
Azazel: The Disgraced Monarch

[Dropped Project]

DystopicWorld · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Chapter 5: Snake King, Rust.

Aza'zel felt his mind ringing as he stumbled back, blood leaking through his nostrils and ears. He opened his blank eyes, only to meet the unveiling of a bloodshot pair.

Enmity and ferocity swirled deep within that bestial glare, and that was the last thing Aza'zel saw before he dropped unconscious.

The serpent growled, parting its massive maw open as it snapped at the unconscious Aza'zel, reaching the young man's side in a moment.

Long, slimy tongue slithered out, whipping Aza'zel about, prodding him gently.

A hint of concern flashed through the violent eyes, but the serpent was clueless. It could only lay its head down once again, its massive eyes staring at the young man unblinkingly.

The rampaging beast almost shattered Aza'zel's mind from its intense violent tendencies, and it was when Aza'zel abandoned all semblance of resistance and went for mutual destruction did his willpower triumphed eventually.