
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 1: Illumination

Summary: Naruto discovers a kekkei tota, he names Kidoton (Light Release}, that uses the entire electromagnetic spectrum, as a weapon. He will already have three other bloodlines: Magnet, Explosion, Plasma. Smart, strong, and loved Naruto, living with Yugao as his aunt, Kushina's half-sister, loved by three kunoichi, there will be lemons, hopefully I can make them beautiful, but not smutty.

Twelve-years-ago, a nine-tailed fox suddenly appeared. Its tails lashed out, smashing mountains, and sending tidal waves crashing to the shores. The ninja of the Hidden Leaf rose up to defend their village, from its monstrous rampage. "Hold the attack, and wait for the Fourth," a shinobi roared, he had already been in combat with the beast, and had a cut over his left eye to prove it, before he too resumed his attack on the brute!

"It's getting closer," another desperate sounding ninja stated, "don't let it near the village." He sounded for all the world, like a worried father and husband.

Meanwhile, the fox continued its mindless seeming rampage, its every step crushed the very ground it stood upon. Then appearing out of nowhere, was a giant toad, wearing a kimono jacket, carrying a tanto, and smoking a pipe. Atop the toad's head, stood a man, he had blonde-hair, with jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face, blue-eyes, and wore a serious expression on his calm face. His attire consisted of a standard Konoha uniform, with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals. He also wore a short-sleeved long white haori over his normal attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope. The haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Fourth Hokage" (Yondaime Hokage) written vertically down the back. He faced the Kyūbi no Kitsune, in mortal combat, sacrificing his life to subdue the beast, and seal it in a human body. He was, the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, aka, the Yellow Flash.

Uzumaki Compound: twelve-years later

The golden-haired, kept long, full, and well-maintained, in a simple topknot which still allowed it to reach his shoulders, the blue-eyed, twelve-year-old boy, took a deep, calming breath while his eyes were closed. He held the black tsurugi blade in his dominant left-hand, with familiarity and confidence, but not arrogance, he knew he was not the kenjutsu master his mother had been, not yet at least. Naruto Uzumaki opened his eyes, and looked across from him to the woman, waiting for him to strike. He was dressed in a navy-blue short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that is visible at his wrists and ankles, a haori, the same golden shade as his hair with two violet Uzumaki spirals on each side, and ninja sandals the same color as the haori.

The woman standing in front of him, was his aunt, his mother's half-sister, Uzumaki Yugao, a young woman, age 22, with straight, purple hair, reaching down to her waist, with warm brown eyes, and a shade of red lipstick. Normally, when on duty, or about to go on duty, like now, she wore a standard ANBU uniform, consisting of black and grey armour, metal arm guards and a katana, strapped to her back. She has the signature ANBU tattoo on her right shoulder. Her mask hung low over her chest, it is a porcelain mask, resembling a cat, with three red stripes - one vertical stripe on the forehead and two horizontal stripes, one on each cheek. She was allowed to adopt him, when she became a Chunin, at the age of sixteen, before that he was homeless, after he turned four and the orphanage kicked him out.

For some reason, the village council tried to block her adoption of him, until she, with the aid of the Hokage, sent a petition to the Daimyo himself, along with medical records and an affidavit from Senju Tsunade, herself, attesting to the fact that they were blood related. Uzumaki Kushina, his mother, was Uzumaki Yugao's half-sister, that year was also the year when Senju Tsunade returned to the village and assumed the mantle of Fifth Hokage. During that time, Tsunade decided that it was time the council was reminded that Konoha's government, was not a democracy, but a military dictatorship. The council, even the elders, served at the Hokage's pleasure, several council members were removed from office, those that protested too vehemently had their heads removed. The Elders were all retired, Elders Homura and Kotaru went into retirement gracefully, Elder Shimura however, tried to protest with force, and was reminded of why Tsunade was a Sanin, there was a Village wide purge of all ROOT ninja. Those that could be redeemed were sent to sanitariums, others were given merciful deaths.

The Elders were replaced shortly thereafter by people, Tsunade could trust, her sensei and former Third Hokage, the new Head of the Uchiha clan and Chief of the Konoha Police Force, and for the first time a civilian, the owner of Ichiraku's Ramen Stand. The former Head of the Uchiha, Fugaku, had become a missing-nin, but nobody knew why.

Naruto's attention returned to the present, but his aunt, was not where she was before. In a blur of motion, she appeared right in front of her nephew, as she swung her own blade toward his neck. "You should stay focused in battle, Naruto-oi," she admonished with a smirk, "the enemy will not show you any mercy."

Naruto ducked low, below her swing, and pivoted counterclockwise, bringing his foot behind the ankles of his aunt. Yugao gave a small hop as his feet passed hers, this presented Naruto's back to her, but before she could capitalize on his position, he rolled forward, before pivoting back to fend her off with the point of his sword. He blinked, because she was no longer there, when he suddenly felt the point of a kunai, against his throat. He looked up to find his aunt staring down at him with a grim expression, "what had you so distracted, Naruto," she asked, as he surrendered, "even when we started training together, I never got the drop on you this badly?" Yugao stood back, returning her katana to her scabbard.

Naruto sighed, "I was daydreaming about the past," he told her, "before that, I was wondering what I always wonder…"

"… about why the villagers hate you," she concluded for him.

"As you know, I've been studying Uzumaki fuinjutsu, and I found out something interesting, about the biju. Did you know, they cannot be killed," Naruto explained, "they can be discorporated for a time, but being made of pure chakra, they will eventually regenerate. The only way to make sure they can't hurt anybody, is to seal them inside a person, the nine's chakra is so potent however, that anybody but an infant would be corrupted by its influence, because their chakra coils don't fully form, until the eighth day of life for a boy, twelve for a girl. I know, I was born on the day the Nine-tails attacked," Naruto began, as he reasoned, "I've also found out, I was the only child born that day." Yugao felt a trickle of sweat begin at the nape of her neck and make its way down her back, did he figure it out? Then, he lifted up his shirt, "then there's this," he stated as he channeled chakra from the region, below his belly-button, and like a phantom being revealed, a spiral, looking a lot like the Uzumaki spiral, surrounded by different runes, and calligraphy appeared. "This is the eight-trigrams sealing array," Naruto explained, though from the look on her face, as he studied her, she knew exactly what it was, "Aunt Yugao, boom, Boom, BOOM…


Uzumaki Yugao sat up abruptly, the explosions outside her window, had woken her up. Pushing back the covers, Jonin ANBU, call sign: Cat, stepped to the window over-looking the training ground of their clan compound. There she saw her beloved nephew, pounding his fists into the earth, in apparent frustration. Naruto is a ninjutsu prodigy with three nature affinities: Earth, Wind, and Lightning; and three kekkei genkai: magnet release (Wind and Earth), explosion release (Lightning and Earth), and plasma release (Lightning and Wind), but because of the strict requirements of the Ninja Academy, had failed his Genin Graduation Exam twice already. It was always the same jutsu too, the clone jutsu, the Hokage set the requirements for the Exam in stone, and just because someone has a special ability, does not give them preferential treatment. Tsunade made sure, her ninja remained humble and knew the basics before they moved on to better things.

