


wertyuiosdfghjklxc · Action
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2 Chs


THE BLESSING A Daughter's Role in contributing

"Daughters are like flowers that provide beauty to the household."

It was full moon night.

A woman in blood-splattered clothing was running while carrying a newborn daughter. Several assassins were pursuing her behind her back, intent on killing her and her child. When the woman arrived at the mountain's edge, their cat and mouse hunt came to an end. When the woman realized there was no way to escape, she turned around and saw all of the assassins with various weapons.

Then she said to herself in her heart, "She wants to murder me and my daughter, yeah!"

To outwit the assassins, the woman knelt and whispered, "Please!

Please let us go! ", while being fragmented in order to live.

But abruptly, seemingly out of nowhere, an arrow was shot, piercing that woman's chest.

Because of the power of the arrow, the infant she was holding dropped dramatically off the cliff, and she also fell to the ground in the same scene.

She was enraged with despair after watching her kid fall over the cliff and cried, "My daughter!"

Even the assassins felt bad about her scream, so they took a step back.

The woman then stood up, her eyes filled with fury and despair. She then plucked the arrow from her chest and used her magical martial arts to convert it into a sword. The assassins were terrified of her by this point, so they began storming toward her to assassinate; nonetheless, that woman's rage exceeded every assassin present, and it was only because of her rage that she killed every one of them after an intensive conflict.

Then she just collapsed and prayed, remembering her daughter's smile.

"Oh! My life deity, I bow to you once more. Please, please, please rescue my precious daughter!" She eventually died while praying.

Then, an assassin who wasn't dead but pretended to be dead, opened his eyes and observed all the dead victims and moved closer to that woman's lifeless body and,

What a tragedy! Dying like this is absolutely ridiculous for a gorgeous woman, he remarked, taking her hand carefully and removing the golden bracelet from her right arm.

He then stepped back, removed his mask, smirked like a trickster, and waved his right hand at the woman, at which point fire appeared from nowhere and began burning the woman's lifeless flesh.

Then, using his power, he carried all of the assassins' lifeless bodies into the air and departed the scene.

Meanwhile, the child continued to fall. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a red shadow of a bird grabbed the infant in its shadowy wings and flew over the cliff where the woman's body was burning. When the dark figure appeared over the cliff, a lovely lady in golden clothing appeared from the air and held the infant in her arms, saying

"Don't worry, you are very important to this world, therefore no one, not even me, can hurt you," she says, staring at the infant with genuine tenderness.

Then the beautiful lady waved her hand toward the burning woman, and the woman's golden aura and energy were gathered and shaped into a golden quill.

The beautiful lady then summoned the quill and put it on the child's back, saying, "This is your mother's gift, and when the time comes, it will release its true power. It won't be revealed till then to anyone else but you.

Soon thereafter, she and the kid vanished.

She emerges out of nowhere a few seconds later in front of a temple where a childless couple was praying for a child. She then transformed herself into an elderly lady and approached the couple, asking, "Are you Su-jin and Hun-Ji?"

"Yes, grandmother," the Su-jin, the husband responded.

The old lady then said, "Are you come to receive a blessing from the goddess?"

When she looked with faith at those couples

The pair then replied, "Yes."

When the elderly woman heard the response, she handed them the infant she was holding and asked them to follow her into a chamber.

The atmosphere began to change from stone cold to spring cold as the pair followed the old lady.

The old lady then locked the door using her magic after entering the room, which confused the couple.

The man, Su-jin, then questioned, "Grandmother, what are you up to?" and pulled out his weapon.

Meanwhile, Hun-Ji, his wife, was carrying the child

The old lady then began changing into her real form. The couple was both stunned to discover the elderly lady's true self as the real goddess of life, and they quickly kneeled and prayed, "My goddess, forgive us for our stupidity."

The goddess then spoke gently, saying, "Su-jin and Hun-Ji, rise up." The goddess then replied to the couple, "The kid you are carrying is a blessing from me." Consider her to be your daughter. Heaven made that decision for you." When Su-jin and Hun-Ji heard the goddess's comments regarding the blessing, they both looked at the infant and questioned, "Goddess, is she our daughter, your blessing?"

This daughter is a treasure of heaven and earth, and only you can guard her, the goddess said, cradling the infant in her hand.

Accept her for my sake; she will bring prosperity, health, and pleasure into your home.

When the goddess heard that Su-jin and Hun-Ji had answered, "Yes, we will raise her as our own daughter," she was delighted and said, "She will bring the light of gladness, exactly like the sun's first shine."

The goddess then gave the child the name Ha-eun, which radiated across the area, before leaving the scene.

The pair smiled as they saw one another, and their tears showed how happy they were.

They eventually left the temple with Ha-Eun, their new daughter.

After two days.

Outside the king's palace, in the Grace kingdom.

The golden chariot came to a standstill.

Su-jin and Hun-Ji departed it holding baby Ha-eun as they made their way into the palace.

His brother Seon-jin, the ruler of the Grace kingdom, was someone he was very eager to introduce to Ha-eun.

Therefore, he just dashed inside the castle and cried, "Brother, I'm here!


Seon-jin heard his brother Su-jin's scream when he was in his room thinking about something, and he immediately rushed in that direction.

After a lengthy wait, the two brothers finally reunited, and they just hugged each other.

Hun-Ji then joined them from behind.

When Seon-jin saw the infant, he wondered.

Hun-Ji understood Seon-jin so, she smiled and answered, "She's our daughter, the gift of the goddess."

Gift of God! Seon-jin murmured, confused about what he had just heard.

What does that even mean?

Su-jin then gave Seon-jin an explanation of everything.

Then Hun-Ji interrupted them, looked around, and asked, "Brother-in-law, where's your wife?"

Seon-jin then said, "Oh!"

"Min-Seo, her labor is in progress."


and you are telling us now.

Hun-Ji and Su-jin both simultaneously roared in rage.

At the same moment, the queen's maid embraced them and said, "Congratulation, my lord, you've become the father of a son and a daughter."

The maid's statements caused them to smile like never before, and as a result, Seon-jin handed the maid his golden pendant and instructed her to purchase all the treats for a party.

The three of them then burst into the room where Min-Seo and the twins were asleep.

Seon-jin was overjoyed to meet his daughter and son.

He then held both of his infants in his arms and kissed their foreheads with genuine honor and acceptance.

Meanwhile, Min-Seo noticed Ha-eun, and Han-Ji explained, "She is our daughter Ha-eun, the goddess' gift."

Then she said, "Gift of what?" in the same manner as her husband.

Seon-jin then gave her a full explanation of the situation and said, "Perhaps she is a gift from the goddess." We gained our son and daughter as soon as she entered the palace, and even you are completely protected," the monarch said, addressing Min-Seo.

Min-Seo, who was equally joyful, placed Ha-eun on her lap and admired her eyes, saying, "Ha-eun, you have exceedingly beautiful eyes, much like the rising light," and thanked her for bringing good fortune to the palace.

To be continued