
Ayensi Sole Tiowen

A man, born from dirt, grew to face off the omnipotent.

JhiThan_Ser · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Day of the Extreme Sports Event

After three days, the Extreme Sports Event has already arrived.

Surprisingly, no more representatives entered the inn. The Mealma Representatives soon learned that it is because the representatives of other places stayed outside with their own tent.

Remembering last time, these people did the same.

"So that's why the inn is not that big. It's only for formality and actually us." Arelia, the Five-Eyed Sorceress said.

She is actually a Sentient called Sightfuls.

"I heard that they actually don't want to meddle with the Mealma Faction." Star Climber laughed, "Bunch of inferiors."

"Star, I don't think it's right to insult them that way. We have to keep our sportsmanship." Grand Stallion had an awkward smile.

Right now, they were now being led by Anya, one of Mealma's Imperial Knights. The people cheered for them. However, it lacks the festivities, unlike the last event.