Everything else with Naruto's education was rather good, he was above average in Academics, only the Haruno girl surpassing him in grades, but she was a fan-girl for Uchiha, practically useless, as far as the violette-haired kunoichi was concerned. As far as ninja skills went, he was a force to be reckoned with for a Chunin, don't get me started on Academy grads, and other Genin, she thought proudly, though he never showed his full potential at school. He never wanted to call undo attention to himself, and risk abduction by Cloud, like his mother, and the Hyuga heiress almost were. Only the Hokage and the Elders knew of his kekkei genkai, though his three nature affinities were common knowledge.

He, of course, being an Uzumaki and her nephew, was a phenomenal swordsman, and a genius at sealing arts, already reaching the intermediate levels, he was particularly interested in Space-Time Sealing: like the Hiraishin, and Summoning Arts. He did not need kenjutsu or fuinjutsu, to pass the class, those were additional skills that made him unique.

If he went all out with his martial arts training, he could decimate those brats in his class, there are few Chunin that could equal his might, and only one Genin, Gai's little clone, though he allowed himself to be defeated repeatedly by his classmate, Sasuke. His kunai jutsu and shurikenjutsu would make even a few Jonin, proud, and add a weapon to his taijutsu, and there were very few Jonin who could defeat him, unless they used their experience against him. Though again, he only allowed, Itachi's little brother to best him.

Only in ninjutsu, did he allow himself to excel, except for the clone jutsu, he really was a genius at using his chakra, his chakra-control was the best she had ever seen for a Genin-level ninja. He can substitute himself with anything equal to his mass or smaller, within a hundred meters, faster than the eyes could blink. Yugao chuckled to herself, one of his favorite tactics is to switch places with the thrower, whenever someone throws a weapon at him. Naruto can even use other objects in his substitution, he once used it to substitute Sarutobi's grandson, who had climbed atop a tall building and became trapped, into a pile of dead leaves, with only a twig as the substitute, he calls it, Surrogate Substitution. If that was not enough, he invented an interesting innovation on the Transformation technique, he calls them True Transformations, and he can change himself at the genetic (animals and plants) or molecular (inanimate objects) level into anything, and it's a solid change, not an illusion. He can actually fly when he becomes a bird, and even has a menstrual cycle when he becomes female, though after some tests conducted by Tsunade and Shizune, he is infertile in any form but his natural one.

The only problem he has in his ninja arts, and this is where having such massive chakra reserves, High Sanin levels and growing every day, can be a double-edged blade. The chakra control needed to create illusions, is all but impossible, and required a lifetime to perfect. Everything from S-ranked genjutsu to the Academy clone technique, were out of reach for people like Naruto, and thanks to the Kyūbi's power being drained into Naruto, several times per second, such control would remain out of his reach, and nobody could tell him why. The law passed by the Sandaime, was still in effect, and an S-ranked secret.

Yugao walked away from the window, went into her closet, and got ready for the day. After getting dressed she went down to eat, she saw another set of dishes drying in the rack, telling her Naruto had already had his breakfast. It was a few minutes later, as she finished, when she heard, "Awesome, woo-hoo," coming from the backyard, not a minute later, Naruto came slamming through the door, with a mile-wide grin on his face, followed on his heels by another Naruto, followed by two more! Their kitchen was suddenly full of Narutos, and the last one through, turned and closed the door. There seemed to be something different about his eyes, they were no longer the violet color of his mother. They seemed to glow an eerie white, the pupil was elongated into a diamond shape, Naruto immediately began to speak, Yugao could tell he was excited, "I did it, Aunt Yugao, I did it!"

Even though she knew what he meant, she still asked, "what did you do, Naruto-kun?"

If she thought his smile, could not get any brighter, she was wrong, "I finally succeeded in making a clone, and their not just any kind of clone, their solid, and," he looked over at the other clones and nodded, which was returned. Then, in a flash of light, an owl perched on a counter, a plasma blade formed in another hand, and some silverware was orbiting a Naruto's head, "they can perform on their own. Ninjutsu, taijutsu, chores, meaning D-ranked missions, or even run errands. Even better than that," he said as he moved over to the one with the orbiting spoons, "watch this." Naruto gave the clone a moderate punch to the face, which only turned the clone's head, nothing happened, there was not even a trickle of blood running down his cheek, there was only a small crack, with a kaleidoscope of light shining through. An instant later, and a small flash of light, the crack was gone. "They're perfect for taijutsu practice, don't dispel unless the task they were created for is completed."

Yugao's awed expression, turned to a pleased one, as she jumped up and gathered the one talking into a hug. As she did so, the other three dispelled in a flash of light. The back door opened again, "hey, Aunt Yugao, why are you hugging a clone," the expression on her face was priceless, "I sent them in to test another capability, memory transference. They are a perfect scouting tool and will help with training."

Yugao was thoughtful, "they almost sound like the shadow-clone jutsu, invented by the Second Hokage," she mused out loud. Naruto's eyes widened, but she explained, "it's a kinjutsu in the sealing scroll, there was no way you could've learned it, unless the Hokage wanted to play favorites, and you know she doesn't do that."

Naruto nodded, "That's true."

"This one is better than that one, because, if there's a drawback to that Bunshin, it's the fragility of it, with this Bunshin, you don't have that failing. What do you call these Bunshin," she asked?

"I'm calling them, Senkō Bunshin no jutsu, or Flash Clones," Naruto answered?

"Do you think you could teach me, this jutsu," she asked hopefully?

