
Awakening the Ancestors

Ancestral spirits drenched the world in blood 1000 years ago, forcing people to choose between death and turning to ancestral spirits. Saido Kado, on the other hand, was the only swordsman in the world who could match up with the ancestral spirits and seal them away. However, after 1000 years, people became dissatisfied with the current world and desired the return of the ancestral spirits. Tahara Kado, a young swordsman and the last Kado of his generation, aspires to be the best swordsman in the world, but his peers mock him because he is an F-Rank. His wish was granted, and he was killed, but an awakening system reawakened him, allowing him to level up and unlock new abilities, power, and sword skills. His first inquiry is to find out who has the ability to seal and unseal ancestral spirits. Will he be able to stop the people from unsealing the ancestral spirits? If they are unsealed, can he stop the ancestral spirits? Will he be able to awaken his ancestors? Join Tahara and his friends on a journey full of challenges that will put his swordsmanship and determination to succeed to the test. ....... Volumes........ -Volume 1: Awakening (1-44) -Volume 2: First-Year (45–57) -Volume 3: Samon Kenji (58–78) -Volume 4: The Lost Maniac (79–114) -Volume 5: The Gray Soul and The Tombstone Teacher (115–138) -Volume 6: The Twelve (139–157) -Volume 7: Chandganuur Arc (158–187) -Volume 8: Unveiling the Nexus of Blades and Sorcery (188-212) -Volume 9: The Graveyard Devil (213-224) -Volume 10: Chadli Guelimja (225-

LegalWolf · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Chapter 16: Meeting

"Where I'm I?" Tahara asked.

"Master, are you okay?" Miyaguchi asked.

"Yes! I'm okay, just where are we?" Tahara asked as he tried to get up on his feet.

'Where are you in Komohoma, a town in Japan," Juba replied.

"After you defeated Chinen Kuemon, the barrier which was preventing Samon's ability from working broke down so Samon took the opportunity to track your voice," Miyaguchi explained.

"We saw you lying on the ground unconscious and your arm was ripped off and the wound on your stomach was still bleeding," Juba continued.

"But when we arrived in Komohoma, your hand arm was restored as if nothing happened and the wound on your stomach healed completely," Samon said.

"I see!" Tahara said as he sat down.

"Thank you!" he said.

"I've never seen an F-Rank arm restore on its own unless there's a magic healer right by him," Juba said.

"Anyway!" Tahara said as he got up on his feet.

"Who's house are we staying in?" he asked.

"Oh! Juba just rented an apartment," Miyaguchi replied.

Gimme a break!

Tahara decided to take a stroll outside the town.


"All the lower-rank heads haven't been called for a meeting like this before," one lower Rank guy said.

"I would like you all to sit down," the boss said as he arrived.

Everyone took their seat as they were waiting to hear what the Boss had for them.

"The Boss seems to be in a good mood today," one guy said.

"Is he going to announce those who are going to be part of his best 12," one guy said.

"Is he also going to increase our salary by 50%," another guy said.

"SILENCE!" the boss yelled.

"I sent one Rank C swordsman and also a magic user to take care of that last Kado generation," the Boss said.

"Wow!" everyone said.

"But unfortunately he was defeated," the boss said.

"WHAT!" everyone said as they began to murmur.

"Boss can you please tell us the Rank of this Tahara Kado boy?" one guy asked.

"An F-Rank swordsman!" the Boss replied.

"An F-Rank!" everyone said.

"That's impossible!" one guy said to his brother on the left.

"How can an F-Rank swordsman defeat a C-Rank magic user and a swordsman himself?" one guy asked.

"I don't think Tahara Kado is an F-Rank," the boss said.

"What makes you think so boss?" one guy asked.

"Ever since that 'star' incident happened in The Righteous Sanctum Temple, he has always been fighting magical beasts as well as humans as well," the Boss explained.

"Which explains..." one guy asked.

"Which explains Tahara Kado may have risen to Rank D or maybe Rank C," the boss explained.

The boss then stood up and said, "This explains why all of you lower Rank magic users are also eliminated."

The atmosphere around the room then changed all of a sudden.

"So what you are asking of us is to kill that Kado b***h," one guy asked.

"If Tahara is a Rank F swordsman, then he is the only Rank F user that I've seen in decades," the boss said.

"Therefore there are two conditions on how to go about eliminating Tahara Kado from existence," the boss announced.

"And what are these two conditions boss?" one guy asked.

"The first one involves capturing the flame user Miyaguchi," the boss said.


"But boss why her?" the guy asked.

"She is the only flame user who has up to 8 aspects and she has only mastered 2," the boss explained.

"If she masters all 8, she'll begin more dangerous, and even, she's trying to master sportsmanship," the boss clarified.

Everyone gulped in horror.

"What about the second condition," one guy asked.

"The second condition is to hold Tahara Kado in his shoes to prevent him from interfering with our mission of capturing Miyaguchi," the boss explained.

"Hmmm, but boss, Miyaguchi got friends, Samon Kenji; the sound ability user, and Juba Gen; a sword and magic user," one guy announced.

"But they are lower ranks or should I say the same ranks that you are," the boss explained.

"What do you mean boss?" one guy asked.

One of the boss's servants then turned on the screen as Samon and Juba's info popped up on the screen.

"Take a good look at their info," the boss said.

"Remember their ranks, ladies and gentlemen," the boss said.

"Hold on boss, I thought that Kado guy had just lost one arm," a lady asked.

"One arm you say!" the boss asked.

"That's enough for him to rip off your head," the boss said as the lady became afraid.

"That's why I suggested that you guys should prevent him from interfering with our mission of capturing Miyaguchi," the boss said.

"And how are we going to do that boss," the lady asked.

"I'm sure he'll be heading out today, so one of you should stuff a key in his pocket," the boss said.

"And where does that key lead to the boss," the lady asked.

Death's Door!

Everyone gasped.

"He'll be fighting with some mages as well as some knights so that we can examine his ability and then afterward, we will carry out the mission," the boss said.

"Moreover, I've also heard that there is a 'star' on the same door," he said as he smiled.

"The boss always has a lead," one guy whispered to his friend.

"I hope you can do that for me Misa," the boss asked as he stood up and threw the key to her

"Yes Sir!" she replied as she caught it in mid-air.

"We'll meet here again on the 18th to discuss if there are any new plans, the meeting is dismissed," the boss said.

"That's master for you," one guy said.

Tahara Kado!

I'll kill you!