

You cannot let stand his falsehood of being the first time traveler. It's high time to call him out about his theft of your work. If Vance denies it, and you suspect he will, let him throw open the doors of his RV. Let him prove that his time machine is designed and built using different components, or operates on variations of your core principles, or diverges in some other fundamental respect from yours. If he tries to turn the tables by claiming that the similarities are because you're the thief who stole his designs, then let him try and explain on camera to the world precisely how his own device works. You're more confident than ever that he can't do even that much.

You're mentally formulating your approach when you spot a dead butterfly,which gives you an idea. You scoop it up and wait until Skyler goes back inside the RV, then march up to your nemesis. As soon as Vance catches sight of you, he practically chokes on his champagne. Before he's had time to recover, you greet him by saying, "As the world's first time traveler, I thought I should come say hello. You took a risk big-time arriving outside one of the major time windows. Sure hope that won't mean trouble."

"Guth." Surprise and distaste infuse the single word as Vance's eyes narrow. He flashes a false smile, unsure what to make of your speech. This is your chance to initiate your line of attack, beginning with the fact that you've recorded his time machine as it landed, making the same noises as yours and flashing an identical pattern of lights on the back.

All fake heartiness, Vance tries to dispute your words, spreading his hands wide as though he's got nothing to hide. You persist, politely but relentlessly pressing your points. With the charisma of a veteran politician, he launches a barrage of smooth words as he questions and evades, then switches to indignation and outright denial.

While he's going on and on, you stare at the ground beneath the RV, as though something caught your attention. Cutting him off, you scramble to one of his rear tires. "Oh no, what's this?" Out comes the dead butterfly. You hold it up to Vance. "This was beneath your tire." Vance turns so pale that you think he might faint. You press on. "I can't believe that you…you…" Of course, Skyler could have reminded him that the "butterfly effect" is a myth. Casey too, most likely. But Skyler's inside, and Casey's taken off up the game trail seeking who knows what.

"Oh my God." Vance's voice holds a note of pure panic. "I didn't mean…there must be some mistake. Skyler!"

Skyler appears in the doorway. At first, she gapes in astonishment at you, then nods. "Of course you'd try making the trip."

"You screwed up the present," Vance says to $[skylerXhim}. He turns to you. "Show her the butterfly."

Biting your lip and getting everything on film, you do so.

The edge of Skyler's lip quirks upward in amusement. "Time travel doesn't work this way, Darien. Guth's just messing with you. Come on, don't you remember what I've told you?"

Before you've had a chance to gloat at his ignorant mistake…