"After everything you've done for me, I would be happy to teach you," Naruto said to her, causing Yugao to smile, "but I don't think you can learn it, Aunt Yugao."

"Why not," she asked, slightly hurt, "you don't think I have the chakra reserves?"

"It's not a matter of chakra," she looked confused, so he elaborated, "in order to create my Flash clones, I combined all three of my nature affinities into one jutsu, when I did that, something changed inside me, I don't know what it was, but I may have discovered something."

"What," Yugao asked, immediately more concerned for her nephew, who was as much a son to her, as any she may birth in the future, than herself, "what did you find?"

Naruto's face was radiant as he spoke, "I found, Luminance, Aunt Yugao, which is why I've named it, Kidōton, also called, Light Release."

Naruto of the Leaf

The next day was Monday, Naruto arrived at school at his usual time, but as he was approaching the door, he reached out to open it, when the door just slammed open, hard. The few, who were in the classroom already, looked over at the sudden noise. This had been happening since yesterday, weird things, like books floating to him, lights coming on as he entered the room, before his hand even went toward the switch. Luckily, his eyes reverted to their original color, and it appeared he did not need them to summon a Flash clone, when they were activated, strange things seem to happen to his perceptions. People seem to move, almost at a stand-still, not only that, he seemed to be able to see things he should not see. Which was something he did not want to think about, not until he understood more about his new ninjutsu style.

Naruto saw the other kids staring at him in annoyance, he just stood there embarrassed, but chuckling and scratching the back of his head. He carefully reached over, and making sure he actually touched it this time, carefully eased it shut. Then he quickly, walked with his head down to his normal seat, he quickly and still carefully, moved his chair back, sat down and scooted forward. Naruto looked around to see, who had gotten to school ahead of him, there was: Hinata Hyuga, the timid and kind, but beautiful and deadly, heiress to the Hyuga clan.

When she was four, she was nearly kidnapped by the leader of the diplomatic delegation from Kumo, her uncle Kizashi and her father, were able to get to her in time to prevent abduction, they were forced to kill the delegate, and the Raikage demanded the head of the two responsible or risk a war. Tsunade would have none of it though, and despite the Sandaime's urging to comply, she called the Thunder Shadow's bluff. She had the entire delegation seized and held hostage, which allowed her to get a hold of their diplomatic papers, and among those papers were orders signed by the Raikage himself, it stated that the true purpose of the delegation was to seize any and all opportunities to cripple Konoha, so he could go to war and destroy them.

When this was learned, she did the one thing nobody expected her to do, she told on him. She sent copies of the delegation's orders to every embassy in every nation Kumo traded with, warning them to be careful of Clouds bearing gifts. When word reached the daimyo of Kaminari of his Raikage's use of diplomacy to sabotage other nations, he was livid. The international rules of diplomacy between nations, was set forth by the Emperor himself, and for a nation to violate those rules was unheard of, the Lightning Daimyo, publicly censured his Raikage, and ordered him to issue a public apology, not only to Konoha and Fire Nation, but to all the nations he sent diplomatic missions to, all of which were ordered to return home, and were now restricted to one or two delegates per mission.

That event changed the Hyuga heiress, it made her buckle-down on her training, so much so that she was in the running along with Sasuke Uchiha to be Rookie of the Year. Naruto had watched her fight, and was impressed, and concluded, that in a pure taijutsu match, if they ever went all out against each other, he doubted whether he would win. He had watched her and her kinsman, Neji perform their taijutsu style, at different times. Neji was stiff and slow, looking more like a marionette, than a real boy. Hinata however, moved like she was dancing with an unknown opponent, it was a dance of death. Her relationship with Naruto, was complicated, he knew she had a crush on him, and he was nice to her, courteous, and kind, but he never wanted to lead her on, his feelings for her were not the same. Naruto was happy to be her classmate, friend, and hopefully teammate, but he has no romantic feelings for her at all. He has always preferred, more mature ladies, at least, since he started liking women.

The other two here before him, were both boys, Shino Aburame, and Sasuke the bastard. The Aburames, were an odd clan, they seemed to be ultra-logical, and reasonable to the extreme. They share a symbiotic relationship with a hive of insects, which live within their host, feeding on their chakra, in exchange, they aid them in combat. Naruto, if he ever fought Shino, would try to use his lightning release to turn himself into a bug zapper, just the thought of those bugs crawling on him, made his skin crawl. Shino and the Uzumaki had a cordial working relationship and were neutral with each other.

Naruto turned his gaze on the other class member, already here this morning. Sasuke Uchiha, to say the two boys hated each other, would be a mild description of their relationship. In Naruto's estimation, Sasuke represented the worst example of what a clan nobleman should be, even worse than Neji, and neither had any reason to put on airs. Neji, was a branch family Hyuga, and would never be in danger of becoming clan chief, unless four people in front of him were unable to do it, for whatever reason. Sasuke at least had a more legitimate reason for being cocky, he was second in line, after his older brother, Itachi. At the moment, his mother was the clan chief, after his father became a missing-nin, in a failed coup attempt. When Naruto was placed in this class, he observed Sasuke's attitude with his own eyes, Sasuke was top dog in everything, except academics, and then, second only to Sakura Haruno. Sasuke would be a shoe in for Rookie of the Year for this class, which would grow his ego out of all proportions.

So, Naruto took it upon himself to teach the Uchiha, a lesson in humility, it became a driving goal, something other than the finish line to strive for, something that would satisfy the Gods of Karma and perhaps make the village better overall. Naruto started this class as the dead last, as he did before, after his first failure, but he quickly advanced through the rankings of the class, until, after five months of hard-work, he was just behind Sasuke. Naruto decided to stay there at the time, because until he was put in a position to complete the Genin exam, his plan would not matter. Now, however, with the completion of his flash-clone technique, his goal was almost ready to come to fruition. It would just need a cherry on top to make the embarrassment, that much sweeter.

Last night, as soon as, his and Yugao's excitement had been reined-in, they sent their respective clones off to the Hokage, hers a shadow-clone, and his Senko Bunshin, to make sure he could use that clone in the Exam. It was confirmed, and 'quote: if Orochimaru could use mud clones during his genin exam, you can use your flash-clones. The guidelines set forth by jiji, and Madara-teme, state that any clone technique the student knows is admissible for the exam, but I'm classifying this new Kidoton an S-ranked secret, until you're a Chunin, until then, do what you can to develop it in secret. These Bloodline Selects are rare enough as it is, I know of only one other in existence. We'll have any number of villages trying to get their grubby little hands on you, and they won't always come in force. A kunoichi batting her eyes at you, would be all that was needed to get their hands on your seed, therefore until further notice, no girlfriends: end quote.'

