are a meter above ground."

He crouched and touched the dirt marks on the walls.

"These marks… Does the village gets flooded frequently? Why? It doesn't make much sense… What do you all think?"

'We are between a thick forest and a desert so it may be something related to that...'

The man shook his head in deep thought before he entered the Guild…

"Oh? Looks quite… Common. The usual I would expect to see in a Mercenary Guild."

'I read about it on the internet, this organization called the Mercenary Guild and how it stretches all around the Kingdom, I did not expect it to be here as well…'

'It's pretty simple yet complex, many things work in the background of this world to make these quests possible, and this is one of the selling factors of this game.'

'The developers made this world feel as if it was alive before we came here, and that it works with or without our presence and interference, and it's up to the players to cause a wave on this lake...'


'But this place… It has a certain air to it… I don't know how to explain it.'

He started to look around the place, observing the furniture and the things around it.

'Two floors, nothing much on the second floor, at least from this angle… Only a set of stairs leading to a corridor.'

His gaze turned back to the first floor.

'And that must be the counter where the receptionist should've been, and behind it next to the back wall is a small bar… Albeit without any drinks available.'

'There is no one here, no... This place seems closed… Oh that?! It's a quest board…'

The young man turned to the side and approached the board, reading the quests one by one.

The quests were pretty simple and organized, their requirements to perform them and what to do were all clearly stated in them.

Including the overall rank, a mercenary would need to perform them.

'Look at all these quests!... Although they are mostly miscellaneous ones.'

'The experience they give is a bit low, but the sheer quantity of it… But they seem a bit boring to do, mainly hard labor.'

'However, from everything I've seen so far, it indicates something, that this village is in dire need of repairs, and this itself points to a possible development route.'

'My Level is lower than the recommended for the area, so it's too risky for me to hunt outside and do these kill quests, so having a source of XP is already a blessing.'

'I shouldn't have that much of a problem to Level up to 10 or even higher just from these, and if I can find more in the village, going to 20 without even leaving this place is not a farfetched idea.'

'By then, I may be strong enough to hunt outside.'

'The problem is making all of this process entertaining to watch, people are only going to stay curious about this place for so long…'

But as he thought about his future, a voice echoed in the room:

"Dale? You're back already? I told you… Who are you now?" Asked Mirgurd


The young man looked at the man as he walked on the stairs from the second floor.

It may have been the red name or his muscular frame, but he could feel some sort of 'pressure' emanating from his body.

The bald and strong man with a scar on his arm approached the young man and asked:

"And who might you be?"

"I'm eh… Massimiliano Rodi… I just arrived."

'Why is this damn NPC hostile?! What did I do?'

"Masi… Mami… Masili… Whatever your name is."

"What is your purpose in coming to the Mercenary Branch?"

"I… Would like to know if I can join…"



Before Rodi could finish talking, Misgurd took out his sword and stabbed forward in the blink of an eye, successfully puncturing his shoulder!


He tried to react, but by the time he moved, Misgurd's blade was already back in its scabbard.

And the pain soon hit...


[You have taken Massive damage at once!]

[Your HP has reached Critical status!]

[You are bleeding severely!]

[You are suffering from Confusion, Shock, Pain, Fear…]


Rodi immediately fell to the ground, he raised his hand and grasped a potion on his inventory, gulping it down.

In desperation, he used several items to try and stabilize his condition. All under the gaze of Misgurd, who gazed at him with a cold gaze.

After he finally managed to recover his HP, he let out a sigh of relief as he raised his head to look at Misgurd.

"He, you didn't die from that, at least you aren't a lost cause… But you can't become a Mercenary of Resko with that measly Level of strength…"

"But it's true that we are low on manpower." Said a voice from behind Rodi


The two of them turned their heads to the side to see a man standing by the door with a toolbox in his right hand.


'How long has he been there?' Thought Rodi

"Oh Dale, you came back earlier than I thought…" Said Misgurd with a smile

"I heard a bit of what is going on, and everything you said is true, he can't become a mercenary of Resko. But we can't just throw him away." Said Dale

"There is still a lot that can be done inside the Village, and there is no need for someone to be a warrior for that, right?"


'Who is this guy? Is he the other outsider?'

He checked Dale's name, and it said:

[Young Mercenary (Yellow)]

'Is he an NPC as well? He doesn't seem to be a player, the reaction between me and him is too diverse and they seem to know each other for a while...'

'But thnk you NPC! If I died there I would lose a level and perhaps even an item... And coming back here to get it back would be suicide...'

'Worse, doing it live would be a hit to my reputation.'

"... You are right Dale. But in any case, I had no intention of throwing him away." Said Misgurd as he turned around and picked a stack of papers from underneath the counter

"He is decent enough to work around the place. So I planned to allow him to do some of these minor tasks and in the future, perhaps I can allow him to take the test to become a proper mercenary. What do you think?" He asked Dale


Dale looked at Rodi, thinking…

'A player huh… Normally, I would want all of them out of this place and claim monopoly, but…'

'I tailed him a bit across the village and I noticed he seems to be a streamer. And this means he is showing Resko to the rest of the world, and I can't stop it now.'

'I even checked his stream for more information...'

'If I violently push him away, it may backlash and make people even more curious about this place.'

'But I can use him… To control the influx of players towards this place, and the first step in this is locking him onto the village, forcing him to do the most useless quests available.'

'The sort of quests that have lower-ranked rewards and are a bother to do, even I were ignoring those.'

'Compared to me he can't stay multiple hours doing hard labor, probably one or two may be the limit of a player of his Level.'

"I think it's ok." He said as he looked and nodded at Misgurd

Misgurd smiled.

"You heard him, from now on, you'll be a Squire, prove your worth and only then, we'll hear your story."

"Yes sir!" Said the young man as he checked his game notification


Dale heard their conversation, but he frowned a bit.

'Why is everyone so hostile to him? It's completely different from how they reacted to me... A perk from being the first?'

'Hum… Perhaps not, they did act with suspicion towards me, but that quickly changed after I passed a few tests.'

'I passed lady Tina's test, and I also passed Misgurd's test, while he failed both, judging by the iron apple on his hand when he entered the village.'

'Not long after, I recovered the lost Icon, and my reputation is already rather high...'

'So it was a difference of impressions…'

"Dale! I imagine you completed another batch of Quests?"

"Just a few, I stopped halfway to see what you were going to do with this guy."


His words shocked Rodi, this guy was actually tailing him? He didn't notice it at all!

"Since I'm here, take these ones and give me a few more." Dale said as he dropped a few papers on the table

"I'll be back for more later then... See you later." Said Dale as he turned around

'I'm almost Level 20 anyway, no time to waste.'




