
Awakening the Ancestors

Ancestral spirits drenched the world in blood 1000 years ago, forcing people to choose between death and turning to ancestral spirits. Saido Kado, on the other hand, was the only swordsman in the world who could match up with the ancestral spirits and seal them away. However, after 1000 years, people became dissatisfied with the current world and desired the return of the ancestral spirits. Tahara Kado, a young swordsman and the last Kado of his generation, aspires to be the best swordsman in the world, but his peers mock him because he is an F-Rank. His wish was granted, and he was killed, but an awakening system reawakened him, allowing him to level up and unlock new abilities, power, and sword skills. His first inquiry is to find out who has the ability to seal and unseal ancestral spirits. Will he be able to stop the people from unsealing the ancestral spirits? If they are unsealed, can he stop the ancestral spirits? Will he be able to awaken his ancestors? Join Tahara and his friends on a journey full of challenges that will put his swordsmanship and determination to succeed to the test. ....... Volumes........ -Volume 1: Awakening (1-44) -Volume 2: First-Year (45–57) -Volume 3: Samon Kenji (58–78) -Volume 4: The Lost Maniac (79–114) -Volume 5: The Gray Soul and The Tombstone Teacher (115–138) -Volume 6: The Twelve (139–157) -Volume 7: Chandganuur Arc (158–187) -Volume 8: Unveiling the Nexus of Blades and Sorcery (188-212) -Volume 9: The Graveyard Devil (213-224) -Volume 10: Chadli Guelimja (225-

LegalWolf · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Chapter 178: Chandganuur Incident Part 15

Elise Black stood before Mordecai Black, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and sadness. She looked at Eloise Carr as she wrapped her in her arms. Tahara, Otake, and Dúkũ had arrived and found Eloise Carr bleeding copiously. No one could tell whether she was dead or alive. Elise Black's aura grew stronger as Mordecai was forced to move backward, and she gave a death stare.

“You have caused enough pain and suffering, Mordecai,” Elise said, her voice trembling with a mixture of angst and determination.

Mordecai’s eyes beamed with a perverse sense of satisfaction. “I already informed her not to get intricate in our bloodline.”

Elise’s hand clenched into fists, her nails prodding into her palms. She couldn’t tell whether she was dead or alive. But that didn’t matter to her anymore. Elise Black aura that surrounded her grew intense as she gave a death stare as Mordecai was forced to move backward. “You took Eloise away from me. But now, I’m going to end your life.”