As, Naruto was lost in his memories, the rest of the class filled-up, they were chatting amongst themselves. Naruto welcomed his best-friend, Kiba Inuzuka and his companion, Akamaru. For some reason nobody could think of, Naruto's senses seemed to be more acute than most children, for example, Naruto could hear a pin drop in another room, and even before acquiring his Kidogan, last night, Naruto had excellent night-vision, and the whisker-like birthmarks on his cheeks, were in fact very sensitive touch organs. They along with his sensitive ears, allow him to sense the difference in air pressure, and locate unseen obstacles, when even his night-vision is hampered. These senses, coupled along with an acute sense of smell, make Naruto as at home at night, in the dark, or otherwise low visibility, as he is in broad daylight. Naruto was never afraid of the dark, and he had an excellent sense of direction.

It was for this reason, and because Aunt Yugao was best of friends with Kiba's older sister, Hana, she introduced Naruto to Kiba. Naruto needed someone who could understand him, and because not only can Naruto, Kiba, and the other Inuzuka hear in frequency ranges greater than humans, they could also speak in those ranges. In truth, Naruto is able to hear in a slightly broader frequency threshold, than Kiba and other Inuzuka, but the difference is not that great. The Inuzuka were one of the few clans in Konoha that have totally accepted Naruto, therefore they allowed Naruto and Kiba to undergo the clan's sensory training together. For that reason, Naruto and Kiba have become like brothers. Kiba was just below Naruto in taijutsu and kunaijutsu, as well as kunai-taijutsu, and what Kiba lacks in stamina, like Naruto, he makes up for in true grit. Like a hound that will not quit once it has a scent, Kiba refuses to back down unless somebody makes him. Kiba has a heart-of-gold, and a silver-tongue, that could charm the birds out of the trees, and he is tenacious in backing up his friends.

As Kiba sat down next to Naruto, speaking in lower than human frequencies, the blonde touched Kiba's shoulder, and whispered, "I did it, Kiba."

The Inuzuka turned a confused eye on Naruto, "did what," he asked responding in kind to Naruto?

Naruto just smiled huge, "what have I been trying to do for almost eighteen-months?"

Kiba thought hard for a moment, then realization dawned, "you're kidding," but Naruto shook his head, still grinning huge, "you have to show me," he burst out!

Naruto nodded, "I will, but not here, I'm going to keep it under wraps until the Exam," he said.

"Why," Kiba wondered?

"One of the first rules of combat," Naruto reminded him, "never show your strength, until the last possible moment."

As this was happening, the door to the classroom slid open, through it, walked two men: Iruka Umino, and Mizuki, they were the two instructors for this class. Mizuki has white, shoulder-length hair with blue-green eyes. He wore the standard attire of the Konoha-nin, which included a flak-jacket and forehead protector, which he wore like a bandanna. Iruka-sensei is a man of average height and build. He has brown hair that he keeps in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose, which he has had since his youth. He wears the standard Konoha shinobi uniform, complete with forehead protector, sandals, and flak jacket, his sleeves are also rolled up a quarter of the way.

The two were as different in personality as they were in appearance. Mizuki was, in Naruto's estimation, oily, he was polite and friendly, sometimes overly so, he had tried to charm Naruto's Aunt a time or two, but though she was polite in her dealings with him, she never even gave an inkling that she was wilting towards him. Aunt Yugao is too savvy to be taken in by snake-oil salesmen like him, not when she's got Hayate-san, now there's a man I wouldn't mind seeing her with, once I'm a Genin. She deserves to have her own kids, not be burdened with a vagrant like me. Iruka was a much more serious person, who always seemed to be laser focused on anything he does, he barely let's any of his emotions show on the surface. Whether his students succeed in graduating or not, or fell off a cliff and died tomorrow, he would never be seen to give a shit, he would just go on with class as if nothing momentous happened. Iruka was as emotional as a plank of wood, in Naruto's point-of-view, although when he looked at Naruto, Iruka looked almost as if he were about to attack him.

"Alright, class, settle-down," Iruka ordered, with all the emotion of a tree, the class complied and got underway, "today, we will practice the henge no ninjutsu for the exam." There was a collective groan from the student members of the class, Naruto included, though it was only on the surface that he felt that way. After an hour, most of the class had already gone, all that were left, was Haruno, Naruto and the Uchiha, Sakura was up at the moment.

"I'm Sakura Haruno, here I go," she exclaimed. She placed her hand in the proper hand sign, "Transformation," she yelled! Then with a small expenditure of chakra, a clear image in her mind of what she wanted to become, and a puff of smoke later, a perfect replica of Iruka stood in her place.

"Henged into me," Iruka stated, though if he were flattered for the ego-boost you would not have known it, "Okay." Sakura exclaimed her achievement as she returned to her true form. [I kicked butt,] inner Sakura cheered! "Did you see that, Sasuke-kun," she asked, though from the bastard's attitude, she might as well have not existed?

"I think you did very good, Sakura-san," Naruto praised her.

Sakura turned to him with disdain, though there was a hint of a blush on her cheeks, "I wasn't asking you, Naruto-baka," she snapped at him, though her tone sounded forced, and the red in her cheeks intensified, but Naruto missed it and just sighed! Try to do something nice for someone… he grated in his mind.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you're next," Umino called. As the bastard went up to practice his jutsu, Naruto felt the back of his neck tingle, then grow a little warm, he surreptitiously looked around, before spotting what he could only describe as a hole in the atmosphere. What was truly mind-boggling though, was that he could see the Hokage's beautiful face, peering through from the otherside of the aperture. As Sasuke did his little ass-kissing henge, also into the visage of their sensei, Naruto continued to study the phenomenon, and as it came time for his turn, he got a wicked grin on his face. "Next, Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto stalked forth with hands on hips, still sporting a broad grin, "Get ready," he began. "Shin-henge," Naruto yelled, and everyone watched as his body, seemed to liquify and grow and change, into a woman they all knew well. She is a fair-skinned woman, with brown eyes and straight blonde hair, which parts above her forehead, shoulder-length bangs framing her face, with the rest reaching her lower-back. There was a violet diamond shaped mark, clearly visible on her forehead, she was The Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju, a slender woman with a curvaceous frame, with above-average height and noticeably large breasts, and despite being in her early fifties, is widely regarded as the most beautiful kunoichi in the world.

