
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 2: Genin Exam

Academy Roof

"We will start with introductions, Kakashi start talking" announced the strangely irritated redhead as she crossed her hands over a pair of massive knockers, pushing up the already copious titflesh against the already straining fabric of her green vest.

The nerve of that smug bastard for ignoring her like she wasn't even there! Who the hell did he think he was? She will show that cheeky brat what ignoring her entailed!

"My name is Kakashi Hatake, I like …" the silverette trailed off, gulping in fear when Kushina gave him a look that said everything he needed to know. Yeah he got the signal alright. One wrong word and he would be halfway across the village before he can say 'what'. "Reading novels and simply relaxing. I don't particularly dislike anything and my dream is to stay true to a promise I've made a long time ago"

Naruto, seeing the annoyed expression on his mother's face, stood up from his spot and made his way towards the edges of the roof, leaning against the railings right beside her and blissfully ignoring her glaring stare.

"Pinkie, go"

"Umm … my name is Sakura Haruno, I like…" the pink haired student started quietly, directing a subtle glance of hunger at the redheaded boy that didn't go unnoticed by the already annoyed mother. "I dislike Ino and heavy food. My dream is to become an even greater Medic than Tsunade Senju"

'Watch where you are looking pinkie, he is mine!' the thick Milf almost growled like a disturbed beast, hands threatening to send the small girl flying through the gates of the village after that comment. She liked Naruto? Didn't the pinkie know that she already had her claws sunk into her baby boy?

Naruto was hers and hers alone!


"My name is Sasuke Uchiha; I neither have any likes nor dislikes. My dream is not a dream because I am going to make it a reality. I am going to kill a certain someone" the dark haired boy declared, an ominous glint twinkling in his black orbs as he disappeared into his isolated world of fantasies.

The Uzumaki matriarch silently sent her heartfelt condolences to her Uchiha friend for having to deal with such a broody brat and praised her patience for not ending his life. She would've done it in the blink of an eye.

Nodding uncaringly, Kushina turned to her son with a twitching eyebrow. "It's your turn, squirt"

"Do I have to?"


"Fine … my name is Naruto Uzumaki; I like this pissed off woman next to me"

"Oh shut up!" the buxom Milf growled, slapping the boy upside his head with a vicious slap, round cheeks tinted a healthy red. Did he think that saying a few sweet words would get him on her good side?

Naruto only smiled knowingly.

30 Minutes Later

"That settled everything for now. Kakashi, deal with your students" the buxom beauty concluded as she straightened up with a dick-hardening jiggle to her vest-covered breasts and placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "I will be taking Naruto's test right now"

Without waiting for the cyclopean Jonin's response and also ignoring Sakura's confused question about 'test', Kushina vanished into thin air along with her son and appeared in the training ground of the Uzumaki compound.

An awkward silence descended upon the clearing soon after.

"So… what exactly is my test?" Naruto asked unsurely, moving a few steps away from the volatile redhead. You never know what she plans to do until its tool late. He'd rather not take that chance with someone like her … even if he was the only one who could possibly take her assaults and emerge unscathed.

An annoyed glare greeted his question. "What do you think?"

"We could hold a sleeping competition" the lazy redhead suggested. "If I out-sleep you, I become a Genin"

"Keep dreaming!"

"Then how about a sex marathon?" Naruto continued with a lecherous grin on his foxy face. "If I fuck you into unconsciousness, I become a Genin"

"Fuck me into unconsciousness? Big talk for a little squirt" the slightly blushing redhead retorted as she growled. She had to admit that was awfully tempting… No, she was supposed to be angry at him for ignoring her earlier! "No sleeping and no fucking, your test is to try and survive until sunset"

"Survive what, your pussy or that humongous ass?" he bit back jokingly.

Steam poured out the buxom Milf's ears as she reached for a nonexistent sword on her back. "Survive my sword, you lazy pervert!"

'Told ya that your mouth would get you in trouble one day' the Nine Tails chipped in from his mindscape when he saw his previous jailer materialize a crimson blade on her back and rush towards his current container. 'About time if you ask me, you were getting way too lazy for my liking'

'Not helping!' Naruto scowled, preparing himself for the battle of his life. An angry Kushina was not a good thing and he had her riled up even more with that comment.

'You do know that her sword can even pierce the Three Tails' shell, right? I wonder what it will do to you.'

'Fuck off, asshole! I don't need your 'wise' comments right now'

A Week Later, Uzumaki Compound

"You are kidding, right?"

