
Awakening world

the year is 2029 and the world went through a transformation called world's Awakening which lasted for a year during that one year of change the world has become unrecognizable trees so big they equal skyscrapers mountains so big that comparing it to previously is not possible Ocean's so large and so deep that you can't imagine what lives in there and the animals have become stronger faster smarter and there's more of them not to mention the new ones and combinations that didn't exist previously the world has changed so much which makes it very difficult for humans to survive throughout this single year nearly 99.9% of humans died and the few people who could survive became scattered throughout the world in order to see another person you would have to travel for a month and you might not even find anybody but after one year of this the world which was constantly shaking finally stopped and then something happened that shocked everybody the world spoke to any humans who have survived I'm sorry for causing your race to almost go extinct to make up for my mistake I will make your race the protagonist of this world and that is the day everything changed hi writer here I want to talk about a couple of things number one the tags I got set up for my story will probably change in the future depending on where The Story Goes number two I do not have a plan for the story I'm just kind of winging it so if you have any suggestions of where the story should go let me know BTW if you see any spelling errors let me know

Phantom_author · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 1 world's will

the world spoke and I don't know how to feel about it I was feeling happy mad sad tired I was feeling very emotional at the moment but mostly I was just feeling conflicted on what I should be feeling right now I'm mad at the world for taken my family away from me I'm happy because my life is no longer being I'm sad because I no longer have any family in this world I'm tired because of all the work that I have to do to survive and all the stress of wondering when I'm going to die and looking out for monsters and people because sometimes your worst enemy isn't a monster but the very people you trust with your life hahahahahahaha with how many times I have been betrayed by my fellow humans I am more worried about people than monsters... well dwelling on the past ain't going to help I am just going to continue moving forward and just Hope that nothing goes wrong as he get up off the wooden bench he made he started thinking out loud well I guess thinking about all the progress I have made might help me calm down over this year I have done several things one of which being I am no longer weak before the Awakening I was just a normal dude not very strong but over this year I have become several times stronger and I have fought creatures people before could not imagine and despite all of this I barely have a scratch on me I guess to make a comparison between me and the athletes of the past the fastest runner on earth was Usain Bolt his top running speed is now my base running speed if I really push myself to go as fast as possible I can run three times faster than Usain Bolt top running speed and that's just my running speed for my strength I can lift a boulder with the weight of 390 pounds or 180 kilograms with ease I can even throw it 15 ft and don't even mention my agility/rection time to put it bluntly if you shoot at me with a compound bow even if you shoot three arrows in a row I would be able to grab them out of the air with not much difficulty it's not hard but it's not easy and for my martial arts I'm not a noob butt I am not an expert either well on to the next topic other than my combat skills I've got good at other things in this time period I have learned what's edible and what's not I also picked up woodworking and blacksmithing I even made a house from scratch it's not the best looking house but it gets the job done... I guess I should stop rambling in my head and go get some stuff done he looks around to see he has been wondering randomly it's still within the safe area I built but I need to break that habit wait a minute I'm forgetting something oh right the world just spoke let me try and remember what it said I think it said something about it being sorry for almost making humans extinct? So in order to make up for it the will of the world made us the protagonist of this world which doesn't make sense if it really was the will of the world it wouldn't care about Some Humans unless it has some use for us well I guess I could just ask hey world's will I assume since you're leaving us alive you want something from us don't you?

world's will You guessed correctly since you're the first one to figure it out I will answer a couple of questions three to be exact

Nick I guess that's better than none I really need to think about these questions I guess the first thing I want to know is what is the world's present situation and to be more precise is there any information I need to know beforehand world's will... in two years we will have to fight another world that just awakened like me and in that time period I have to make the living things on this world strong enough to fight and win Nick/main character well from how many cultivation novels I've read I expected something like this hey world's will is there a reason for this happening or is it something that just happens world's will I do not know the reason behind this but what I do know is that if you win your world gets more resources to grow and if you wish to you can consume the other world's gaining all they have including any mystical Energies or resources but in order to consume the other world's you have to completely dominate meaning no practical resistance left and for the first option you only have to win the battle and you can do both but that's not important at the moment Nick that's a bit of an information dump but I got the gist of things I guess for my second question would be do we know anything about the other world... world's will I know a bit of things but I do not know everything the things I do know are the other world power system is Magic its very low level magic but its still magic and the other information I have is the other world awakened a year earlier than I did Nick in that case we are at a disadvantage this is bad we need to prepare ahead of time hey world's will what is this world's power system? World's will... currently there is no power system because the power system I was trying to create would be what you humans would call cultivation but your bodies will not adapt to cultivation in a quick enough time for the battle so I am currently trying to find a different power system temporarily I have answered two of your questions human what is your third and final question Nick I guess my final question would be more of a proposal instead of a question since you do not have a power system and I need to become stronger how about I help you create a power system and you help me walk that power system deal?