Tsunade often wears a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" (kake) on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears strappy, open-toed, black, high-heeled sandals, red nail-polish on her finger and toenails, soft pink lipstick, and nestled betwixt that heavenly cleavage, was a necklace. "Iruka-kun," came the Last Senju's voice, Naruto-as-Tsunade tried to make her voice sound seductive, asked, "why don't you come-up to my office sometime?"

The whole class gasped, they had seen Naruto's transformation before, but were unprepared for him to sound like her too. Iruka was just looking at the incarnation of his Hokage, he looked as if he really were about to say something, but at the last minute he turned his head down to look at the clipboard, and just said, a terse, "Good!" After returning to his natural form, Naruto walked back to his seat, looking directly at the face of his Hokage, and gave a small wave to her visage to let her know that he did indeed, see her. Her face, as she realized that and close the hole, was priceless.

Fact (Light and all other physical forces of nature in our world, function the same way as in Naruto's world)

"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies," aka, The Special Theory of Relativity, by Albert Einstein, 1905

Warning: Scientific content extracted from Wikipedia.

Light Studies

Hokage's Eyes Only

By, Sandaime Hokage,

Sarutobi Hiruzen


The subject of this study, for security purposes, will be referred to as Kit, and shall otherwise not be named. The Hokage should know, who the term Kit, is referring to and therefore, should this report fall into unintended hands, then Kit's identity should be protected. The purpose of this study, is to learn as much as we can about a recent Bloodline Select, discovered here in Konoha. The Kekkei Tota, Kidoton, named by Kit, the discoverer, was the ability to employ Light itself.

At our current level of understanding, we know quite a bit about light. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and the typical human eye responds to certain wavelengths of EMR. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a narrow bandwidth of frequencies. It has a color-shift range from Red to Violet, respective of wavelength and frequency, and is the fastest physical force we know of, moving at 299,338 meters per second (m/s), in a vacuum. Of course, a typical Byakugan has been recorded seeing into the near-Infrared (NIR) range.

This was the assumption of the range, Kit would be able to perceive when Kit asked myself and a close relative, since Kit was a minor at the time of experimentation, to aid Kit in studying and developing this kekkei tota. We were wrong. Upon awakening this jutsu, Kit also awakened a dojutsu, Kit calls it the Eye of Luminance, or Kidogan, what it does is allow Kit to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum – Radio waves, microwaves, Infrared, visible light, Ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma-rays – and associate energies, including the energy of motion. Kit cannot see chakra within the chakra coils, only once it's been discharged, nor may Kit, perceive nature energy. Kit can see the chakra system, in its entirety, including the tenketsu, and when they are open or not, as it is an organ system, within our bodies, and the eight-gates, and whether they have been opened recently. This dojutsu also gives Kit's vision, unparalleled telescopic and microscopic capabilities of anything within Line-of-Sight, using Radio Waves to Gamma Rays, Kit can judge distance to the micron, and the true molecular composition of any objects Kit perceives.

As stated previously, the Kidogan, can perceive sonic waves and other vibrations, this manifests as a form of synesthesia, tones, and movement, always emit some form of vibration, as the electrons of even a thrown object pass through the gases of our atmosphere. The electrons of the atoms, that form the molecules of the atmosphere, and the object in flight, vibrate against each other and produce things like friction, momentum, and other things typically associated with objects in motion. Kit can perceive that with Kit's dojutsu, which looks like the Byakugan, but has a diamond shaped pupil that Kit can control on instinct. Kit's eyes collect the stimuli and somehow, Kit's tympanic membrane vibrates in harmony, which Kit's brain interprets sympathetically as sound, or vibrations along Kit's whisker-marks, which we know from previous interactions with Kit, are true sense organs, all of which moves at the speed of light, so Kit would have more than enough time to react in a combat situation, or be able to thwart an ambush situation, before the attackers even moved.

When the Kidogan is not activated, Kit's normal vision is still quite acute, and it is still able to perceive EMR from Far Ultraviolet (FUV) to Far Infrared (FIR) ranges. Kit's senses of hearing and touch have not been altered, they are still the same as they have been since his birth, the only difference is the sympathetic vibrations Kit receives, when Kit witnesses an event. It's the same mechanism in the brain, that allows one to flinch, when one sees a mirror image of one's hand get smashed with a hammer, when the person knows the image in the mirror is not even real.

Week 1: The EM Field and Photokinetics

When Kit asked me to help Kit learn more about Kit's kekkei tota, I'm not sorry to say that I jumped at the opportunity. To make sure Kit did not, overlook the previous abilities Kit learned, before we got into anything substantial on the topic at hand, I made Kit review the elemental manipulation, and basic abilities of all Kit's previous affinities. I also made Kit keep practicing Kit's chakra control. We did this every day for the entire month, as a sort of warm up, for the exercises we may have had to create as we went along.

Kit had come to me to help Kit study Kit's other jutsu, since they were unique only to Kit, before Kit's discovery. Luckily, Kit was no stranger to research, and not only does Kit enjoy it as much as I do, Kit is incredibly good at it, and with Kit's clone jutsu, Kit can do it in a fraction of the time. Kit read up on the physics of light and wave mechanics, classical dynamics, and the concepts set forth by a monk, from Earth Country, titled, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies," which has been proven correct, many times over.

For the last month, Kit, Kit's relative, and I, have practiced manipulating EMR, and have discovered some things about Kit's use of it. Kit has, what we call an electromagnetic force-field (EM Field) that Kit has subconsciously been using to protect Kit's life from another jutsu style, Kit is known to have. It has been what protects Kit from a certain jutsu, Kit has shown people in the past, these jutsu are unique to Kit and describing them, would run the risk of compromising Kit's identity. Kit has also manifested the ability to move physical objects, without touching them with Kit's flesh, it has made Kit reluctant to practice Kit's taijutsu, and other basic ninja skills, without being able to control or inadvertently harming Kit's opponent. Kit tried practicing taijutsu with help from Kit's clones, but found that even using minimal contact, Kit exerted more force than Kit intended, and inadvertently destroyed the clone, which though unintended, helped Kit discover the limits of Kit's clone's cohesion. Something that was not previously known. So, that was what we did, the first week of the month.