"Nope, not even a little bit"

"What the hell, mom? You know I can't stand doing those so called missions!" the young redhead grumbled as he glared at his busty mother, who was once again garbed in her 'Fuck me' Jonin ensemble.

And yeah, he had already pumped her full of his dick milk, her flushed cheeks and still bloated belly was a glaring testament to that fact. Rules are rules, he couldn't ignore them… nor could he ignore the way her massive tits and phat buttocks strained against her uniform.

Bending her over and reshaping her pussy walls before draining his balls into her womb was the only choice.

"Deal with it, you can't take on higher missions until and unless you complete a select amount of the lower ones" the shapely Milf countered evenly, inwardly smirking like a maniac at her son's constipated look. Anything that made her laid-back child annoyed or interested was always welcomed in her books. "Rules are rules"

"You could've said something to dad!" Naruto whined, stomping his foot on the ground angrily.

"Why would I?" Kushina retorted, raising a delicate eyebrow in amusement. "I'm gonna be gone on a mission for at least 5 hours, I can't have you sleeping your day off without me there to kick you awake"

Knowing that anger would do him no good since he knew who was really behind this fiasco, Naruto decided that he should approach the issue in another way. His father would rather walk on heated spikes than say no to his mother. Even the great Yellow Flash knew when he was outmatched and wisely conceited to everything the volatile clan head said.

"At least take me on this mission with you"

"Sorry honey" The busty redhead smirked smugly, cock-pillow lips stretching wide in amusement as she blew him a seductive kiss and vanished with a resounding wicked laughter.

"Stupid old hag"

Training Ground 7

"So Naruto how was your test with Lady Kushina?" Sakura asked in a hopeful tone, sitting right next to the lazy Genin as they waited for their second sensei. Even Sasuke stopped his brooding for once and subtly tried to listen in on their conversation.

"Umm… well"

The test huh?

Well it went exactly like how other things between the stubborn mother-son went every day. The busty Milf unleashed every bit of stored anger, frustration and jealousy into her attacks and tried to beat the shit out of him.

Actually, not as much as she would have liked but she did beat him up pretty badly for ignoring her in the class… more like he let her beat him up. But, he had the greatest weapon in the entire world at his disposal and no, he wasn't talking about his dick.

It was his mouth.

The more she beat him up, the kinkier and lewder his comments would get. Each connected punch or kick was followed by a lecherous comment directed at her boobs or ass until finally the buxom Milf couldn't take it anymore and jumped him like a hungry predator.

The test of survival turned into something much more. The aroused and horny Uzumaki head soon changed the parameters of the test and announced that if he was able to pin her down, he was free to fuck either of her motherly holes for as long as he could keep her down.

Which basically meant that he had to both force the horny redhead down and also fuck her into oblivion until she couldn't put up any more resistance and submissively accept his loads into her deprived cunt.

Let's just say that the game continued for the better part of the day and ended right before the first rays of sun hit the training grounds. By the end of it all, he had returned everything back by mounting her thick hips like his personal bitch for the better part of several hours.

Seeing them return to the manor all tired and disheveled, Minato had offered them a proud smile and shouted that he was proud of them both. If only he knew that he had basically praised his son for fucking his wife's tight Milf cunt into oblivion.

Like he said before, they argued, insulted each other, fought and fucked like no other. It had been like that since he was 9 and it wasn't going to change.

"It was hard" he replied vaguely, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. Well, he had been hard on her tight twat and the naughty woman had wholeheartedly loved his blurring thrusts into her abused cunt.

"I'd imagined it would be" the new Genin retorted. "She is the strongest woman after all"

She could only imagine how hard the test must have been on Naruto. That woman was known as the Queen of Chaos for a very specific reason. Then again so was the redhead. The strongest Genin versus the strongest woman sounded right, in a weird sort of way.

"You got that right" Naruto agreed seriously, bobbing his head in agreement. His curvaceous mother's title as the strongest woman was unquestionable, even he knew that. "How was yours? I imagine the perverted Cyclops must have put you through some weird shit"

"Umm…" Sakura sweatdropped, silently concurring with the redhead. "How do you know him exactly?"

"He is my dad's student" he responded briefly, not wanting to go into details which was enough to dissuade Sakura from asking anymore questions.

The aforementioned Jonin chose that moment to appear in a cloud of smoke, a pleasant grin on his mask-covered as he moved to greet his Genins, only for the grin to leave his visage when he saw Naruto leaning against a tree in the training ground.


