
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 14

After the fight between Naruto and Kiba, Naruto walked up to the stands and looked at the stunned faces of everyone there that knew him from the academy "What? Is there something on my face?" Naruto asked as he started to try and wipe his face, that was until he heard Shikamaru start to chuckle a little and he looked at him "What do you want lazy ass?" Naruto asked with no hatred in his voice more so in a joking way as Shikamaru replied.

"I think it's more so none of us expected you to have fully mature Sharingan, or even a Sharingan" then Shikamaru was about to continue until Sasuke spoke up.

"How do you have it? And how have you got it fully matured as well?" Sasuke growled out looking at Naruto with a pissed off look.

Naruto looked at him and sighed as he leaned against the railing of the sidelines "I was trained by arguably 2 of the best Sharingan users the clan had and even then I still pushed my body to it's limits" Naruto said and then looked up at the monitor to see who was fighting next and chuckled a little at the name. On the board was Gaara no Sabaku vs Rock Lee, Naruto grinned and looked at Gai "I really hope you taught him well in taijutsu Gai" Naruto said as he then watched the match confusing all of the rookies.

Once the match started sand exploded from Gaara's gourd and started to scatter itself around the arena as Gaara smirked light at it all, Lee thought nothing of it until he saw Gaara raise his hand and the sand shot up in a small pillar from the ground and hit Lee's shoulder knocking him off guard and sending him to the other side of the arena as Gaara lowered his hand the sand following his command, Gaara was still on guard though as he felt the resistance his sand met when it hit Lee and was afraid of what would have happened had he not caught Lee off guard, as he was standing there waiting for Lee to join back in the fight he was thinking about how much stronger his sand was now that he and Shukaku were working together even if it was only a small amount of working together, he was snapped out of his thoughts though as his sand shot up behind him catching Lee's leg and Gaara's eyes widened slightly and silently thanked Shukaku's automatic defence.

The fight continued with Lee trying to break through Gaara's sand shield and Gaara's shield blocking Lee's attacks until Lee heard Gai shout "Lee! Take them off" that was when the battle seemed to tip into Lee's side although Gaara's sand was still blocking the attacks but Gaara couldn't see them anymore. That was when Lee broke through his defence and kicked him into the air breaking his sand armor a little and Gaara grunted in pain until he heard.

"Omote Renge (Front Lotus)" this came from Lee as Gaara caught a glimpse of the bandages as they wrapped around him, Gaara realizing it was too late to escape increased his sand armor's thickness and made sure to also reinforce it with chakra, that's when they made contact with the ground, after what seemed like forever but was actually 10 seconds Lee stood up followed by Gaara who's sand armor was attempting to restore itself showing to everyone how he survived and Naruto just sighed a little until he felt Lee's presence get stronger and he looks to Lee and grins a little.

-With Naruto in the stands-

"Of course you, the Taijutsu master of Konoha taught him these" Naruto said as he started to remember reading about the 8 Gates in his dad's journal and how bad they can affect your life if you haven't train properly.

"You know of this technique Naruto?" Gai asked as Naruto chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I know of the 8 Gates, who in Konoha doesn't know about the Forbidden Taijutsu Technique" Naruto said simply and turned to his fellow rookies and saw a couple confused and he sighed and started to explain "The 8 Gates are a Kinjutsu that increases the users body output to degrees that are almost unheard of, they could even rival a Kage if you opened all 8, that is until the timer runs out, the 1st Gate doesn't have a huge drawback, only a little fatigue and some muscle problems apparently but it will slowly get worse each Gate you increase it by, that is until you get to them most drastic but strongest Gate" Naruto said and then turned to Lee and finished "The 8th and final Gate, doesn't only increase your muscle strength and your bodies speed but it also kills the user upon usage, it's the toll of the 8th Gate" Naruto finished and could practically hear the shivers down the spines of his classmates as he continued to watch as Lee opened the Gates until he reached the 5th and whistled "Lee really is a prodigy in his own right" Naruto muttered as he then looked at Gaara "But the strain he put on his body opening the Gates will affect the outcome more than you'd think" Naruto finished as he sat down and everyone went to watching the match.