What was discovered, as Kit observed Kit's reflection in the mirror using the Eye of Luminance, was that Kit's chakra, had made its way into Kit's atoms and was exciting the energy coming from Kit's electrons. Kit had done this to a limited degree, while Kit was subconsciously employing Kit's EM Field, to protect Kit from Kit's other jutsu. Now that Kit had discovered Kit's Light Release, Kit's chakra was inundating Kit's atoms with EMR, which was causing the emission of photons, though luckily this was not causing Kit any harm. The increased energy from Kit's chakra was what was playing havoc with Kit's taijutsu, and other things.

Therefore, the first order of business was to get Kit to exert conscious control over Kit's EM Field. We started by seeing how much we can put into it, seeing how far, and how powerful we could make it first. So, we had Kit pour as much chakra as we could into Kit's atoms. The results were astonishing, Kit has an awesome amount of chakra as you know, and it grows every moment, the EM Field was able to reach a radius of fifty-yards, which surrounded the home of Kit and Kit's close relative. Of course, this was only relayed to me by Kit, because I could not see the field. It was beyond normal, human perception. Now, that we were able to get an idea of how powerful it could be, we had Kit back Kit's chakra off gradually. Kit did this until the EM Field was totally gone, Kit tested this by going up to a tree and giving it a good punch. The tree exhibited no more damage, according to Kit and Kit's close relative, than he could a few days ago.

Kit had Kit's clones, practicing Kit's control over the field for the rest of the week, and by the time Sunday rolled around, Kit had such instinctive control over the field, that it was as easy to activate, to whatever radius Kit wanted, up to the fifty-yard max radius, as it was to open and close Kit's eyes. By the end of week two, Kit could alter its strength, and opacity, by changing its energy level, and wavelength, respectively. More on that later in this report. Once Kit learned to control the EM Field, we discovered that Kit's brainwaves had harmonized with the EM-waves of the EM Field, which gave Kit an extra sensory perception. Even when Kit's dojutsu was deactivated, if Kit had Kit's field out, Kit could almost predict where a threat would come from, by week four Kit could fight against myself and Kit's close relative in taijutsu, and even throw kunai and shuriken at moving targets while Kit was blindfolded, as long as the EM Field was active.

Another discovery we found, sometimes when Kit wasn't concentrating an object would slam open or closed with greater force than Kit wanted. Photokinetics was the term we coined for a remarkably interesting phenomenon, Kit discovered about photons, and the path of light. Whether it was throwing a kunai, or a punch, or opening a door, it seemed to combine with the direct force, Kit would normally use from Kit's flesh and move the object in question, with more force than Kit intended. Light is the fastest physical force in the universe, that we know about, it's speed is only thwarted when it meets interference, planets, stars, and other matter, its speed is hardly altered, unless it encounters heavy gravity. From that speed there is a force which can be imparted, and if a sufficient enough force is applied, it can cause a change in motion. This was another example of over excited electrons, applying more energy than was necessary, in this instance, touch repulsion. The force electrons bring to bear against one another, negative repelling negative charges, when they make physical contact.

This happened in a similar way to how the EM Field functioned, Kit's chakra was being channeled in the direction of repulsion, which added to the force normally coming from electrons. We again tried ramping up the chakra output, to see how powerful we could make the effect. We were in a small forest clearing, about ten-yards in radius, but Kit's force was so powerful, that it flattened a fifty-yard radius section of forest, as easily as one could flatten grass by walking on it. Kit's close relative and I had to erect an earthen dome, or we would have been flattened along with it, and Kit was sent twenty-feet into the air and came down hard, because Kit pushed the same force into the ground, as Kit did in other directions.

We repeated the process we used for Kit's EM Field, reducing the effects gradually, then learning to control how much force to use. At the end of the week, Kit was using Kit's photokinetics as instinctively, as Kit was using Kit's hands and feet to push matter away. By the end of week two, Kit could pull, by week three, Kit was manipulating all forms of matter with photokinetics, as easily as Kit could with Kit's hands, and by week four, Kit could do it without looking at the object in question, once Kit learned to couple Kit's EM Field sensory ability, with Kit's photokinetics, and his physical senses.

Week 2: Breaking the Visible Spectrum, Spectra, and Wave Taming

Visible Light, the medium, through which we as humans, perceive the world. It gives most of us, the vibrancy of color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, these are the ways in which we may distinguish, one form of matter, energy, or a person, from all of the others, with which we share our lives. Yet, this type of EMR, is but a tiny sliver of the energy that bathes our existence, in beauty.

As we moved into the second week of our Light Release studies, we moved away from the broad topic of electromagnetic waves, and into the field of optics. Optics is the branch of physics, that studies the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter, and usually describes the behavior of visible, Ultraviolet, and Infrared light. As we moved on from the first week, our thoughts were, why don't we start by practicing control over the type of electromagnetism we thrive in every day? Kit now included the Infrared (IR) and Ultraviolet (UV) thresholds, into that interaction.

We know electromagnetism, light, is represented as a particle, the photon, sometimes, but can also be moved in the form of waves. Meaning, there are times when electromagnetic radiation, will move as particles, and times when it'll move as a wave. Our first goal was to make a light source, out of anything, so we began where all Leaf ninja begin, with a leaf. Kit and all of Kit's clones, took a leaf from a tree, and began focusing the electromagnetic-chakra on the leaf in their hands. It took them hours, but results were rather quick, because Kit learned a valuable lesson last week, other than control of Kit's EM Field and photokinetics, one that usually takes a lifetime of trial and error to understand. Kit learned that mistakes, teach one as much as successes, so rather than dispel, only upon a success, Kit's clones, dispelled when they made an error too. That clone's mistake helped the remaining ones and Kit, learn from their mistakes and if they were about to make the same mistake, they immediately corrected from it and chose a different approach.

