

It occurs to you that there will be hell to pay. Nonetheless, after all that the bastard has done to you, from the moment he stole your work to this instant, he deserves to be left here with the dinosaurs. You take a breath and plunge in to the bravest three words you've ever uttered: "No can do."

"Say what?" Vance can't believe it. "Now is no time for jokes."

"I'm not joking, Vance."

Spreading his hands wide, he cuts you off. "Look, Guth, we've had our differences. I don't deny it. But it's time to move on."

Our differences. You can barely speak. His having ruined your life and your future is reduced to "our differences," as though it could ever even be possible to move on.

You resolve to find a way to let Skyler and Casey know that you intend to get them back home in your time machine. Nonetheless, you'll be damned if you'll lift a finger to help your nemesis.

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