The seven dark souls; Aldhere, Counselor of the Blind; Burchard, Lord of Smoke; Grieving Divinity Gudram; Enchanted Priest Bryning; Eternal Divinity Baldwin; Berthun, Wicked Priest of Fear; and Oswin, Deaf Baron of Prisons.
"These were the seven dark souls I retrieved after fighting Dokuro Misa and then Jinx Wrym," Tahara said. "It seems I haven't used them for a while," he continued. After passing through the black gate, he noticed some humans who were in front of the castle.
"What do we have here?" Tahara asked.
Everyone turned and looked at him.
"Who are you?" they asked.
Tahara introduced himself to them and asked them what was going on. They explained that they sensed a higher-rank demon in the castle, A-Rank to be precise.
Tahara sighed as he passed by and walked toward the castle.
"Hey! Are you crazy? You can't defeat that thing," one of them shouted.
"What rank are you anyway?" one girl shouted as Tahara entered the castle.
"He's in!" the girl said.