

You study the hadrosaurs carefully, trying to determine how fast they would be when fleeing or charging, as well as where they're the most vulnerable. You recall reading a hypothesis that they were slower than T. rex but had more endurance. Even so, if it came to that, with such a long stride, they'd definitely be faster than you.

All told, it takes the rest of the morning to coax the Land Rover through the fetid swamp and then to locate shallow places where you can ford a succession of three different streams. Dense foliage mars the view of your quarry. At roughly a half mile from the terrace, you halt and turn off the Land Rover's engine. Who knows if the unfamiliar noise might spook them. Then, too, you don't want to take your vehicle up the terrace's steep, crumbling banks. Best to scramble up this last leg on foot, and to carry only the gear that you think you'll really need.

In addition to a full bottle of water, what do you lug with you?