
Axena - The Goddess of War

AXENA was from the RebelHood, a rampaging force that depicts freedom and she was free until she wakes to be bound to bow to whips - she was enslaved together with the women from the RebelHood; old and young. Separated from her love, who was also in captivity but in other parts of the kingdom, she persevere; knowing that one day they might reunite and she chose to live. To survive, there were odds. The freedom she freely took was a thing she has to fight for - with the sword and sex; she throws herself body for a lot and rise until she stands above all slaves. Then she aims the heads of her captors. After going through all to win, will she be able to return to the hands of her love when he also had fought diligently to become the captors strongest gladiator? Find out...

Oyin_Bimbo · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 38 - Trust issues

Axena returned to the official quarters after she and Lixinni departed after the session they had with the kitchen's head main. As she walked towards Cnten's chamber, she had a lot in her mind and the biggest issue was that Lixinni had been involved directly with them and they would surely have her to deal with in the future.

She also resaid the words by the head maid to herself when she thought about the ties that joined them together by their masters and with Buten who was the game player. All she could see was an internal conflict on the way. One that would bring about a fight that she has no idea of.

She walked into the official quarter and stood before Cinten's door. A guard announced her presence and her entry was granted.

Axena walked in and saw Cinten on her table with a bottle of wine before her.