

Now you comprehend a major disadvantage of this location. With the lake at your back and the stream to one side, the behemoths hem you in as surely as the stone cliffs surrounding the canyon did this morning. You might try to switch your Land Rover back to driving mode and outmaneuver the triceratopses. Sooner or later they should give you an opening to escape, right? But that strategy isn't for the faint of heart and requires an awfully skilled driver. As for the downsides…well, let's not go there.

You're sorely tempted to try heading home. Enough already. Leave while you and Brett are alive and reasonably healthy, considering what you've both endured.

This is a sensible response if you're a whiz at maintaining your time machine in good working order, with or without assistance. It's also a reasonable solution if you've slacked off somewhat, so long as your equipment has escaped damage. Then, too, you're reassessing your notions of calculated risks, given that being trapped in the triceratopses' sparring ring isn't exactly the safest place in the Cretaceous landscape for you, Brett, or your time machine.

And do you really want to miss out on the battle of the Cretaceous titans of testosterone? You could show the world that courage is your strong suit by driving nearer and filming the dramatic action from a scarier camera angle. If you paid a lot of attention to the dinosaurs' patterns of behavior, you should have a decent idea of how close you dare get and from which direction to avoid antagonizing them. In case their bright-pink head frills antagonize other males, you do a quick check to make sure that neither you nor Brett are wearing anything of this color.

A cautious approach would be to scramble up into a nearby tree above the fray and safely observe the two behemoths as they roar and crash together, locking horns and tearing up the turf. However, taking refuge in a tree will leave your time machine vulnerable. Even though they're after each other, not a stationary vehicle, do you really want to chance it?

The best defense might be a good offense in the form of a high-caliber cartridge between the eyes. A courageous, skilled marksman ought to be able to pull this off, although there is the heart-stopping prospect of wounding one of these enraged behemoths when you're way too close for comfort.

To be clear, most of these possibilities will play havoc with your opportunity to go home today before the orange shimmer of the time window blinks out. What do you decide?