World's will... deal but on one condition you must sign a contract Nick that's fine with me anyways let's get to signing because I already have an idea for the power system after signing the contract with the world's will now that the contact sign I can tell you about my idea since you talked about making a cultivation system I am going to stick with that theme but instead of using whatever energy you were using I am going to take a different route instead of using energy I'm going to use a concept called aura it's innate to every creature so there will be a lot more cultivators and the upside about the system I'm thinking of is the aura can be used directly and since aura is not an energy it can use energy to fuel itself so the energy we cannot use the aura can for example the excess physical and mental Energies can be utilized by the aura another example of the Energies the aura can use would be any and all excess Energies such as space energy time energy gravity energy Light energy Darkness energy kinetic energy comic energy spiritual energy and since the aura can use all Energies every time we beat another world and choose to consume it if we gain any Energies they can help fuel the aura what do you think of the idea? World's will... I didn't think a small human can think of that very well we will go with your idea Nick great first things first before we even make a cultivation system we need to unlock my aura

And I have no idea how to do that wait I just got an idea and it might be the only way world's well I'm going to need your help do you know of comprehension world's well yes I do know of that concept Nick great can you accelerate my comprehension by 500 times world's well... yes I can I as the world's well Grant you 500 times comprehensive speed for one year

Nick thanks this will make it a lot easier as he says that he feels like his brain is moving 500 times faster and he is able to understand things 500 times easier so this is what stupid high levels of comparison is like I think with this boost I will be able to find my aura with decent speed if only this was my base level of comprehension as he walks towards a tree he started ponderings/questioning what is aura and ask himself more and more questions if I understand aura exactly it a combination of multiple things someone strength someone's willpower someone's existence someone's personality someone's life experience someone's nature each person's aura is different but there will be always be some similarities as he comprehends aura time passes at first just a couple of days then a couple of weeks which then into a couple of months and then finally on the 10th month he finally succeeds so that's how it works I've got it to the point that I can simplify it to put it as simply as possible aura is an extension of oneself to put it a another way you instinctly know how to cleanse your hands to make a fist the same thing applies to Aura once you unlock it you instinctly know how to use it and it's always been there it's something you just never noticed the only thing blocking you from using it is your own mind once you break this shackle you will be able to use your aura like you've had it your entire life after understanding this concept he unlocked his aura Nick so this is what aura feels like it feels foreign yet not at the same time it almost feels like if I use it for a little bit I will be able to use it without thinking interesting I also gained something else from this and I didn't intend to do that but I understood something else about aura each aura is unique to the individual with this piece of information I will be able to use it later in the cultivation system he gets up and start walking towards a different tree I have a general idea of what it can do but I need to test it he stops walking and stands in front of the tree he started gathering aura into his fist and then punches the tree once he pulls his fist out of the way he sees he made a pretty big dent on the tree which is a big feet considering that the trees in this age are several times stronger than the trees on Earth like literally you cannot drop them down with an axe If This Were a normal tree he would have took it down in two to three punches Nick interesting that only took 1% of my aura I have 99% left which means I can throw a hundred of those punches I guess I'll start here I will assign a number to that 1% I assign a value of 10 so that would mean in total my aura would be a 1000 units the reason I assigned a value of 10 would be for people with lower amounts of aura and because I probably have crappy control of my aura which means I used 10 units for that punch but in the future I could use less units of aura to get the same results he walks back up to the tree

And punches it again interesting it seems after unlocking my aura my physical strength has improved not to mention stacking aura on top of that he again walks back to the tree and punches it eight more times if I had to take a guess the aura is giving me a strength boost but right now it's only doubling my strength when I punch but maybe in the future I can get that higher he smiles evilly anyways enough of punching a random tree I need to test how it affects my speed he starts Gathering Aura into his legs he runs around for about 10 minutes interesting my base speed has increased just like it did for my strength another unique thing about it is it doesn't drain my aura constantly it only drains my aura every 10 seconds and it only drains two units so that equals to 20 units every minute and if I take into account that I've crappy control my energy the energy drain will be less in the future but now how do I test my durability? I don't think there's a way I can unless I go fight something which I'm not doing something that stupid not until I get used to my aura at least well I can't test my durability but one thing I can test is my stamina does my aura affect my stamina? The only way to find out is a test he starts Gathering aura into his whole body not really planning anything but to try and see if he can aim it at his stamina he feels a small boost in strength speed and surprisingly endurance he then starts to run around and throw punches at random trees every now and then and just do a bunch of acrobatics until he runs out of stamina and then tries to continue to see if this works this goes on for 4 hours interesting it seems my base stamina has increased not to mention the discovery I made instead of boosting my stamina I just use my aura as a replacement instead interesting and I made a Discovery a new way to use my aura instead of focusing it into one body part which uses way more Aura but gives a lot more power or you can spread your aura throughout your entire body to get smaller boosts in all areas but you can fight for a lot longer and of course if you're smart enough you can combine the two spreading it throughout your body and when you go to hit the opponent flow the aura into your fist for a devastating hit and then immediately flow the aura into your legs to retreat once you're far enough you can spread the aura throughout your body okay I think that's enough testing for today the Sun is setting and I need to get into my house to wake up early tomorrow unfortunately I didn't get to hunt but luckily I have some food leftovers so I'll survive tonight and despite doing all that I still got 10% of my aura left as he starts to walk to his house he notices his clothes are sweaty damn it I'm going to have to change later I want to get home faster to change he starts jogging to his house once he gets to the front door he opens it and heads inside he heads to the bathroom changes out of his clothes takes a short bath and then puts on his sleepwear he walks over to his bed this was the best day so far but now that he's alone he starts to remember about his family... if only my brother were here I would have loved to Spa with him with this new power you would have loved this huh brother... he thinks as he drifts off to sleep





[ Author ]

Hi sorry if this chapter is a bit of information dump but I needed to get this stuff out of the way before I make the main character create a cultivation system and if you have any ideas for the story let me know I would love to hear them if you see any spelling errors or plot holes please let me know so I can fix them and if you have any questions just ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability and that's about it so I guess bye until next chapter :)

Btw my uploads are going to be slow because none of this is planned I'm just doing this off the top of my head literally like half the stuff in here I did not plan I just started writing and went from there anyways byeeeeeeeee