-Back to the Match-

Lee was panting as was Gaara but Lee's seemed a lot more labored, he shot off the ground and Gaara knowing his defense wouldn't work allowed the hit to land as he was thrown up into the air, what they all missed though was Gaara's small smirk as he left his sand armor and replaced himself with a sand clone that took his place, Lee proceed to launch himself and Gaara into the floor and jumped back panting heavier and then he felt the sand trapping him as his Gates started to close and Gaara said "Forfeit" was the simple command and Lee wanted to argue but he passed out from the strain on his body, Gaara slowly lowered Lee to the floor using his sand as the medics came in and Hayate just announced Gaara the winner. Gaara nodded and headed back to the stands and looked to Naruto who smiled a little and nodded getting a nod in return.

(Rest of the matches are like canon)

-Centre of the Arena-

Hiruzen was stood up in the centre with the winners of each match in front of him, he looked at them all and nodded as he continued with a speech about how the Chunin exams were a replacement for the wars and how they would assist with contracts from the minor villages and what not, this got a confused mutter from some of the examinees as they all had their attention drawn back to the Hokage as he told them to pick a number from the lottery machine and that would be the number they would be in for the tournament, Naruto waited until some of the others went before he walked over and collected his and chuckled a little "I'm the second match, number 3" Naruto said getting a nod from the proctors as they wrote down Naruto Uchiha and the 3 after it, that continued until all the Genin had picked their match-ups and Hiruzen announced them.

"The First match-up is Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara no Sabaku then Naruto Uchiha vs Neji Hyuuga we will have a break between those matches and then start after with Kankuro no Sabaku vs Shino Aburame and then Shikamaru Nara vs Dosu Kinuta and then the winner of Shikamaru vs Dosu will fight Temari no Sabaku, is that understood?" The Hokage annouced getting nods from all of the Genin in front of him as he then finished up with "The finals will be in a months time to allow the nobles to get here in time, dismissed" Upon being dismissed Naruto grinned and shunshinned out of the Forest of Death and started to walk about as he was thinking who to ask to be his sensei as he knew the council would make Kakashi train Sasuke.

While walking around he heard a perverted giggling and looked around to see he was at the Hotspring and smirked "You're finally here to do your job then pervery?" Naruto asked and then heard a growl from whoever he called Ero-kyofu. The man jumped down from the top of the hotspring and landed in front of Naruto, Naruto got a good look at his face and knew exactly who it was.

"Damnit brat" muttered the man as Naruto grinned more "You're too much like your mom with nicknames" the man muttered as Naruto feigned a hurt look.

"I'll have you know Jiraiya, I asked Pa to get you to come back and help me out but you never did" Naruto said before smiling "But I do thank you for all the gifts and will take an apology in the form of being trained by you over the next month" Naruto said with a grin as Jiraiya grumbled before perking up at what Naruto said.

"Chunin exams already?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto nodded "I guess I could train you a thing or two, maybe let you sign a contract" Jiraiya said as Naruto smiled and chuckled.

"Let's get going then ya perv" Naruto said as Jiraiya grumbled about disrespectful brats as they walked to an empty training ground, once reaching it Jiraiya looked at Naruto and swung the scroll at the bottom of his back to his front before he put it on the ground.

"This right here my boy is the toad's contract, only had 3 people sign it to this date and the first ones name was so old that it's worn out" Jiraiya said as he unrolled the scroll in front of Naruto and Naruto smiled upon seeing the 2 familiar names of Jiraiya and his dad's name before he looked up to Jiraiya.

"You think I'm ready to sign it?" Naruto asked getting a nod, after the nod Naruto took a deep breath and bit his thumb before writing his name on the blank space under Minato's name and then Jiraiya rolled the scroll back up.