A Day Later, Hokage Monument

The sight below the tall Hokage monument was just breathtaking, especially during the blackness of the night. The sun had just descended and a shroud of darkness was starting to blanket the normally bustling city.

Naruto had a perfect view of the village below as he sat alone on the head of his father's statue. The young boy was seated in a meditative pose and gazing at the quiet city with a proud look on his face. This was his home. This was where his family was. This was where he had all the wonders of his childhood.

This is where he became a man.

"So this is where you've been hiding from me?"

He did not even need to turn around to know that the newcomer was his mother.


"Are you ignoring me again, you lazy brat!?"

"I am trying to enjoy the scenery in peace, old hag!"

"Are you blind? What part of this…" it was at that moment that Naruto looked behind and really took a look at his mother, instantly developing a hard on at her appearance, his condition becoming even worse as the Milf grabbed her massive tits and wobbled them like water-filled balloons with a pissed off look. "… do you think is old, huh!?"

The redheaded woman must have just returned from her mentioned and tried to find him in the compound. Not finding him there, she must have changed into something more casual but something resembling her uniform since she was against breaking their 'rules'

The rule was he should always bend the Milf over the nearest object and pump a thick load inside her cunt before and after a mission while she is in her uniform.

She was dressed in a simple black shirt that struggled futilely to contain the sheer meatiness of her giant milkjugs, a black leather jacket over her shirt and skin-tight black pants hugging her thicc lower body like a second skin.

By God, her Milf ass looked more thick, juicy and meaty than ever. Though he noticed two distinct zippers at the front of her pelvic region as well as between the crack of her mountainous buttocks.

"Can we please stop arguing for just once and enjoy this beauty like a normal mother and son?" Naruto suggested flatly, turning his gaze away from the Queen of Milfs as he tried to control his boner. Man having his thicc mother near him in such provocative clothing without fucking her stupid was harder than hell!

Smiling normally for once, the loving mother gently approached her seated son from behind. She could do that but their arguments and differences of thoughts were what made them so madly in love in the first place.

They had different motives and ideas for the future but there was just an unnatural pull between them.

But no matter how much she hated arguing with him and no matter how many time she opened her legs for her stud son, she was still his mother and his wishes were like commands for her … most of the time anyway.

She would try to be gentle with him … just this once.

"Fine then, I'll stop for now" Kushina stated with a loving smile as she approached her sitting son and passionately kissed him on the lips. "We have an hour before your dad is free from his duty, wanna have some ramen?"

That instantly brightened up her son.

"You don't need to even ask" Naruto replied pleasantly, wrapping his hand around Kushina's waist and gently groping one of her fat buttcheeks. Simply because they agreed on not arguing for once didn't mean that his hands had forgotten how incredibly soft her gigantic ass was. "Hey mom?"

Kushina suppressed a shiver at the sheer lewdness of that so endearing name. Being called 'mom' while her phat ass was being groped by her son sent shivers of guilty pleasure down her spine. He usually just called her old hag or witch. "Yes dear?'

"Why are there two zippers in your pants?"

A wide mischievous grin danced on the Milf's pouty lips as she chuckled. So he noticed. Huh? "They are for you sweetie. When you are in a hurry to fuck me, just pull down the zipper and slide your cock into me, even if we are on the road. That way, you can fuck me and I won't need to constantly buy new outfits"

Plus her little stud had a bad habit of tearing away her clothes during his passion. Not that she minded his enthusiasm or anything but it was still a hassle to shop for clothing every single day. It put a strain on her other activities.

Namely rutting with her son.

"H-holy shit!"

"Oh and I can give you a piggyback ride during missions except…" the Milf leaned to her son's ears with a teasing smirk. "… Your boy meat will be balls deep inside mommy's ass during the ride"

"I take back any bad thing I may have ever said about you in the past, you are the absolute best!" Naruto shouted excitedly, delivering a hearty squeeze to Kushina's huge buttcheeks. Just thinking of all the possibilities was making him drool like a starved predator. "I want to do it now!"

The redheaded Uzumaki Jonin giggled into her hand and shook her head, amused by her lazy son's uncharacteristic enthusiasm. But then again, that excitement and endless vigor was one of his rarely seen qualities.

"Hold your horses, squirt" Reaching for her back zipper, Kushina lowered the constrictive fastener and bent slightly down to her son's pelvic level, showing him unrestricted view to her tiny backdoor guarded by titanic booty cheeks. "Go on, slide your fat cock into mommy's little asshole"

"Oh fuck, you are so hot!" Naruto shouted in excitement and pulled out his hardening cock, aligning the inflated crown with her puckered hole. With a loud groan, Naruto shoved inch by fat inch into his mother's snug asshole, forcing arousing moans from the Milf as the last of his cock settled deep inside her depths and his pubic touched the meaty expanse of her giant, fat buttcheeks. "Your ass is so fucking tight!"

