
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Book&Literature
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178 Chs

Story 1 Martial Glory, Chapter 20 Alt POV

Erioh Kure looked behind him at Hayate Furunji and for a long moment, he didn't move before he burst into laughter.

The cackling laughter of the old man rang out loudly across the now empty street that had cleared out seeing the superhumans knocking cars around in their fight.

"Why do you laugh Erioh Kure... I am in fact within a terrible mood." Hayato said bluntly and the asphalt cracked on his feet as he flexed his bare feet on the road. "Very terribly bad mood in fact." 

The Kure patriach not being stupid gave the giant man some space but even as his other three clansmen very smartly stood behind him with Kafka's staggering form taking refugee behind them as well. He spoke with confidence. "You are indeed much stronger than myself and my clansmen. To say nothing of Kafka here even if she had all her tools at her disposal."

A loud thud rang out as a SUV door closed and standing outside the SUV was a large and utterly ripped man. With red-streaked black hair he stood above two meters tall and wore a black muscle shirt and black pants. "I am not on your level Hayato... But isn't your best friend Yujiro Hanma worthy?" The Kure patriarch cackled as the large man snorted.

"Old bastard this is your single favor being paid back, now get out of my sight." Yujiro grunted as he slowly walked over to Hayato with his hands buried in his pockets with Hayato's form going utterly relaxed and almost limp as he likewise took a couple of steps forward to meet his rival and friend.

There was a moment of silence as Shigure's sword groaned under her strong grip at seeing Kafka get led away but with Yujiro's presence hanging over her, she couldn't beat the four Kure assassins, and Kafka who was given a new sword by one of the Kure assassins.

"Old man." Yujiro greeted with a wide grin at the man who was more than double his age. And most importantly was his favorite person to fight.

But Hayato was to put plainly in zero mood to play Yujiro's games.

"Yujiro... My grandson had a biological weapon used on him by a master when he beat her disciple." Hayato leaned forward and said bluntly. "You would be angry if a true Master ruined young Baki wouldn't you?"

Yujiro's face lost its grin and he idly picked at his ear with a pinky as he said responded blandly. "Ehhh... Yeah, I would probably kill em for that, it's one thing for them to use poison or something but actual bioweapons?" Yujiro had a small frown that quickly disappeared as he stopped clearing his ears and shrugged.

"Look Furinji, I owe that damned demon a favor and he called it in to keep you busy for the next twenty minutes for them to get out of the city and away from your ass. Let it go, your... Grandson if he truly inherited your blood won't die like a little bitch to some little virus." Yujiro said as he flexed his arms and his shirt bulged as the man's muscles engorged with blood and grew larger threatening to tear through the shirt.

Then Yujiro chuckled as Hayato's placid face hardened. "Honestly I am rooting for your spawn old man... He is probably around my brat Baki's age right?" And seeing the grandfather's face Yujiro lost his easygoing act.

Then Yujiro stated bluntly. "If we fight in the city... A lot of people are going to die when we start bringing down buildings."

Without a word Yujiro exhaled loudly. So loud and hard that it was like an air compressor letting loose and then he pivoted on his foot and walked away with him only saying coldly. "Shigure, go back to watch my grandson."

Shigure stiffly nodded and her form blurred as she sprinted away towards Ryouzonpaku with Yujiro's loud laughter making her blood boil.

Hayato watched as Yujiro in turn watched Shigure running back and the Ogre, the 'Strongest Man' spoke cheerfully. "Now that's an ass you can bounce a quarter off... Maybe I should pay a visit and see if the Kure clan has something on only having kids with Masters to make the strongest children." 

Hayato's eye twitched and before he could stop himself, his armored gauntlet smashed into Yujiro's jaw so hard that the massive man was lifted off the ground and using his feet as a lever he jumped up with the punch's full momentum sending Yujiro careening through the air and into the window of the sixth floor of the high-end hotel building.


Within Jake Barris's body. His two bloodlines, two body-shaping martial arts that were hard-wired into his very DNA, and the Uroboros Virus clashed. 

The Uroboros Virus being the refined and honed Progenitor Virus from the Ndipaya Kingdom's long-lost civilization of super humans was a work of art. Its very nature was to multiply and strengthen its host beyond mortal comprehension.

Within Jake's body came the advent of evolution and beside his heart a yellow organ filled with refined Uroboros Virus was growing at a speed the naked eye could easily track. But with Jake's body being of the Furunji and Hanma bloodline which were already superhuman, the Uroboros Virus didn't violently lash out while under the guidance of the martial artist's ki that were enriching the virus.

It didn't need to tear Jake's body completely apart to rebuild it. It could instinctively feel its host was on the right evolutionary path but as it settled within its host body it felt something in its DNA. And as it delved within its Host's DNA it found genetic information that baffled its hive mind but gave it... The alien feeling of wonder.

The hive mind of cells that up the Uroboros Virus within its host's body embraced the genetic memory within its host cells and unbidden all the of the melanin within Jake's hair retracted leaving it a soft snow white.

It had embraced the infinite evolution it had seen in the genetic memories within its host as it saw the true potential of body refinement and the limit of human potential in a host that could have the very power of the stars.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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