

When Avren opened his eyes, he was still thinking about a name for the mysterious energy. And he finally came up with a name.

"Origin Source Energy (Qi)!"

The Eternal and Destruction energies were recognized to be the most high and pure level of all energies. Now that a more profound and higher-level energy appeared from the fusion of those two energies, it was reasonable to call it Origin Source Energy.

Avren mood was good after coming up with the name. But he immediately had a weird feeling. It was as if someone was watching him.

In the Martial Training Hall, Avren had experienced many life and death situations. So, his senses became very sharp.

Avren released his spirit sense, covering an area of 500-meter radius! After all, his power was already at the level of a mid-stage Foundation Realm. Besides, there was a huge difference between the Foundation Realm and the Warrior Realm. Thus, the range of his spirit sense increased greatly after he entered the Foundation Realm.

The moment he released his spirit sense, he discovered Vidar on the neighboring building.

'A peak-stage Foundation Realm cultivator?' Avren was shocked. A while ago, Ger told him about the existence of cultivators on Earth. But he never imagined he would meet one so quickly. Especially one at the peak-stage Foundation Realm, which is even higher than him.

Why was such a person spying on him? Was he discovered already?

Does he have a bad intention? Or is he just curious? Should I confront him?

Many questions appeared in Avren's head. He was trying to analyze the situation and come up with the most appropriate solution.

Avren was only at the mid-stage Foundation Realm. Although he was confident, he wasn't sure if he would be able to match someone at the peak-stage Foundation. After all, till now, he doesn't know how powerful he is exactly. Even in the Martial Training Hall, he was just using a simulated body.

Avren knew that his power should be a lot higher than those at the same level due to the specialness of the Origin Source Energy. But he wasn't sure by how much.

'Wait! I don't have to fight him at all. I just have to scare him away!' Avren made up his mind.


On the neighboring building, Vidar saw Avren open his eyes.

'Mm, he's awake. I think I should leave now and report this to the clan head. An unknown cultivator appearing suddenly in the middle of the town, this is definitely suspicious!" Vidar thought while preparing to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, he felt a chill down his spine and his body trembled involuntarily.

'W-what is this feeling?! I feel like someone is holding a sword on my neck… as if I'll die any moment!' Vidar was scared out of his mind.

"Want to leave so soon?"

Vidar who was trying to figure out what's going on, heard a voice in his mind. That voice made him even more terrified.

Talking through his mind? That's only possible using spirit sense! And only Spirit Realm Cultivators have the ability to use spirit sense!

Spirit Realm!

Spirit Realm was like a legend to the cultivators on Earth. Even against tens of peak-stage Grandmasters, one Spirit Realm Cultivator could slaughter them all effortlessly! You can never compare between someone who stepped into the Spirit Realm with those who didn't.

The difference was too vast!

Vidar lost all hope of resistance. He cupped his hands to the air in front of him and said respectfully: "Senior, I never intended to disturb you. Please forgive me!"

Vidar's tone of respect was blended with evident fear and terror. He didn't even bother to mention his clan. He knew that in front of such expert, his clan was simply powerless!

"So, you came to spy on me and now asking for forgiveness? You have quite the nerve." The voice spoke in his mind again. It was neither angry nor pleased. Just indifferent!

"What?" Vidar was startled. Spy on him? Could it be…?

Vidar looked down and saw Avren looking at him coldly.

Shit! It's him!

How could someone who nearly died of a mere virus be a Spirit Realm Cultivator? Was it all a façade? Was he pretending?

I'm screwed!

Vidar suddenly knelt down and said: "Senior, I was wrong! I'll wholeheartedly accept my punishment!"

Avren gazed him coldly and said, still using spirit sense: "I have no interest in punishing you. But I am curious actually. Why were you watching me?"

Vidar's body relaxed a little when he heard that he was spared. Then, he answered honestly: "I was ordered by my clan head to watch you, senior."

Vidar thought that there was no need to lie in front of such expert because his lies would be detected instantly. He continued: "My clan head heard about the matter of you coming back to life and your mother's miraculous recovery just after your visit. So, he ordered me to w-watch you…"

'So that's it, huh.' Avren thought. 'Clan head? I wonder who is he and how strong he is? Judging by this guy's behavior, He doesn't seem to be at the Spirit Realm. Mm, should I ask? No, it doesn't seem appropriate in the current situation. I have to show that I don't care. Anyway, it doesn't matter. A few days later, my power will increase exponentially. At that time, I'll go look for him myself!' Avren thought.

"I see. As for those incidents, I naturally have my reasons. Tell your clan head not to concern himself with my affairs. Otherwise, he will have to bear the consequences." Avren spoke in Vidar's mind using his spirit sense.

"Yes, of course. My clan head didn't know your identity before, senior. I assure you that we won't disturb you any more in the future!" Vidar said hurriedly. All he wanted right now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Mm. That better be the case. You may leave now." Avren waved his hands and said indifferently.

"Yes senior! Thank you for sparing my life!" He cupped his hands and bowed. Then turned into a dark shadow and left.

'What a sloppy Movement Technique.' Avren thought. Compared to the techniques he experienced in the Martial Training Hall, that Movement Technique looked like trash.

'Well, I guess things are settled for now.' Avren thought while stretching his arms.

If you have any idea about the story, comment it and let me know.

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