
Danger Approaching Ressuim

Ressuim, a world with several continents.

In it, humans lived together with other forms of beings. Its characteristics were not far from Earth.

Ressuim, if compared to Earth, is slightly larger and greener than blue. Some lands were brown, some had varying neutral colors.

This world was more lively and spirited.

There are trees that could reach the sky. Seas that contains great mysteries. Mountains that stretched over the lands.

Intelligent creatures were living and surviving in each nook and cranny. There are differences in every race of creatures' appearances, forms, characteristics, and overall, the structures of their body from one another.

However, there is one kind that was dominant over these creatures and it was expectedly the humans.

Even if they are far weaker than the other creatures living with them, they have the protection of Gods and Goddesses of that domain.

Long ago, heaven was destroyed and the remaining deities created a new one.

For some reason, they didn't dare call it heaven, but instead, they called it the [Highest Realm]

The Highest Realm favored humans among all else. That is why humanity is flourishing and dominating Ressuim.

Even though the Gods and Goddesses don't show themselves in the [Low Realm], other creatures still found it hard to become the rulers because of the Twelve Guardians.

As the name suggests, they guard some things, the fragments of different laws.

For example, Guardian of Power will have to protect the [Law of Power] may it be literal or metaphorical.

There should be hierarchies and forces. As long as the Guardian of Power exists, these will never die out.

The Guardians are the mediums that connect the Highest Realm to the Low Realm. If the Law of Power becomes insufficient or imbalanced, the Guardian of Power will use its might to refill it in any kind of way.

If life becomes too much, the Guardian of Death will appear and will unbiasedly massacre anyone on its path.

If the void's surplus would appear in reality, the Guardian of Spirits will suppress them using the profound mysteries using spirits that can be found in every life.

Everything is balanced.

Power and Peace

Life and Death

Void and Spirits

Destruction and Creation

Elements and Matter

Highest and Lowest

Each of these had Guardians of their own and has a pair to balance themselves.

The Twelve Guardians would be picked from the creatures of Ressuim. That was why the most favored of Highest, humanity was dominating the world.

Eight of the Twelve Guardian were humans and the other four came from different species.

As of now, in the central continent called Kresian, the Guardian of Peace who can just simple called Peace, revealed a frown.

"Too much force. Too much!" he shouted. He was an old sage that lives on the highest mountain in the center of Kresian.

He was always wearing a placid expression but after seeing a prophecy as an enlightenment by the world, he shuddered and exclaimed.

"Is Power rebelling?! This is too much! Does he wants to destroy the world!?" he came out of his cave and meta serene landscape.

Tall giant trees were looming from afar as greeneries. Colossal mountains could be seen over the horizons. Flying skylands float above the clouds while mist hovered everywhere, making far things undiscernible and the near landscape mystical.

Below the old sage was a white sea. These were clouds in the sky but it seemed like they were the ground.

The old sage was on the tallest mountain in Kresian indeed.

Peace breathed in and kept his mind cool. He is the Guardian of Peace, how could he let anything make him panic?

And that is why the prophecy that he received was terrifying.

"This is no good. The other Guardians should come here fast and resolve this issue. I, alone, wouldn't be able to handle it."

A mystical wind blew and carried the old sage. His robes fluttered softly under the wild breeze.

Peace hovered and dived into the clouds. The foot of the tallest mountain could still be seen but there, the colossal trees and mountains were dark in the background.

There was only a shadowy plain ground under the sea of clouds. Grass and soil were mixed and differing altitudes of land could be seen. A few trees and animals were here and there, peacefully minding their own lives.

On the flattest ground, Peace landed.

And up, he looked at the sky. At the same time, clouds moved and the sunlight entered, illuminating the shadowy plains.

He stayed there, being showered by the sunlight as if he was a holy being.

Soon, a shadow loomed and came down a brawny man sitting on a warhorse. His body was filled with tough and intimidating armor. The same with his ride.

This big man was like the king of wars that won the world with chaos. He is the Guardian of Power and could only be called Power.

Power landed a few meters opposite Peace. He took off his helmet, revealing his bronze head skin, shiny head, and sharp eyebrows.

His eyes, however, seemed to conquer everything. He heavily stepped down from his giant mount.

"Power," Peace stood unfazed as he gently caressed his long sagely white beard, "Are you not the cause of this strange force?"

His voice was light and refreshing. He was like the kind old grandpa that lives next door. Meanwhile, when Power replied, the difference was vast.

"I would never rebel even if I die. This force does not come from me." it wasn't loud but it was thick and fearsome, shaking the soul of those who heard it.

"Then, where...?" Peace showed a confused expression, pondering.

"Let's wait for Spirits, she would know where it came from."

Peace nodded.

They didn't wait long.

The ground rose in silence near them. It turned into a small mound and crumbled, revealing a tall woman. She was taller than Power and his horse combined.

A curtain hid her body and as she walked, she seemingly floats. Her face was covered by a multi-colored mask just like the curtain she wore. Braids and ornaments were stuck on her long multi-colored hair.

Jewels and gems endlessly filled these ornaments, making this woman colorful.

She was the Guardian of Elements and could be simply called Elements.

Soon, a light flickered near them and a young woman came out. She wore a royal robe in a fiery color.

As soon as she appeared, she wore a worried expression but still confidently strode into the group. She's the Guardian of Spirits and could be simply called Spirits.

"Let's not wait for others, I've already managed to know where this strangeness is coming from." her voice was angelic, befitting of her sophisticated appearance.

"Tell us, where is it coming from?" as if a hundred women spoke at the same time, this voice came from Elements behind her mask. She seemed mysterious but she was actually anxious too.

Power was frowning from the very beginning. The others were not Peace who could keep calm under this pressure.

Spirits pointed up and lightly said;

"It came from there."

"From the peak of Mt. Matoh?" Elements guessed.

But Spirits shook her head.

"From the Highest Realm?" this time, Peace doubtfully said.

But Spirit shook her head again.

Power frowned more and became impatient, "Just tell us."

Under the pressure of Power, Spirits was indifferent as she answered, "It is beyond the sky... It came from outer space."

"The calamity will fall upon Ressuim. This calamity is called, Ayensi Sole Tiowen." she slowly pronounced the strange name.


Speechless... The other three Guardian glanced at each other with wide eyes. But not that the eyes of Elementals could be seen.