A man, born from dirt, grew to face off the omnipotent.
After E-girl's numerous strikes, which only resulted in vain, the Grand Stallion that was pulling everyone was getting tired.
Perspiring and bathing in his own sweat.
"I... Haa!... I'm a sprinter, not a marathon runner! I'm getting tired!"
But even though the Grand Stallion said those words, he didn't stop running and smiling.
Spirit had already jumped out of the city gates after letting her horses stomped on the guards' faces.
"Why are those horses so powerful!? It is as if someone with unlimited spirit energy is supplying them!"
The captain of the guards said with disbelief when an Imperial Knight passed through them.
The horses that pulled Ayensi and Shiena's carriage have never felt so vigorous their entire life. It felt like they can smash through mountains and ran on the sea surface with ease!
"You're not getting away!" Anya didn't think anything but the drive that kept her going.
This is the fatal weakness of Spiritists. Although they are wildcards and have multiple techniques and skills, they don't have the thought process to use it to its maximum.
Spiritists solely rely on the power of their feelings!
"Ayensi and his servant must be so scared right now! I have to save them! NOTHING CAN STOP THE IMPERIAL KNIGHTS!---
except for the Gods and Guardians, of course..." Anya muttered while her body was filled with spirit energy, surpassing the speed of the horses.
"Oh... she has potential." Spirit calmly commented before putting another batch of energy into the horses, making them faster.
The horses were getting bigger and bigger, turning into overgrown horses. Their muscles tightening and improving like steel.
Smoke rises from their nostrils and a sheen light from their eyes.
"What!?" Anya's eyes widened.
While the forerunners were gaining distance from the other representatives, the Grand Stallion was getting slower and slower.
"I... I can't...."
"Leave it to me!"
The Grand Stallion looked and saw a giant man jumped out of the roof of the carriage, caving it.
"What the heck, man!?"
"Are you trying to destroy the ride!?"
Just as the other representatives complained, the Grand Stallion who was running suddenly lost the feeling of the ground.
"Eh...?" he looked down, huffing, and saw that he and the whole carriage were being carried by one man.
With a rough face that shadowed some of his facial features, the giant man laughed.
His feet slid through the grass soil due to inertia. However, that didn't stop him from bending his knees and elbows before throwing the whole carriage like spring!
"HERE!" the giant man shouted with force before his laugh echoed in the distance.
"W-what!?" E-girl shouted in confusion as all of them felt their innards dropped inside of them.
"What's happening!?" Henrick, within the flying carriage, panicked.
"It's the Mountain Spring! The Mountain Spring just threw us!" the Grand Stallion shouted with tears in his eyes as they pass through clouds after clouds.
"Although incredible, why is that dumbass Mountain Spring laughing while sending us all to death!?" E-girl cursed.
"Hmph! Mountain Spring is not the only one who can pick things up!" a white-haired man opened the door and jumped out.
"A suicide?!" many peeked out, expecting to see a man jumped to his death when suddenly, white feathers float around them before giant wings rose.
"A Lighfea! So that's why he had white hair! That man is a Lighfea!"
"I got this!" the white-haired "Lighfea" said as he heavily flapped his wings to push the carriage up and not fall down to their deaths.
"To carry something a dozen times his weight, this Lighfea is the famous Mover of the Clouds!" the Grand Stallion shouted surprised.
At that point, E-girl stood up with a smile on her face.
"To gather all these famous athletes, Mealma Empire is truly powerful. I have to make myself worth it!"
Getting serious, she stood more than a kilometer above her target. Even though there were only clouds below them, that doesn't stop E-girl.
Going through her memories, she predicted the speed, acceleration, the path, and predicted where her targets will be. Feeling where the wind was blowing, she pulled her bowstring with an arrow within it.
This time, with the addition of her spirit energy, the physical arrow gained energy as she released the string.
"I got it..." she whispered even though her eyes were closed.
On the ground, Spirit felt something from above. She stood up and waved her hand, deflecting the arrow that almost hit the head of the leading horse.
However, not so casually, the back of her hand was grazed. Although it did not bleed, this was enough to anger the Guardian of Spirit.
"I do not specialize in defense... but still." her head tilted up and a horrifying aura shot up from her, "you dare harm me in the presence of my Lord?"
It was as if the world went black and white, Anya felt incredible pressure but she kept going.
The Mountain Spring, who was laughing as he makes the earth shake but his running alone, stopped and was petrified.
"Monster! We're dealing with a monster!" the Mover of the Clouds shook and immediately retreated, letting the carriage fall down.
However, none had the thought of blaming him.
Instead of fearing for their fall, they feared that they were getting closer to the monster that ejected that horrifying aura.
"Don't falter!"
It was Henrick's voice that woke them up.
"We are the strongest people there are! No matter what beast is down there, how can we just froze up!?"
Everyone looked at each other as they fall down, hitting clouds after clouds.
"That's... that's right!" some shouted back.
A woman with a staff shouted, "Grand Stallion, I'll bring back your strength, help us cushion the fall!"
"From this height and this weight!?" Grand Stallion was strong and fast but not that strong to cushion everyone from a fall from that height!
"Trust me!" the petite girl removed the giant hat on her head to show three more eyes on her forehead.
"Five-eyed Sorcerer!" many exclaimed.
"You, climber, can you please?!" the Five-eyed Sorcerer pointed at the one that sat beside Henrick.
This man had terrifyingly steeled muscles on his upper body.
"I get what you're planning, little Sorceress. However, I also have a title on my own and that is Star Climber!"
Start Climber then went around the carriage like spider onto the rooftop and sat on the Grand Stallion's back.
"Now, we have the lower and upper strength in body, right!?" Star Climber confidently said.
"... eh? No, that's lame. I just want you to move aside."
Star Climber's face reddened and lowered in shame.
"Nononono! It was a very cool idea, Star Climber!" the Grand Stallion comforted.
"AHHH!! We're near the ground! Just do what you plan to do!" E-girl shouted in panic.
"I hope this works so that we can eat the fatty's share of dinner who threw us and make chicken wings out of that Lighfea who left us!" the Five-Eyed Sorceress shouted as she spelled out her incantation.
Lighfeas are skypeople who lived in the floating islands. They are fast and strong but are generally cowards while having fake prides.