
Azeroth's Last Hope

In a twist of fate, Dave finds himself inexplicably transported into the immersive world of Azeroth, the legendary setting of the Warcraft series. Upon arrival in Azeroth, he realizes that he has been reborn as Arthas Menethil, the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. Fortunately, he received a system that will aid him and with his knowledge of the Warcraft franchise, he utilizes it to the best of his abilities. Will he brought about a big change in Azeroth? Or will he die trying? Stay tuned for more! ---- I don't own anything related to the Warcraft franchise! This cover don't belong to me either! This is a rewrite of the fanfiction I made before, this is solely for myself to get better at writing. Besides, there are rarely anyone making fanfiction about Warcraft, so I wanted to give it a try myself.

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Chapter 9: Chosen

As the prince of Lordaeron, Arthas was well aware of the dominant religion that shaped their kingdom - the Holy Light.

Its presence could be felt in every corner, from humble shrines tucked away in quiet villages to magnificent temples that towered over cities.

This dominant religion had not only captured the hearts and minds of the human population, but had also drawn in converts from other races such as elves and dwarves.

It seemed that everyone in the kingdom held some degree of fanaticism towards this belief.

To them, it was more than just a religion - it was an all-encompassing way of life.

And this was exactly what Arthas had been counting on.

It was the reason why he had devised the plan to exploit their faith.

With his newly acquired skill, [Divine Shield], he had been able to gain the loyalty of these men in a short amount of time.

Without it, the process would have taken much longer.

But this skill wasn't just a convenient tool; it was a tangible manifestation of their beliefs.

Something they could see and touch, instilling in them an unshakeable belief in their leader and his cause.

Originally, Arthas had planned to use his knowledge of the future to pose as a prophet.

However, he was relieved that he didn't have to resort to such tactics.

His plan was working perfectly without it.


Arthas's voice rang out, strong and resolute, as he made his proclamation.

"The holy light has chosen me," he declared, his words filled with conviction and purpose.

"Chosen to save our lands... our people!" His voice swelled with determination and sincerity, drawing the attention of all who listened.

"So I invite you to join me on my journey, for I know that I cannot do this alone."

As his words echoed through the room, a sense of purpose and unity began to take hold of the audience.

With a newfound resolve, they rose as one, their eyes shining with belief and their hearts ignited by his powerful speech.

The room erupted into a chorus of resounding agreement, the sound of cheers and applause filling the air.

As Arthas raised his hands in a gesture that demanded attention, the room fell into a hush.

The only sounds came from the flickering torches and the occasional rustle of cloth.

"Thank you everyone for placing your trust in me," he spoke with deep gratitude in his voice.

"Tomorrow we shall begin the construction of our base. Until then, rest well for we have a long day ahead of us!"

With those final words, the atmosphere was charged with determination and excitement for what was to come.


Arthas then instructed everyone to keep this secret closely guarded, for he did not want to risk drawing too much attention just yet. 

As he continued to impersonate the chosen one of the Holy Light, Arthas could feel the weight of his deception bearing down on him.

The risks were great, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he would be discovered.

His status as prince may have provided some protection, but it would not save him from the consequences that awaited him.

But for now, he had to continue playing this role and hope for a plan to reveal itself in due time.

As the crowd dispersed, Arthas let out a sigh of relief. 

The burden of his false identity felt lighter as he watched them depart with unwavering loyalty in their hearts.

However, maintaining that loyalty would require more than just a facade of divine favor and inspiring speeches.

He would have to meet their expectations with tangible results - miracles, strategies, displays of great leadership.

He turned his attention back to the divine shield enveloping him. 

Once pulsating with vibrant energy, it now faded into nothingness, becoming almost mundane in comparison.

For a moment, Arthas felt a twinge of guilt for manipulating these people, but he quickly pushed it aside.

The future of Azeroth hung in the balance, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to protect it.

Even if it meant manipulating those around him like a master puppeteer.

This sacrifice weighed heavily on him, but he knew it was necessary for the greater good - for the survival of his beloved land and its people. 

As the last traces of the divine shield dissipated, Arthas steeled himself for what was to come.

The chaos that would ensue if he failed was unimaginable, and he was determined to prevent it at all costs.


[Name: Arthas Menethil]

[Age: 5]

[Race: Human]

[Base Unit: Crown Prince]

- Info:

(Potential: 10) (Level: 1) (EXP: 0/100)

- Stats: 

(Health: 10) (Mana: 0)

- Combat:

(Melee: N/A) (Range: N/A) (Armor: N/A)

- Skills: [Divine Shield]

The final wisps of his mana escaped from his body, leaving him feeling drained but satisfied.

