
Chapter 31

“Come, we better dress. I think I hear voices from below.”

* * * *

When the two men emerged from the upstairs sleeping quarters, they found that Nathaniel had arrived, along with the Reverend Matheson.

“I told them to come early and take breakfast with us,” remarked Jonathan’s mother, Sarah, as she bustled around the kitchen, shooing the maid into more energetic action.

The brothers came forward and formally greeted the guests. When Jonathan took Nathaniel’s hand, there again was the now familiar jolt of desire, but with a renewed pressure. He looked the man in the eye and saw there an effort to repress the welling of emotion.

“Congratulations, my friend. I am sure you are happy this eagerly anticipated day has arrived.” The expression in those eyes belied the sincerity of his words.

Jonathan felt as if he might cry. He did not trust himself to respond. He merely nodded and returned the pressure of Nathaniel’s handshake.