
Awful Travel

Donald was cursed to die today. Donald; A disowned man who has lived in poverty all through his life with his wife, Karen, found himself in a terrible situation. It was as if his life was cursed to be miserable. He has never seen anything good in his life, only pain and regret. But one day he was offered a job as one of the managers of a company owned by the Chinese. And the day he decided to embark on his journey to the job was the very day he was cursed to die.  This story contains different genres, son-in-law, survival, myth, fantasy, adventure, and so many others. Donald Stuart who Is the main protagonist of this story finds himself in a confusing situation and a terrifying adventure he never wishes to go into. He didn't know how to get there but what he knew was that his life was going to end there. This is a game of death and life. If you delay you die but if you struggle you survive. Blood is wasted, and lifeless bodies were littered everywhere. But Donald's own was different, even though he struggled more than others it still feels like the problem came for him only. He didn't know who he might have offended that has brought him into terrible misery. Was he cursed? Come to the other part of the son-in-law part, Donald married a wife named Karen at home by mistake. And He was insulted and disowned for it which lead them to extreme poverty and suffering. And the day he went to find a green pasture for his family, was the day he faced this predicament and he didn't know whether he might survive to help his family fight the battle they were facing at home. Will he die as his fate says or will he find a way to escape death? And Karen Stuart had to face the consequences of her and her husband's mistakes. " Even if you stayed away for the rest of your life, I will wait for you for the rest of my life " Karen declared firmly while cleaning the tears that came streaming down from her eyes. Follow me to the cursed life of Donald Stuart. I will like you to follow me and correct me to be a better author and I guarantee you that I will provide a more suitable idea for stories for you to read. Much love.

chiboss050 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter six: Giant crab

" Where am I?"

Donald was surprised to see himself in an old cottage other than the opening of the mountain rock he saw himself dive into.

He stood at the door with confusion written all over his face. But later he decided to solve his worries himself.

He steadily walked towards the door with fright. Anxiety surfaced on seeing a house that looks exactly like his own at home.

As he opened the old fragile door, his eyes widened in shock as his mouth was left open. 

He could see his son watching a football match on the Tv while his daughter was calling out to his wife to help her remove the football match since she does not like it.

He was glad, confused, and stood there in frisson, not knowing what way to approach them. 

Tears came running down his cheeks as he saw his family whom he thought he wouldn't be seeing again.

' I know they will be happy to see me or might have missed me. Oh fuck, I didn't even get them any of the things I promised or maybe I can get them later but for now, I want to hug the life out of them and sniff their scent so it could help settle my terrified heart ' Donald thought. 

Suddenly, his wife came out of the kitchen in a haste to please her daughter who burst into tears after her wish wasn't granted to her.

This made tears of joy and extreme excitement run down his body. 

"Oh my whole world, how much I have missed the scent of her perfume"

Never for one day has Donald regretted his marriage with Karen even though it came out of bad circumstances, he still thanks the heavenly beings for it.

When he walked towards his kids, nobody noticed him nor turned his way. He smiled, because he was fully aware that his family doesn't notice anyone whenever they are watching television, all their minds are always focused on the screen and what is happening on it.

So he decided to use the opportunity to surprise them.

" Hello kids!" he called out with a smile on his face but nobody heard him. This made him very confused as his smile slowly began to despair.

The smile on his face finally turn to a frown when he stood in front of the TV and they didn't see him and were watching the television as if he wasn't blocking it.

This was what he normally does whenever he wants to get their attention out of the tv because there was no other way. So he did it instinctively.

Then suddenly, everywhere started disappearing piece by piece, starting from the television, cushions, tables, etc, and was being replaced with a pitch-black void with nothing more to be seen in sight.

Soon after, he started hearing a ringing bell in his ear, and slowly the bell sound started turning into a voice. But as he focused to know what was happening, he noticed that the voice belonged to Isabella.

" Donald! Donald!!, wake up!!"

It was as if she was screaming his name urgently.

' why is she screaming my name and bringing me out of the dream I never wish to wake up, are we in trouble again ?'

Donald thought with anger and opened his eyes only to see himself hanging up in the air.

Well, it turns out that the rock they escaped into wasn't a rock but a disguised giant crab with a rock-like shell structure, and the creepy animal was holding them in its claws.

" What happened?"

Donald asked as he was quite shocked to see himself hanging in the air and it was as if the girl was also relieved on hearing his voice.

" Oh thank god, you are alive" she exclaimed with a happy face and began to explain what happened.

" When we jumped in, you were left unconscious and the entrance was closed immediately. After some time, when we were all freaked out, the rock began to shake, and from shaking it began to rise"

" And with that opportunity, others used the little opening that was available at that moment to escape but I couldn't leave you. I tried waking you up but you weren't waking that's when the crab grabbed us"

Donald sighed after he heard the whole story. He couldn't believe that the girl risked her own life for him when she should have escaped. And now, both of them are going to die together.

" You should have saved yourself" came the sudden voice of Donald after a few minutes of deep thought.

" No, I couldn't. You have done the same thing for me so I have to repay"  replied the girl with an awkward smile, the fear of dying was hooking her up.

'No we can't die like this ' thought Donald, he wants to see his family even if it was for the last time, and give them a goodbye hug.. but it was too bad they have to depart like this.

Now he is prepared to face his fate without fear. There was nothing left for him to do, all hope was gone. All he pitied was this girl who risked her life for him.

He wasn't bothered about life, after all, life has been very hard on him. He never cared about his life but what he was very more concerned about was his family, he knew what circumstances would come upon them if he was to be declared gone or missing.

He closed his eyes when he saw that the crustacean was about to drop them down to its stomach

" Please, my family be safe" 

He muttered when they were closer to the mouth of the crab, but suddenly, those flapping noises were heard again, distracting the crab from eating its lunch.

Donald opened his eyes after he waited for the crab to crush him with its teeth but felt nothing, he looked around in confusion and there he noticed what was happening.

 The vultures that were all gone before were now struggling with the crab with its prey. They kept struggling until the crab couldn't take it anymore and dropped Donald and Isabella and then went for the vultures instead.

Seeing the slightest opportunity given to them, Donald went and carried the girl who couldn't walk after the fall, then sprinted off.

He ran into the other part of the forest filled with umbrella trees to prevent the vultures from seeing them since he couldn't run fast as before with Isabella on his back.

After running for some time, Donald's speed began to get slower and slower but he kept running. He ran until he couldn't feel his legs anymore and fell on top of the dry leaves that were spread everywhere due to hunger, thirst, and fatigue.

They had been running for their lives since morning and hadn't had time to eat or rest. He lay there so tired and couldn't move again. His stomach kept growling and he had nothing to offer him. He kept thinking about where he can get food but couldn't think of anything.

No food, no water, nothing at all was on this Island, he couldn't imagine how they would survive a day there.

He could feel Isabella's body laying beside him, he tried opening his eyes but his eyelids felt so heavy, he couldn't raise them. 

So he finally gave up and lay there. After some time, he felt a slight kick on his stomach, then a bigger one, then a more painful one.

He cuddled together and winced in pain as the kicks increased. 

He tried opening his eyes after feeling the kicks increasing more and more but couldn't. 

This made him begin to crack his brain on who or what could be kicking him like that. He could feel Isabella's body still laying close to him, so then who?.