Fortunately for Kushina, her son was behind her or he would have never let her live down the ahegeo expression she had while trying to maintain her sanity as the last of her son's thick manhood slide into her asshole.

'He is in my stomach for crying out loud!' a chibi Kushina shrieked inside her mindscape while running around with a red banner, sirens going off inside her head. 'Abort! Abort! Too much dick meat!'

Sadly for her rational mind self, Kushina Uzumaki never listened to anyone or anything beside Naruto, even her own mind… especially when a thick cock was sliding into her butt.

"It's gonna get even tighter" Kushina warned strangely as she straightened up, her strangled moans augmented by the loud grunts of her son as the fat globes of her huge meaty ass clamped around his shaft, effectively trapping his meat rod inside her anal canal.

"Holy fuck!" A groaning Naruto wrapped his legs around the Milf's child-birthing hips and hugged her from behind, grabbing her massive globes of tit flesh as squishy handholds and forcing another inch of cock into her butt as Kushina prepared to take a step with a jaw-dropped look on her face.

The Milf effortlessly handled the added weight of her son on her back and stood up with little effort. She wasn't called the Queen of Chaos for nothing

But her face was etched into the perfect example of an ahegeo expression, purple eyes rolled into the back of her head while her mouth was opened in a soundless scream. As soon as she took her first step, the busty Jonin instantly became aware of a smoldering sensation in the depths of her stomach followed by sudden churning in her pelvic.

Naruto was already cumming in her ass. And the explosive nature of the ejaculation, not to mention the endless stream of scorching hot seed painting her walls white sparked her orgasm.

Standing firm on her spot, Kushina shakily rode out her incredible orgasm, biting on her lower lip to stop herself from shrieking in pleasure as her pussy squirted juices like a broken faucet, not to mention the fact that her butt was being used as a cumdump for her son's seed.

"I can't believe I came so quickly" the redheaded Genin mumbled incoherently, a depressing aura around his form while his balls continuously pumped scorching hot jets of thick cream into Kushina's ass.

This has got to be the fastest orgasm he has ever had. Barely a few seconds inside that fat ass and he was already spewing out the creamy contents of his balls into her stomach. He could feel his man-points going down!

"Don't worry, I love it when you cum inside me" Kushina assured gently, mind still scrambled from the feeling of being cock-plugged and pumped full of sperm while she was trying to walk. It was a miracle that she was able to talk coherently after such an orgasm. "Besides … I came as well"

She needed to be strong… or at least act like walking and being plugged by a 12 inches cock up the ass was a piece of cake. She was tempted to shout out the sheer genius of her creative mind for coming up with such a mind-numbing fucking style but the Uzumaki meat plugged up her butt was proving too distracting at the moment.

They were definitely going to do this again and again and again. However she had to first master this art.

Steeling her resolve, the busty Milf slowly started to walk towards the stairs of the monument, gritting her teeth in absolute pleasure as her pussy churned and a knot formed in the pits of her stomach, signifying the approach of another orgasm.

The added weight of her son's thick, gooey cum sloshing around her insides was making it harder and harder to keep her sanity in check, let alone walk properly.

But being an Uzumaki, she persevered.

Soon enough, the Milf was sane enough to walk properly … or at least as properly as one can while being fucked in the ass by a huge dick. Inner mantras of self-control and stubbornness gave her the will to stay strong and not lose herself to the lust, Naruto had no such qualms.

The redheaded boy was continuously emptying his balls into his mother's ass with every five or so steps. There was only so much tightness his dick could take before releasing its anger in the form of thick goo. Unfortunately or fortunately, his balls were continuously replenishing his supply of cream.

By the time the mother and son reached the end of the stairs, Kushina had fully spoiled her pants in her own pussy juices after continuous orgasms along the way and was looking as though she was way beyond her due day of labor while Naruto had emptied every last drop of baby batter into his mother's ass.

They promptly forgot what they were moving down towards the village for and openly started fucking right beside the Hokage tower, not able to take the lust any longer.

Needless to say, Kushina developed a very disturbing addiction to anal sex from that day forth as Naruto spend the entire night pounding her giant, meaty ass into the ground and continuously cumming inside her stomach until the Milf could feel the flow of thick cum at the back of her throat.

