Following the conclusion of the match between Japan and Mexico, the Ghanaian team faced the Nigerian team in the following match. Two epic teams were about to go head-to-head, as both teams lost a single match in the preliminary stages. As the announcer announced the entrance of both teams as they started to emerge from the two gates, the lighting in the arena started to dim. The Ghanaian people were dressed in their typical traditional and cultural attire, and their swords were decorated with Ghanaian flags. No exception was made by the Nigerian team, who were decked out in traditional and cultural attire along with their country's flags.
A three-on-three battle was taking place in this matchup, so both teams entered the arena. As Nana Asare represented the Ghanaian team and the leader of the Nigerian team, along with his honorable teammates, both teams chose their top three competitors. When the countdown reached zero, the barrier was drawn.