This process, despite the dispellations, allow Kit and the clones to finish in hours, what may have taken the whole session to complete. By the end of that time, six clones remained, and each of them, plus Kit, was holding an incandescent, glowing leaf in their hands, and feeling quite proud of themselves. Kit continued along that vein for the rest of the day, each object Kit turned into a light source, got progressively larger, until by the time I left for home, Kit could turn Kit's entire house into a light source, Kit even turned Kit into an incandescent light source.

The next day, once we reviewed everything, we'd learned so far, and practiced them, plus allowing Kit to get in some taijutsu and throwing practice. Kit hadn't been able to practice those for a week. Once finished with those, we decided to turn our attention, to the other aspect of the human, unless you're a Byakugan user, visible spectrum, color. We again began with a leaf, Kit, and the clones, had it glowing in seconds, and once it was, they began the laborious process of color shifting. It didn't take as long to get it, as it did yesterday to make it glow, they just had to alter the wavelength, and energy level of the photons as they were emitted, they pushed it from red to violet quite easily, it reminded me of a musician going through their scales, towards the end, they even got a little exotic. They began cycling the leaves in their hands, all the way from the FUV to the FIR, then ending it by doing it to themselves, inadvertently creating a rudimentary invisibility jutsu.

At around dinnertime, Kit, Kit's relative, and me, were eating supper, Kit had finished first, and was lost in thought, as Kit stared at a leaf in Kit's hand. When asked, Kit said Kit was wondering what it was that caused Kit to see colors, even when the leaf was not glowing. I told Kit, it was the ambient light, in most cases the yellow light of the Sun, which is a roughly equal mixture of the entire spectrum of visible light. When this light encounters a surface, parts of the spectrum are absorbed by the object, while other wavelengths or parts of the spectrum are reflected or scattered. The new reflected light spectrum creates the appearance of a color, as it passes into our eyes. That seemed to light a gleam in Kit's eyes as Kit looked at the leaf, and concentrated, and before me and Kit's relative, the leaf began to change color. At first, it was a slow process, then gradually, one section of the leaf began to change color, going from red, to orange, then Kit's progress became easier, and the leaf began flashing through the color spectrum. Even the Infrared and Ultraviolet forms of light, Kit could now see unaided, put in an appearance.

To say, I was intrigued by this spectacle, would do nothing to tell you about how I was truly feeling, and I asked how Kit was doing this and Kit told me. Kit was altering certain properties of the wave, by allowing the photon to keep its energy, but altering the wave's length and frequency. Kit called it, Breaking the Visible Spectrum, or Spectrum Breaking, and it was an idea Kit had for Kit's first ninjutsu, once we finished learning as much as we could, before his Genin Exam. As Kit continued to cycle the visible spectrum, Kit had another epiphany, color, and appearance, were masks, barriers one put on to make themselves feel better, and lie to themselves. That week, Kit coined a new term Kit would use to associate with those characteristics, Kit from then on called them, spectra, and façade.

We continued along that vein, for the rest of the week, Kit learned Kit could alter the flow of light waves around Kit and other objects, which essentially could alter the observers perception of where the object was located. It took the principle of Geometrical Optics and turned it into a tool for the wielder. We thought we'd found the perfect invisibility method, when Kit pushed every photon of EMR Kit could see away from Kit and the other object, but it seemed Kit would be essentially blind if Kit used it, not that it would hinder Kit too much, with Kit's fox senses, and now Kit's EM-Field when Kit used it. This could make for a perfect trap, and a way to assassinate somebody by tricking them into a harmful situation. Kit has given a name to this technique also, it is called, Wave Taming, because it is doing exactly what its name implies, conquering light waves.

Besides that, Kit could actually create physical illusions for an opponent, tricking their perceptions, and at its ultimate expression, delay when the light photons reach the eye. This could possibly render all dojutsu, at least the Byakugan, and maybe the Sharingan ineffective. It is imperative that the clans who own those dojutsu, never read this, or they'll try to assassinate Kit.

Week 3: The Unseen Spectrum

For this next section, Kit had to begin working with Kit's dojutsu, this allowed Kit to perceive all EMR and vibrational waves. At this point, everything I am relaying to you, Tsunade, was gathered from secondhand information, provided by Kit. Anything Kit didn't tell me, or Kit's relative, I'm afraid there is little we may do to get Kit to talk, because as you know, even the Hokage doesn't have the power to command the secrets of our ninja's techniques. It would violate the charter set forth by the Shodai, and Kit's Fire Daimyo, about the rights ninja have to their own techniques.

That being said, here is the information Kit gave to me, and what I was able to discern from my own observations. The electromagnetic radiation, Kit controls in this section are Radio Waves, Microwaves, X-rays, and Gamma-rays, all invisible to the naked eye, unless aided by a dojutsu, like the Kidogan. Despite what I wrote earlier, it is unknown whether the Sharingan, or the Byakugan, can see into this wavelength, as there are very few ways to test those capabilities. Radio Waves are the least energetic form of EMR, that we know about, it also has the largest wavelength, and lowest frequency bandwidth. It also has the least harmful effects, seems able to move through all forms of matter, from solids to plasmas, and can propagate overland, or into the sky. Kit, in addition to seeing them with the Kidogan, can feel them, and all forms of EMR, really, when they enter Kit's body, Kit says they feel like a physical sensation, according to Kit: Radio Waves feel ticklish, Microwaves feel like fingers moving over Kit's body, Infrared to UV feels like a warm hug, while X-rays and Gamma Rays make the hair on the back of Kit's neck stand-up, and a warm breeze crossing over Kit's skin, respectively, though only when using the Eye of Luminance.

Radio waves and microwaves seem to have no direct action capabilities, they seem to be more for communication, and providing sensory data to Kit than aggressive tendencies. When Kit's EM Field is out, even while remaining within Kit's body, if Kit is employing the Kidogan, the radio waves and microwaves give Kit an extremely accurate picture of Kit's surroundings.

Microwaves are more powerful than Radio Waves, but have a shorter wavelength, and higher frequency. Kit said, it was better against direct threats than Radio Waves. Which could probably be used as an espionage tool, because with the Visible Light Breaking technique, Kit could convert the Radio Waves to Visible Spectra (Light) frequencies. That could allow Kit to 'see,' others from a great distance and know what they were saying, thanks to Kit's synesthesia.