It had been worth it for the task at hand.

With a long inhale, he turned his gaze towards tomorrow and the first steps of his carefully crafted plan. 

The anticipation swelled inside him, like a brewing storm just waiting to unleash its full fury.

He could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but also the fire of determination burning within his chest.

This was only the beginning, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


The early morning sun illuminated the bustling activity at the base site. 

People bustled about, their movements purposeful and determined as they made preparations to build a strong foundation for their future.

The lumber that Arthas had purchased the day before now rested in a nearby barn, ready to be used in construction.

Under Arthas's instructions, his Knights set out to hire 10 skilled workers from the city of Andorhal.

With a particular focus on finding an architect to lead the project.

Arthas himself stood outside, engrossed in the [Build] function on the screen.


- Tier 1: Townhall, Farm (Locked), Altar of Kings (Locked), Arcane Vault (Locked), Lumber Mill (Locked), Blacksmith (Locked), Scout Tower (Locked), and Barracks (Locked).

- Tier 2: Arcane Sanctum (Locked), and Workshop (Locked).

- Tier 3: Gryphon Aviary (Locked).

On the screen in front of him, a vast array of buildings sprawled out, each one unique in structure and purpose. 

Some stood tall and grand, while others were small and humble.

The prices ranged from exorbitant to affordable, each offering its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

As he scrolled through the options, his eyes traced the intricate designs and details of each building, mentally assessing their potential impact.

He was well-versed in the layout and functions of this feature, having spent countless hours exploring its possibilities.

But as with every new game, it all started with one building.

One choice that would set off a chain reaction, shaping the city he would build from the ground up.

[Construction Blueprint Name: Townhall]

[Blueprint Grade: Tier 1] [Upgradable]

[Building Effect: Can accommodate 1,000 units and unlock additional Tier 1 buildings.]

[Construction materials: 385 Gold and 205 Lumber]

[Learning Requirement: Only architects can learn it.]

Staring at the blueprint in front of him, he knows it like the back of his hand. 

He understands that the townhall must be built first in order to gain access to other buildings.

The weight of responsibility falls on Arthas's shoulders as he navigates the difficult task of allocating resources effectively.

Yet, he is confident in his ability to make the right choices for their survival.

The amount of gold they have left has already been carefully calculated upon arrival at this new land.

Currently, their inventory holds 940 Gold and 500 Lumber, now different compared to what they had when they first arrived.

The initial 500 Gold was spent on purchasing lumber from Andorhal's lumber mill - each log costing 1 gold.

As for manpower, it took 60 Gold to hire the 10 Workers and 1 Architect needed for this project.

5 Gold each for the Workers and 10 for the Architect.

It was an exorbitant expense, but one that was necessary for their future success.

After all, nothing comes without a price in this world.


After several long hours, Arthas's Knights finally returned with the builders in tow.

The Prince stood tall and proud, his gaze flickering between each of the men who had come to assist him in building his townhall.

As they approached, one man caught Arthas's attention - the architect who would be in charge of bringing his vision to life. 

Their eyes met, and the architect gave a respectful bow before addressing the Prince with a warm greeting, "Good morning, my Prince."

Arthas returned the gesture with equal courtesy.

"Likewise," he replied before inquiring about the man's name. "May I know your name?" he asked respectfully.

A warm smile spread across the architect's face as he introduced himself.

"My name is Michael, but you can call me Mike for short," he offered warmly.

Pleased to make his acquaintance, Arthas smiled back before getting down to business.

"Well Mike, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have a blueprint for you to study - a design for the building I have in mind."

With careful hands, he presented Mike with a paper version of the copied blueprint.

The architect accepted it eagerly, nodding his head in appreciation.

Arthas could see the excitement in Mike's eyes as he studied the detailed plans.

It was clear that this man was passionate about his work and eager to take on such an important task.

In that moment, Arthas couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence knowing that his townhall would be in capable hands with this talented architect at the helm.

Filled with anticipation and determination, Mike carefully scanned every corner of the blueprint before looking back at his Prince with a crazy look on his face.

If you wonder why the chapter looks different than before, it's because I revised it for the better or to adjust with the chapters in the future.

This won't be the last time, as I'll make changes throughout the story so there won't be any discrepancies.

If you guys notice anything wrong, or out of place. Let me know and I'll make the corresponding revisions to fix that.

Also if you have any ideas on how you want the story to go, feel free to tell me! I am open to anything, and it actually helps me a lot in writing.

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