
Axe: Notorious Assassin Transmigrate Into A Game Of Chess.

Axel was a renowned assassin, known for his exceptional skill in wielding an axe. He had never failed to take down a target with his mighty weapon. One day, he was given a special mission by the notorious cult that had honed his assassination abilities. Little did he know, this mission would be his last. Despite successfully completing the assassination, his family was brutally attacked and murdered. Alone and consumed by despair, Axel awoke to find himself in a different dimension of Earth. The streets were empty, and almost everyone had vanished. Suddenly, a message appeared: Ding! [Welcome To The Underworld Games] [You Have Acquired The Chess System] In this new dimension, Axel and a few others were tasked with completing games provided by the system. The chess game was not played on a board, but rather with opponents representing the chess pieces. Failure in any game level meant the end, but victory promised unimaginable rewards. Axel was now faced with a new challenge, and the stakes had never been higher.

BLUE_WAVY_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


What?!" Livi exclaimed, her mouth agape and eyes wide with shock as she stared at the system.

"Damn! How could we forget that today is the end of our rest?" Rian said with a frustrated sigh.

"And Alex is still unconscious on the sick bed," Livi said, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she glared at the system.

"I swear, I hate this system!" yelled Rosa angrily, her rage evident in her voice.


(The other players will meet up in the next two hours.)

"When will Axel wake up?" Livi demanded, facing Rosa with raised eyebrows, demanding an answer.

"I don't know. He might regain consciousness early or late. Like I said earlier, I just have to keep my eyes on him until he wakes up," Rosa revealed, worry and frustration evident on her face.

"Darn it!" Livi cursed and hurriedly made her way into the ward where Axel was, with Rosa and Rian following behind her.

"What the heck! Didn't you say he wasn't in much danger?" Rian asked, surprised to see Axel connected to various wires he had no knowledge of.

"That's the patient monitor, Rian. And as you can see, Axel is doing fine and could wake up at any moment," Rosa replied, noticing his confusion.

"Fine?" Rian asked, his gaze fixed on Rosa, "you must be kidding me young lady!" He added and shifted his gaze from her to Axel.

"We only have four hours until the game starts," Livi said sadly, her tone filled with despair. "Even if he wakes up now, how will he be able to participate in the game in such a weak condition?"

"That's true. Only heaven knows if this next game will be as brutal as the first one or not," Rosa said with a heavy sigh, her expression filled with sadness.

"System! What kind of game are we playing next?" Rian asked, his anger evident in his tone.


(You will find out the type of game you're playing when it starts, dear players.)

"Darn it! Can't you at least give us a hint? We have a dying person here, and we need to know what kind of game we'll be playing so we can plan ahead," Rian said angrily, his voice barely audible so as not to disturb Axel.


(I'm not allowed to do that. Wait for the second game to start, and then you'll know.)

"Hey! Didn't you say Axel is your favorite? Do you want him to die in the next game, even if he wakes up now?" Livi asked angrily, her gaze fixed on the system, which disappeared out of sight immediately.

"Darn it! I really hate this system!" Rian yelled and sat down on the tiled floor, burying his head in his lap.

"Guess we just have to wait for the next game to start. Axel's fate will only be decided by the type of game we're playing," Rosa said with a heavy sigh, causing the other two players to shift their gaze to Axel and then away.


(Three hours left until the second game starts.)

"Arrgh... I'm so angry!" Rian yelled, gritting his teeth.

"Ant is responsible for this. If I see him, I'll make sure he goes through all the pain Axel has endured," Livi said with sheer determination.


(Twenty players are already in the hospital hallway, and with you, there are twenty-five players. The number of players for the second game is complete. The second game starts in two hours.)

"Axel, please wake up in time," Livi said tearfully as she held Axel's hand. "You claimed to be death itself. If that's true, then get up and participate in the second game with us." She rested her head on the edge of the bed.

"Darn it! Your voices are too loud and deafening," said a weak voice, causing Livi to raise her head in a hurry, recognizing it as Axel's voice.

"Axel!" she screamed happily and hugged him, accidentally pressing on the knife wound, causing Axel to wince in pain.

"I'm so sorry," Livi apologized, wiping away her tears and helping Axel sit up.

The other two players, who had been sitting on the tiled floor, immediately stood up upon hearing Livi's scream and ran happily towards Axel's bed.

"Yo man! You really scared us," Rian said with relief as he patted Axel on the shoulder.

"Hey! Be careful," Livi yelled, giving Rian a hateful gaze, urging him to withdraw his hand from Axel's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're okay now, Axel," Rosa said with a smile on her face. "But I'm sorry to announce that the second game will start in four hours." The other two players shifted their gazes to Axel whose expression couldn't be read but their own faces filled with worry.


(The other players are already in the hallway. Make sure to get to know each other before the second game.)

Axel's expression remained calm even though the system's announcement was annoying. However, he soon cleared his throat and began to speak.

"I'm glad I woke up in time. That means I will definitely participate in the second game," Axel said confidently, causing the other three players to stare at him in surprise. "It would be a pity for me to continue lying down on this sick bed while the second game begins. That would be a total insult, to be a loser even before participating in a game."

"Wow!" Rian murmured to himself, impressed, as he folded his arms across his chest.

"I love the confidence," Rosa said. "But there is still a problem. We can never know the game we're playing until it starts, as the system won't reveal it until then."

"We already know that, Rosa. Maybe you should tell us something else we don't know and spare me a heart attack," Rian said, rolling his eyes at her before shifting his gaze back to Axel.

"If the second game involves running activities like the first one, then I'm sorry to announce that you won't be able to participate. The stab wound on your stomach is still fresh and delicate, and doing any strenuous activity like running could cause it to start bleeding. If you don't die on this sick bed, you might eventually die while running in the second game," she added, leaving the other players in shock.

"Darn!" Rian cursed bitterly. "You're still going to die sooner or later, man," he added, shaking his head in pity.

"Like I said earlier, I'm death itself," Axel said with a smirk. "Have you ever seen anyone kill death? Rather, it is death that kills," he added, raising up his eyebrows only to meet the confusion plastered on the three players standing before him faces.

"Come on! Let's meet up and get to know the other players," Axel said, ignoring the duo's expression in front of him, as he struggled to get up but ended up tripping and almost falling to the floor.

Sorry for not uploading frequently dear readers, just finished my exams

And now I'm back to continue giving you steady updates

BLUE_WAVY_creators' thoughts