As you know, Jiraiya was in the village during this time, and he was up to his usual antics, peeping on women at the hot springs, he ended up in the hospital if I recall, you put him there, after all. This is when, we discovered that the reverse of Kit's techniques were possible. Not only may Kit receive data with EMR, Kit can transmit data as well, and affect EM-waves from a distance, Kit demonstrated this technique, though I only learned about it as Kit was doing it, and of course the results, when I visited Jiraiya in the hospital. You were there too, Hokage-dono, if I recall, nursing our incorrigible teammate, my student, back to health after the episode.

Here's what Kit did to cause that event to happen. Kit, using his Radio-sensor, found Jiraiya in his usual spot, overlooking the hot springs, peering into the female side through a telescope, and Kit as you know hates perverts, got angry, but took this as an opportune time to practice transforming one form of electromagnetism into another. Kit combined Wave Taming with Spectrum Breaking, Kit refracted the Visible Light reflecting from the men's side of the Springs, directly into my student's viewing tool, so the only images my wayward student received were images of naked men. He of course, thought he was under a genjutsu, and broke it, nothing happened because it wasn't his chakra network being affected by Kit's chakra, it was his very own eyes betraying him, at the same time, Kit made sure every photon that reflected from the telescope's lens went straight into the women's side of the springs, as visible light, which you saw, and it caused you to beat the crap out of my student. I found it hard to deem which beating from you was worse, this one, or the one you gave him for peeping on you when you were still a Genin, both nearly killed him if I recall? Kit's purpose was not to send Jiraiya to the hospital, just to make the women in the female side aware of his presence. Kit deemed what actually happened a better result.

You are likely wondering, why I included this aside in this report, when though humorous, it would be irrelevant in most people's eyes, that's because, Kit did all of this from Kit's place of residence using Radio Waves and Microwaves as mediums for altering the light properties, not within Kit's Line-of-Sight. The distance from Kit's dwelling to the hot springs is in excess of a mile from Kit's home, and Kit was able, to expertly move the light in that area, enough to confound one of the best shinobi, Konohagakure ever produced, even you, Tsunade-kun, cannot deny Jiraiya-san's skills and intelligence.

So, getting back on track, Microwaves, do not reach as far, as Radio Waves, and only seem to be good for tracking something that's within Kit's Line of Sight. No, it's not the EMR in this instance, which Kit is already so good at utilizing that is my focus for this part of our study, but when Kit uses the Kidogan to perceive Microwaves, Kit's brain, Kit's whole nervous system becomes supercharged. Kit says, it feels like everything is slowed down, as if the world is moving in slow motion, even sounds seem to take longer to reach Kit in this state than before. And, it's in this state that Kit says Kit can see soundwaves, as they ripple through the atmosphere, Kit's other senses haven't changed, Kit can't suddenly hear frequencies Kit couldn't before discovering Kidoton. My supposition is Kit's nerves, when deploying Kit's Kidogan, change Kit's physiology slightly, evolving Kit's body and allowing Kit's nerves to fire at, or close to the speed of light.

This will require further investigation, from a medical standpoint to verify, but that's neither here nor there. What makes this event worth mentioning, is Kit has observed soundwaves being disrupted, or at least disturbed, when Kit employs microwaves. Kit doesn't know if it will have any practical applications, Kit decided to shelve experimentation until after graduation.

Now, we leave the low energy realm of the electromagnetic spectrum, and journey into the high energy kingdom of light. Unlike in all previous experiments for this study, Kit had to fully deploy Kit's EM Field, while myself and Kit's relative, stayed outside to prevent radiation sickness. While Kit remained within the dome, Kit took a leaf, as Kit did in previous experiments, then looked and felt for the electrons in the molecular bonds with his chakra. Kit from a previous jutsu-style was already an expert, in manipulating ions, and exciting electrons. It didn't take long for Kit to have a steady stream of X-rays, from the air itself, Kit held the energy still for just a moment, then Kit concentrated and shaped the invisible knife, the way Kit did, when Kit first learned to use Wind and sent it through the Leaf. The X-rays severed the molecular bonds of the leaf, and it was sliced in half, just like when Kit completed the Leaf cutting exercise when Kit learned Wind. Unlike Wind however, Kit couldn't just let the energy go, it was ionizing radiation, it could damage the ecosystem if it were left unchecked, so Kit, not knowing anything else to do, sent the x-rays into the ionosphere, by increasing their wavelength to Radio Wavelengths

Kit repeated Kit's actions with Gamma Rays, this time exciting the Gamma particles in the atomic nuclei, enough to release gamma-ray photons without causing fission or early decay, then, Kit repracticed the leaf cutting exercise, and disposed of it the same way. That method was inefficient, if Kit were in combat, Kit wouldn't have time to send it into the upper atmosphere, but that was solved when we learned, that Kit's body was naturally immune to ionizing radiation. So, kit learned to absorb X-ray and Gamma-ray photons, which led to an outstanding discovery, when some of the chakra, Kit used to perform these activities, was returned to Kit's chakra reserves. Kit can recycle part of Kit's chakra, the same way Kit can when Kit's clones dispel, returning any unused chakra to their creator.

As for being able to see through matter, Kit merely extended Kit's Spectrum Breaking technique, to the entire EM-spectrum. Kit converts the Radio Waves and microwaves to x or gamma-rays as they reflect into Kit's eyes, and Kit sees inside fine.


The fourth week didn't bring forth any new revelations, it was just spent, making everything we did for the last three weeks instinctive to Kit. We remonstrated the imperative to keep everything we learned and practiced here private, and Kit understood why quite well, it seems as if the last few weeks have taught Kit some wisdom. Most of that fourth week was also spent practicing Kit's other skills. The ones Kit would need to become a Genin, and I must say, speaking as a former sensei myself, I know Kit is ready. You needn't worry Hokage-sama, I never told, or informed, Kit of anything I haven't told any of my sons when they took the Genin Exam, I didn't give Kit any more advice than I would give Konohamaru, when it becomes time for Kit to become a Genin. One other piece of information you may have become aware of the first day, Kit learned about Kidoton. Kit can feel it when you use the crystal ball jutsu, and can see you through it as well, so word of advice, don't use that jutsu to when Kit's around or Kit may give you away, with or without meaning to, so be cautious when using that jutsu, it is one of most closely guarded secrets of the Hokage office.


If there are any of my readers who have not figured it out, Kit is Naruto. This chapter is as much about his Kekkei Tota as this author wanted to include, told from the perspective of Hiruzen Sarutobi.