A Week Later, Land of Waves

Kakashi, as the second Jonin of the team, had taken a mission to the Land of Waves to safely escort a bridge builder back to his home country. Since Kushina had been on her own mission that day and Naruto had been particularly cranky, he had refused going on any missions and thus the team of three had left him behind.

Just a day ago after Kushina had completed her mission and returned back to the village, they had gotten the report that Kakashi had been attacked by Zabuza Momochi and was injured. With no one around to act as reinforcement, Minato had resorted to sending Naruto and the Uzumaki clan head.

"So, what's the situation Kakashi?" Kushina asked in a lazy tone as she entered the room assigned for the team or more specifically the room where Kakashi was sleeping after getting his ass kicked by the Mist ninja.

The lazy cyclopean Jonin shot up from his position when he saw the gorgeous Milf enter his room, knowing exactly what she would do if she felt even a little bit of disrespect. She wouldn't even care if he was wounded or exhausted.

"Good afternoon Lady Kushina" the injured Jonin greeted respectfully, putting a pillow behind his back to lean against. "Well, we were ambushed by the Demon Brothers on our way here"

"Those idiots? They did this to you?" the busty woman asked, raising a delicate eyebrow in something akin to disapproval.

"No, I exhausted myself using the Sharingan against Zabuza"

"Ah now that makes sense" the Milf consented, nodding softly as she moved to sit on the window shell, prompting the silverette Jonin to shift uncomfortably in his place as he tried to control his hormones when he got a good look at her prodigious booty mushing against the hard surface. "Those two are practically tied to the eyebrow-less punk"

"Yes well, I would have loved to know that little fact beforehand" the one-eyed Jonin muttered, sweating a little when the Uzumaki matriarch gave him a dry look. "Sorry"

"Move on"

"Well, I fought Zabuza and defeated him"

"And I take it a certain Hunter-nin took him away to 'dispose' of him, right?" the shapely Uzumaki ended in a dry tone, crossing her hands over a pair of giant funbags when she heard the uncertainty in his tone. "You should have paid more attention, Kakashi"

A cloud of depression hovered above the disheartened Jonin's head as he was admonished like a child. Only this woman and the Fourth could make him feel like a drooling infant. But wait…

"How did you know that?"

"I doubt there is any famous Shinobi in the entire world that I haven't fought yet" Kushina retorted with a smug grin on her face. "Zabuza and his little Hunter did try to fight me … until he found out my name and escaped"

Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise. "And you let him, just like that?"

"Hell no!" the Milf countered snappishly, as if insulted by his question. "There is a reason why he doesn't have eyebrows"

The sheer malice in her tone made all the hairs of his body stand like attentive soldiers as he shivered. So, she burned his eyebrows in compensation for his mistake. In his opinion, the Demon of Mist had gotten off easily, considering who he had almost pissed off.

Plus she knew exactly why he had escaped that time. If he found that THEE Kushina Uzumaki was here in view, the man would haul his ass faster than a speeding bullet.

"Anyway go on"

"Right, a businessman by the name of Gato has taken over the land and seems to be putting down any form of resistance to protect his self-interest. Tazuna is planning to build a bridge that would connect the Land of Waves with the mainland." the downed Jonin reported flatly.

"Any intel on the bastard?"

"You mean Zabuza?"

"No, Gato" the busty redhead replied as she bent down and placed her index finger on the ground, earning a whimpering groan from the exhausted Jonin when he got a dangerous look at her wobbling tits straining against the green vest. "Zabuza and his partner are on the far end of the town, approximately 2 miles to the north, deep within a forest."

"You can sense them!?" the cyclopean Jonin gasped before shrinking in fear when a pointed stare greeted his surprised question. "I mean of course you can"

"I am not sure who I should beat the shit out of? You or Minato?" the redheaded Milf started in a blank tone as she stood up and crossed her arms under the meaty expanse of her giant tits. He was supposed to be her husband's prized student! "Either he didn't teach you the technique or you didn't find it useful"

"Ummm… well"

"Never mind, get some rest and leave your students to me" the shapely redhead interrupted, earning a sweatdrop from the downed Jonin as she moved to the door, ripples speeding through her prodigious booty as she walked. "I want you up and running by tomorrow morning"

4 Hours Later

"That's enough" the redheaded Milf called out as she stood up from her position and called her students. "It's almost sunset, you two return to the house and get some rest"

It seems Kakashi had tried his best to train the two but lacked the creative mind. Similar to how mindsets differed, learning behavior of each student differed as well. Teachers must first get an idea in regards to their student's way of thinking before using those deductions to their advantages.

