
Chapter 2:vol 1

I awoke in a field of grass and I wondered around trying to analyze the area and check my surroundings.

Ugh my memory is foggy I said to myself, well, I guess exploring won't hurt to do.

Hello master! W-who said that?! It was me I am your true codex aka your partner, o-oh I see, so where am I, you are in the middle of the grassy plains, we are also located in the middle of an island. I see then, so what am I doing here, you were reincarnated here master but you seem to have lost your memories do you want your memories back? Not really because if I was reincarnated that means something has happened. And I more than likely died.

As you wish my master, anyways what is your name, my name is illiel, well illiel it's nice having you as a partner, same to you master, illiel said in a happy and cheery tone.

I walked around and wondered out of the grassy plains, and after walking around a dragon flew infront of me.

W-w-what is that, master that is an great elder dragon, what is it doing here? Well I think it's here because it can sense extra dimensional aura and you have that exact aura.