"And now we just need to get the toads to agree to have you as their summoner" Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded and Jiraiya continued "Just gotta summon the boss toad and then survive his test he will give you" Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded again and Jiraiya ran through the hand signs for Summoning Jutsu, Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey and finally Ram "Just get some blood and smear it on the hand you signed the contract with and run through the hand signs and try to summon Gamabunta" Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded and ran through the hand signs before doing it for real, he bit his thumb and smeared across his rigth palm and ran through the hand signs.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" Naruto exclaimed, nothing seemed to happen until a cloud of smoke appeared under him the size of the Hokage tower and then Naruto looked down to see a giant orange toad with a giant tanto strapped to his back "Hey you must be Gamabunta" Naruto said as Gamabunta then used his tongue to hold Naruto in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

"Who's asking?" Gamabunta asked as Naruto looked confused before he realized he didn't introduce himself yet.

"Oh right well I'm Naruto Uchiha, nice to meet ya" Naruto said before he then thought a little "I'm surprised the pervert, Ma or Pa never told you all about me, I mean I was the next to be toad sage after my father died" Naruto muttered to himself as Gamabunta's eyes widened and realized who it was.

"Minato's brat?!" Gamabunta asked as Naruto tried to make him quiet as he nodded.

"Yeah my dad's your old summoner" Naruto said before he smiled a little "Anyways what's the test?" Naruto asked as Gamabunta smirked and put Naruto on his head.

"Hold on until Sunset and then I'll consider you my summoner and equal" Gamabunta said as Naruto nodded and used chakra to stick to Gamabunta's head.


All over the village you could see Gamabunta hopping as if trying to shake something off his back although if you looked close enough you would see Naruto on Gamabunta's back, this continued for another 5 minutes until Gamabunta stopped and saw Naruto still on his back and looking only a little exhausted, after all it was his first time summoning so he accidentally used too much chakra. Naruto looked down at Gamabunta with a grin as he knew he had won "So nice to officially become your summoner chief toad" Naruto said as Gamabunta grinned and nodded back before disappearing in a pop and returning to the summon realm, Naruto looked down and started to fall and in his fear of falling put his arms in front of him, what happened next stunned Jiraiya almost enough to make him quit his research, almost, Naruto's hands as they shot forward must have had chakra in as the next thing Jiraiya knew a tree exploded from the ground and caught Naruto by his ankle before slowly lowering him to the floor making Naruto look around confused.

"Mokuton" Jiraiya muttered and Naruto looked confused "Brat you just used Mokuton!" Jiraiya exclaimed as Naruto started to realize what he meant and looked at the tree behind him that slowly lowered into the ground before the ground fixed itself and Naruto chuckled.

"I knew I was awesome" He shouted as he then heard Tsunade's voice from the entrance of the training ground "C'mon perv! Granny is shouting it's time to dinner" Naruto finished as he started to run off, not long after they both reached Tsunade and to her surprise Jiraiya didn't try flirt with her.

"Naru-chan what happened when he was training you?" Tsunade asked and Naruto replied happily.

"I may have accidentally used something that has been lost for generations" Naruto said and Tsunade nodded whilst thinking what it was before she looked at Naruto and saw the gem from the necklace Hashirama gave her glowing.

"Mokuton" Tsunade whispered to herself making Naruto nod and grin as they entered the Senju compound "That's what has you gob smacked?" Tsunade asked Jiraiya who nodded.

"Yeah one minute he was on Bunta and the next falling in the air because Bunta decided to test him a little more, I was about to go help him but next thing I knew he was being carried by a tree root to the floor and being slowly lowered down" Jiraiya said before he looked to Tsunade and chuckled "So how does it feel to see it back?" Jiraiya asked as Tsunade chuckled a little.

"Infuriating" she replied as Jiraiya asked why "Because they'll expect him to go into CRA to keep the bloodline alive, but the way he's been recently I would have thought he has a girlfriend" Tsunade said as Jiraiya giggles a little and Tsunade decided to hit him over the head "Perv on my grandson and I will make sure me and Shizune castrate you with a rusty spoon" Tsunade threatened as he nodded covering his crown jewels.