Naruto was a lazy ass brat but had the keenest mind of any child or man she had ever seen. However, he was also a pervert or according to him 'interested in the female form'. So, keeping those facts in mind, she had persuaded him, pushed him and pushed him even harder to train by placing certain incentives.

And when he had finally learned everything she could or had to teach him, she had let her only son fuck her married pussy into oblivion as a reward for keeping up with her. That day or rather week had been the most exciting week of her life. Luckily for her, Minato had gone on a diplomatic mission to Sand village.

Otherwise he would have seen his 'loyal and sweet' wife being mounted by his lazy son and having her tight Uzumaki cunt reshaped by the biggest cock ever.

Sure, her methods were wrong at first _not anymore_ but it got her son to try harder and now he was probably the strongest boy on the face of the planet without even using his … gifts. If he was ever forced to reveal his trump card or cards, Kushina doubted if even she herself would be able to stop him.

Sakura could only learn when she was forced to, meaning threatening her worked better. Plus, she knew about the pinkette's crush on her baby boy and used it to her advantage. If Sakura ever failed to accomplish an assigned task, she would forever lose her chance with Naruto.

And she could probably … maybe pursue a relationship with her charming son as long as she kept completing the tasks. It was a win-win for her. She could always just make her do an impossible task and forever dissuade the little slut from pursuing her son but that was no fun.

The pinkette had no chance either way.

Sasuke on the other hand was too impatient to listen properly, not to mention outstandingly arrogant. So she had asked him for a spar and beat the shit out of him to erode his feelings of superiority and then tied him against a tree to work on his listening skills.

Needless to say, he had listened to her every word as if his life depended on it after two hours of continuous 'intimate' attachment to the tree. After that, training him had been easy.

"Umm milady, what about Naruto?" the fat butted pinkette asked unsurely, cringing meekly when the busty redhead gave her a pointed stare.

"He and I need some time alone as mother and son" the buxom Milf retorted, suppressing a smug smirk at the 'mother and son' part. They were way past that point. Their alone time meant one and only one thing… rough, animalistic and beastly fucking!

And it seems she hadn't trained the two Genins hard enough if the pinkette had enough energy to ask such a question? She wouldn't make that mistake twice.

Off to the side of the clearing and lying at the base of a tree, Naruto could only sweatdrop when he heard his mother's smug tone. She really needed to stop tormenting his pink haired teammate.

"Alright , time to do what we came here for"

"Oh yeah, get on your knees and show me that giant ass" the lazy Genin snickered lecherously as he shot up from his place and gave his mother a hungry grin.

"Not sex, you lazy pervert! We need to get rid of Gato" the redheaded beauty yelled with a twitching eyebrow, cheeks tinted a soft red.

"I ain't moving my ass until I get something in return for that"

"Fine, what do you want?" the shapely Uzumaki asked as she crossed her hands over her massive chest, unintentionally pushing up her plump milk jugs.

Kushina knew what he was going to ask for as soon as she saw her son look at her rosy lips. Men, how typical.

"I get to fuck that beautiful face of yours" the lazy redhead responded flatly, licking his lips in an evil manner. Those pouty lips were just begging him to thrust his dick past them into her throat and feel the soft flesh pillows wrap around his throbbing shaft.

Yup, she knew it. The thick Milf knew what he saw so great about a blowjob. The redhead simply liked the idea of having her on her knees and sucking on his cock while looking at him with a defiant expression.

Then again, kneeling between her son's legs and sliding his meaty cock into her mouth, letting him use her mouth like a pussy and dumping a thick incestous load down her gullet was tempting, even for her.

"You had my hopes up for nothing" Kushina countered with a slutty smirk as she turned around and prepared to leap into the distance. "I thought you were going to ask for anal, I was so looking forward to having your boy meat inside my ass"

"Is it too late to change my condition?" Naruto asked hopefully, blue eyes glued to the fat wobbling cheeks of his mother's prodigious booty. What the fuck was wrong with him? He should have chosen that gigantic ass to pound into!

The Uzumaki matriarch let a sultry smirk dance on her rosy lips and slapped the meaty cheeks of her ass as she leaped into the air and shot her hopeful son a seductive wink over her shoulders. "Too late dear, now follow me and enjoy the thought that you could have asked to fuck this ass and I would have gladly let you, yet you chose a blowjob!"

"I hate my life!"