

The milky white energy flowed through his mother's body. Her fragile body started to regain its vitality and her complexion was getting better. After a while, her eyes twitched a little.

Noticing this, Avren was extremely excited. 'It seems she is going to wake up soon!' He thought.

Finally, her eyelids opened slowly. Her eyes were dizzy and couldn't focus for a moment.

"Mom!" Avren shouted voluntarily upon seeing his mom open her eyes.

Ruben and Joice were startled. They looked at Avren's mom and saw her eyes open.



Two voices came out at the same time. Rose, who was still laying in bed, looked at the three people in the room, still in a daze. When she saw Avren, her body trembled. Tears started flowing down from her eyes like a stream.


"You…You're okay…Thank god…" More and more tears flowed down on her face. She put her hands over her mouth to cover her crying, but it only got louder and louder.

"It's okay mom. I'm fine now! Don't worry about me. Your body is still weak so don't move too much!" Avren spoke hurriedly when he saw his mom wanting to sit up.


After the small heartwarming reunion, they sent for a doctor to come and check Rose's condition. After a quick check, the doctor determined that she's fine and just needed some rest.

"But to be sure, she'll have to stay until tomorrow to see if something unexpected happens." The doctor said while checking the paper in his hands.

"Thank you, doctor! Thank you!" Ruben expressed his gratitude.

"No problem. It's our job after all." The doctor smiled and adjusted his glasses. Then he looked at Avren briefly and left. Avren thought it was strange but didn't think too much about it.

After the doctor left, the Kleitos family started chatting about random topics, laughing occasionally. The atmosphere was very heartwarming.

While chatting, Avren's cultivation unknowingly broke through to the level of late Warrior Realm! And his power continued to soar.


At the same time, in the head manager office.

The doctor wearing the glasses was sitting in front of a bearded old man. The old man's body was thin and looked very fragile.

"Head manager, as I told you, I feel something is off about that Kleitos family! Yesterday, my friend told me that their son was confirmed dead but miraculously came back to life. And today, his mom woke up from a coma a few minutes after he came back to visit her! Don't you think that's weird?" The glasses-wearing doctor said to the old man.

The old man was very calm and continued sipping his tea. After he finished, he looked at the doctor and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. If they are okay, our job is done. Now, you're excused."

"Y-Yes! Excuse me." The glasses-wearing doctor didn't dare to continue staying and left.

When the doctor left, the old man said: "Vidar. Go observe that kid called Avren. He's most likely the reason behind these events. Remember, there's no need to harm him. And stay hidden." It was as if he was speaking to himself.

"Yes!" A voice resounded in the room. It was clearly not the old man's but another voice!


Now that a few hours have passed since she woke up, Rose's body was nearly back to normal. So, Ruben told Avren and Joice to head back home and he would stay with Rose and bring her back tomorrow after the final examination.

Avren and Joice didn't object. They knew that their mom and dad needed some alone time together, so they left.

When Avren left the Hospital with Rose, his power had reached the peak Warrior Realm and was in the brink of breaking through to the Foundation Realm! He was a little helpless at that monstrous speed but there's nothing he could do.

After reaching home, it was 1 pm. Joice entered the bathroom to take a shower and Avren went straight to his room. He felt like he needed to plan for what he's going to do in the future.

Just when he closed the door, his body trembled a little. He quickly sat down on the bed and checked his body.

He found that, right now, his body was undergoing a transformation!

The mysterious energy in his Dantian flowed out through his meridians and started fusing with his physical body. Avren felt his body was growing more and more stronger. At the same time the concentration of the mysterious energy kept on increasing rapidly.

Before, his strength was divided into two: Qi and physical body. But now, the Qi started fusing with his physical body! It was the sign of entering the Foundation Realm!