
Ayden and Theodre tribe

Ayden, the old foodtruck owner gets killed and is reincarnated in everyones dream... a fantasy world. He finds out that he was born in a legendary tribe and could use amazing magic that less than 10 000 had from millions. Follow the Aydens journey as he discovers new ways to use magic and explores the new world.

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45 Chs


We trained for almost 2 hours and with my 7-year-old body, I was very tried. Mom looked like she could handle more than 7 hours more. She really is an expert, even if my physical abilities were matching hers, I couldn't beat her.

I need to train more and luckily it seems, that mom isn't going to leave training for this one time. We continued to train 2 hours a day, we first did an hour of stamina and strength training. Rest of the time I practiced my swordplay and mom told me how to fix it. We would duel once a week.

At the same time, I would practice magic. Everyone who can use magic can use all kinds of magic but they are not good at that magic. For an example if non tribe member used the same realm magic as me, they couldn't even get to bubbles or choose one. I also can't use other hard types of magic like space, death or sound. However almost everyone can control at least one basic element, and so can I.

And I seem to be the best at thunder magic. I have been using that every once in a while, to grow my core's structure. You see when you add rings to your core, your core does get stronger but if your structure is weak. It may affect in how easily you can add rings or how much strength you gain by upgrading it.

So, to get as strong structure as possible, I've been using magic every time when I can, because of that I learnt to do it so my mom won't see. This also affects the speed that I can gather mana in. However, I can't bear anyone that has more ring's than me in a mage battle, if we use same spells, even if I had the more amount of talent on that element.

But I will be one of the strongest among people my level and even stronger than people my age as I have started almost 10 years before them. I first have my realm magic that gives me passive strength upgrade as long as I don't let them die and make them keep their faith in me. I have thunder magic and its attack potential is one of the highest in basic elements. And even if I were to run out of mana, I will have my sword, which I'm learning from mom.

With this I can grow enough strength to protect myself and explore this world freely.


It has been 3 months now. I am getting better with the sword day by day. Even my mom is terrified with the speed that I'm growing with. But it doesn't stop her from hugging and kissing me like I was still a baby.

My magic skills are growing well. My structure is already looking strong but not strong enough to try and add more rings. Even the speed that I gather mana is almost half times strong as before.

The people in my realm have advanced greatly. They had to kill a huge bear, and no one died, they got a lot of tools and food from it. They started to make some little houses. The place that they live in is a forever frozen lake. It has mountains next to it and they live in a cave belonging to one mountain. It has many trees close to it, so they don't die to that. I helped them to make warmer houses by showing a miracle about how it's warmer inside a place that doesn't let the warmth escape.

Everything has been well. I haven't won a duel against my mom yet but I will train hard to do so. I have also noticed that sometimes I feel and show emotions like a child. Maybe this body is taking over my thoughts but doesn't matter to me. I only need my knowledge; childish emotions don't matter now.

I hope mom teaches me more about this world or I have to read more books. My childhood may not have fun times with friends, but I've already done that once. Now I need to train to not get a future like in my past life.

Mom told me my tribes another tradition. I will leave home at 13 to explore the outside world. I need to prepare for that moment. I don't even have any plans for the future. Just to explore and not get myself killed.

I have 6 years, which is more than enough to grow in strength and become better than most adults, according to magic books recommendations.

-Ayden, let's continue!

I can do this; I can do this. I repeated in my mind as I thought about the next 8 years to grow in strength and wonder, how I would grow.

But the way didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was strength.