
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 7

Kiyotaka sat there, looking at his own shadow that seemed no different from before, yet strangely he felt there wasnt any gaze .

'Must be some scouting ability of someone'

In this word there are various aspects and various powers. Its impossible to count their differences as many new ones appear every day . Aspects that grant scouting also isnt something new to this world .

'Looks like some Sleeper was trying to test his abilities...that reminds me, i have yet to test my own Aspect Ability'

Innate Ability: [Broken Limits].

Ability Description: [An ability that makes it possible for you to temporarily break free from your power limits and gain the strength beyond your Rank and Level]

As he read the runes he tried to activate his ability . Instantly, his body seemed to be on fire, his blood boiled , the muscles stretched and became more refined, his eyes turned incredibly sharp and he felt ...free.

This qualitive changes made him feel at least twice as strong . He performed few test mivements and then stopped his ability as it was taking toll on his body and mind .

'Broken Limits....truly an interesting ability. It boosted my overall attributes by approximately 100%...I felt like i was in a realm of Awakened for a second....thinking back, thats not true...My overall abilities greatly improved , yet it wasnt at the level of Awakened'

As it seemed, his ability made him stronger than Sleeper can ever be, but not to the level of an Awakened . Feeling satisfied with his test , kiyotaka left his room and walked towards cafeteria . After performing so many straining things he felt quite hungry .

On his way to cafeteria he suddenly overheard something that made him stop on his tracks . The short guy he saw at the entrance , whos name was apparently Sunny was conversing with some Legacy..Caster was his name .

"I would let you know... my Appraisal was, uh, it was "glorious"! Yes, glorious. And the Aspect I acquired was of the Divine rank."

After that, Sunny received a number of strange looks. No one had ever received a Divine Aspect before; so, of course, they were starting to think that he was a lunatic. But there was still a sliver of doubt... maybe that strange guy was a descendant of a powerful clan? A peerless prodigy? Maybe his Appraisal was, indeed, glorious...

Sunny then continued.

"Mind you, I'm not some lofty Legacy. Pfft! I'm from the outskirts. I've never even received combat training. All that training and he only got an "excellent"? What did he do during the Nightmare, pick his nose the whole time?"

At his words everyones face turned to disgust...everyones but two people...Casper who was still trying to be polite ...and Kiyotaka, whos mind was instantly on high alert after the words "Glorious" and "Divine" .

'Another one..like me? someone with Divine Rank? Why would he tell this out loud?'

Soon after Sunny went on saying that he killed Awakened terror, that he talked to a gods despite them being dead

As Ayanokouji listened to all of that, an idea has formed in his mind

'This guy is either really lunatic...or he is trying to present himself as one. His goal is to become an outcast...why? so he wont talk to others?....Yes , thats it....he always answers whenever he is asked a question, must be his Flaw....Also, to others his words are no different from lunatics...but i can tell he is telling the truth. Is that his Flaw? That he cant lie?'

After several minutes Sunny was left alone Seizing perfect moment Kiyotaka aproached him with his same apathic face .

* * *

Sunny snickered in his mind , it was easy for him to fool all of those stupid youngsters and now he was left alone . Taken a moment of bliss from not having to deal with his flaw made him happy . Unfortunately, his happiness proved to be short-lived as the guy he decided to spy upon previously suddenly appeared next to him .

'Damnation! That scary guy is going to give me heart attack one day!'

As Sunny collected himself he heard the scary guy speak :

"My name is Kiyotaka, nice to meet you"

Sunny mentally prepared himself to manipulate the truth again if the scary guy asked him about his Aspect . Surprisingly, the emotionless bastard didnt even try to question him about it and just chatted with him normally on common topics like Academy facilities . He didnt ask any questions about his Aspect or his abilities . As he was trying to understand what was up the guy bid his farewells and left him .

The moment he was left alone he somehow felt tricked ... despite having said nothing of importance.
